Been good in my first week but not much change -why?

hollans1 Posts: 3
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone. I am new to MFP and I love it - it has helped me to focus on my health, fitness and diet more than anything else in some time.

So much so that I have been VERY good this week, exercising several times and really being careful with my calories. This is the best diet/fitness week I have had in a long time.

However, I started this week at 14 stone and have only lost 1.5lbs after being so good. I am worried that I will loose motivation if it doesn't get better than this. Has anyone else had the same experience? Am I likely to loose more next week if I stick with it?

Any advice is welcome.



  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats on your excellent week and great weigh-in. You know what they say - a loss is a loss - so good job! I know you probably wanted more but some weeks that happens. It won't hurt anything to stick with it so go with it. I, personally would continue because who knows, maybe it will take a week for your body to catch up?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    for a beginner, your first week, i would say that is a fantastic loss..i only lost about 1/2 a lb my first week..keep at it, and just a warning, there will be days, or weeks, or months you will have a plateau ( as i am on right now ) it is frustrating, but you have to remember your goal, and that is to get of luck to you :drinker:
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    1.5lb loss in a week is fine.....!! You need to think more long term and lose at a healthy rate. If you continue at this rate that will be 6lb every 4 weeks which is a good loss.
  • niciivey
    niciivey Posts: 40 Member
    I was getting very discouraged as well. Was eating right, meeting my calorie goals, working out 6 days a week for an hour and in my first two weeks I gained a total of 4 pounds. I was ready to give up, but I kept going. My third week, after not changing anything, I had lost all that I had gained plus a pound. put me only down 1 pound from my starting weight, but it was a loss, and I have been losing since. Just keep it up!!
  • Ang78el
    Ang78el Posts: 5
    HI Sarah!

    You are actually doing it perfectly! You don't want to lose more than 2 lbs. per week. so 1.5 is perfect. to healthfully loose the weight that has been put on you need to do it slowly and steadily. You didn't gain your weight in a month and you aren't going to lose it permenantly in a month either. If you loose it too fast it can cause damage to your liver and kidneys and your hair can fall out. so just keep at it, keep being good and eating right. Remember that eating the right calories is more imprtant than the quantity of calories. Eat your fruits and veggies raw as much as possible, eat whole grains, and even better is to grind them yourself. Make your changes slowly so that they stick. Don't do anything so drastic that you aren't sure you can stick with it.

    You are doing great! Just keep it up and don't get discouraged. It will take time to make the changes you want to make. But you can do it! Keep it up and Good luck!

  • icubear
    icubear Posts: 1
    Stick with it. Sometimes the body goes through a kind of shock for the 1st few weeks of a diet and it has trouble showing the scale who’s boss. Just make sure you are eating plenty of fruits, and veggies as well as drinking plenty of water; the weight will start to come off…hang in there and great job!
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    1.5 lbs in a week is great! Remember, you may be adding muscle. And also remember you need to drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of water a cannot metabolize fat without water (you may already be doing this..).
  • Yes, I have had the same problem. I have received a lot of support on here. Make sure your drinking plenty of water, exercising and stay as far away from fast food as you can. I was surprised to see how many calories and sodium are in fast food!!!! It's best to pack your food and take it with you. Also, if you cant think of anything to take with you, look at your daily food list under your foods for the day. Put a blue ice pack in there. Some of the stuff i take with me are a boiled egg, water, yogurt, peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat etc...good luck to you :happy:
  • If you are exercising more, you could be losing not only fat, but inches also..... keep at it
  • I was not losing weight for this last week but realized it's because I haven't been drinking water
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Great job. Realize this 1.5 pounds a week is a great loss. Losing more than 2 pounds a week usually means losing lots of muscle which will slow down your metabolism in the long run. Keep on doing what you are doing and realize the weight did not come in a matter of days, and it won't come off quick either. Don't let those weight loss shows like Biggest Loser be a measure of success in weight loss. They are on severely restricted diets, will dehydrate themselves during the last chance workout to get even more weight off, and from what I have read a week there is sometimes not an actual week so the contestants can pull the big numbers. 1-2 pounds a week is a healthy goal. If people were to ask me for suggestions on what they should set their goal at, I would suggest 1 pound a week unless they have more that 50 pounds to lose.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    1.5 lbs is PERFECT! You're not really supposed to lose a lot more than that per week. This is what doctors recommend. It adds up quickly and you'll continue to see results if you just keep plugging ahead!
  • cherylwhite
    cherylwhite Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with what everybody else says. You are trying to loose about the same as what I lost. It took me seven months and I never lost more than two pounds in a week, and sometimes even one or less. Just keep at it, even if your scale doesn't show a loss one week, the next week it could be much better. If you blow it one day, just start again. By Christmas you will be so happy you stuck with it, even if you aren't quite to your goal yet!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    1.5 lbs is AMAZING for a week!! Really, if you lose more that 2 lbs a week, chances are that a lot of it will be water and muscle.
    Just keep doing what you're doing. You didn't get where you are in just a couple of weeks, don't expect to get to where you want to be that fast either.

    Besides, if it's a lifestyle you can live with long term, you may not lose the weight as fast, but it'll stay off.
  • Thanks so much for the great comments - I think you are all truly inspirational!!! I will stick at it and hope to have a similar small weightloss next week too.

    S xx
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