1370 calories a day is hard!

I'm scouring the internet for meal ideas under 300 calories. I feel better if I graze throughout the day, but the calorie count makes me feel like I can have meals OR snacks - not both. Heck, even a big mug of coffee with creamer in the morning can knock 100 calories right out of my day. Six triscuits and 2 tablespoons of hummus took another 200. So there's a quarter of my day's "supply" down the drain.

I'm trying to focus on protein and fiber, so that I can feel even a little full. Drinking water, as much as I can stand. More veggies. As much fruit as I want (compared to cookies, it's a good thing). And yet I still come to the end of the day with barely enough calories for dinner.

Can anyone suggest websites or recipies for filling, low-cal meals? Are there any other strategies for feeling well-fed while eating so little? Thank you.


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    My staples are chicken, fish, eggs, brown rice, roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes, veggies. Maybe try eating a lot of small meals instead of three meals a day.
  • mbminx
    mbminx Posts: 21 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 70 pounds or so. 1 pound a week seems like a reasonable goal. 1370 is the target MFP gave me...

    I'm not exercising yet. My thought has been, if I give myself some time to get used to the reduced calorie routine, then I wouldn't be exercising on an empty stomach. I really hate exercise as it is, so trying to do something I don't like while I'm hungry and cranky is setting myself up for failure. My office is moving into a new building with a workout room in a few months, and that seemed like a good time to start that. I don't have a ton of money to blow on a gym membership...

    But if exercising will let me eat a little more? I may have to head to the mall and start walking.

    Although, I have a beef with the way MFP categorizes walking. They say 2 mph is slow. I have a 28" inseam, so for me to "walk" at 3 mph means I have to be running!
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 356 Member
    mbminx wrote: »
    I'm scouring the internet for meal ideas under 300 calories.
    Can anyone suggest websites or recipies for filling, low-cal meals? Are there any other strategies for feeling well-fed while eating so little? Thank you.

    Here's one I found: https://healthyeater.com/what_do_300_calorie_meals_look_like

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    mbminx wrote: »
    I'm looking to lose about 70 pounds or so. 1 pound a week seems like a reasonable goal. 1370 is the target MFP gave me...

    I'm not exercising yet. My thought has been, if I give myself some time to get used to the reduced calorie routine, then I wouldn't be exercising on an empty stomach. I really hate exercise as it is, so trying to do something I don't like while I'm hungry and cranky is setting myself up for failure. My office is moving into a new building with a workout room in a few months, and that seemed like a good time to start that. I don't have a ton of money to blow on a gym membership...

    But if exercising will let me eat a little more? I may have to head to the mall and start walking.

    Although, I have a beef with the way MFP categorizes walking. They say 2 mph is slow. I have a 28" inseam, so for me to "walk" at 3 mph means I have to be running!

    This makes sense and your target rate of loss is good for the amount you have to lose.

    As others have said, focus on finding nutrient dense, satiating foods for a lower calorie target. Maybe look for lower cal alternatives to creamer and use cut veggies instead of crackers. When you're ready, begin adding in exercise. I too started with just walking for 30 min a few times a week, now I average 12-15k steps a day.
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 356 Member
    mbminx wrote: »
    I'm not exercising yet. My thought has been, if I give myself some time to get used to the reduced calorie routine, then I wouldn't be exercising on an empty stomach. I really hate exercise as it is, so trying to do something I don't like while I'm hungry and cranky is setting myself up for failure. My office is moving into a new building with a workout room in a few months, and that seemed like a good time to start that. I don't have a ton of money to blow on a gym membership...

    But if exercising will let me eat a little more? I may have to head to the mall and start walking.

    You don't need to wait til you get a gym membership or your office opens a workout room. Walk up and down the stairs at your house, put on music and dance, do some jumping jacks or sit-ups in your living room. There are many ways to get exercise without leaving your house :)
  • megs_1985
    megs_1985 Posts: 199 Member
    mbminx wrote: »
    I'm looking to lose about 70 pounds or so. 1 pound a week seems like a reasonable goal. 1370 is the target MFP gave me...

    I'm not exercising yet. My thought has been, if I give myself some time to get used to the reduced calorie routine, then I wouldn't be exercising on an empty stomach. I really hate exercise as it is, so trying to do something I don't like while I'm hungry and cranky is setting myself up for failure. My office is moving into a new building with a workout room in a few months, and that seemed like a good time to start that. I don't have a ton of money to blow on a gym membership...

    But if exercising will let me eat a little more? I may have to head to the mall and start walking.

    Although, I have a beef with the way MFP categorizes walking. They say 2 mph is slow. I have a 28" inseam, so for me to "walk" at 3 mph means I have to be running!

    I hate running, most exercise classes, and steady cardio (except cycling outside). I do 30 minute Fitness Blender workouts, go on walks with my baby and dog, and hiking in the summer. You don’t have to exercise in the literal sense of the word just do some activity. Maybe find an adult sports league, try new things like hiking or biking or a new sport, or just walking. As for eating you can A) slightly increase your calories and accept a slower rate of weight loss or B) find foods that satiate you more or C) do a little of both. Maybe pick two small things you can change one related to increasing activity even if it’s just walking the stairs at work every 2 hours or something and one related to eating like trying a new recipe once a week.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    Try to make choices. If you're a grazer then take things to snack on along with low calories, like carrots, cucumber, paprika and the likes. That frees up calories for other snacks you can't do without. A coffee with 100kcal of addition is quite a lot though. How much creamer or sugar do you use? What about alternatives, like green tea, coffee without?
  • myfitnesspalsophie
    myfitnesspalsophie Posts: 79 Member
    Watch this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUGj0XyoKk4 If I gave myself so little calories then my diet wouldn't work long term, it's like setting yourself up to fail because if you go over your calories it can make you feel like you've failed when you're actually doing really well.
  • AMC110
    AMC110 Posts: 188 Member
    I started out at about 1400 calories but as I lost weight my calories have adjusted to 1200 (the minimum MFP will recommend). Limiting myself to 1200 calories was a struggle, especially over Christmas, but since losing more weight the gap between 1200 and my BMR is smaller so I feel less hungry - although I am no longer set to lose 2 lbs a week, more like 1.8 lbs.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,133 Member
    edited January 2018
    Review your food logs and start emphasizing food that leaves you more satiated for less calories.

    Weather permitting walk TO the mall. "Exercise", in the format that many people think of it, is NOT necessary in order to increase your activity level.

    Just try this for a challenge. Every hour you're awake walk at least 250 steps (for most people this can be done in about 3 minutes or less)...