The feeling will pass

The craving you are having will pass. You’ve had whatever it is before, it’s nothing new. You know what is better than that food? Saving money. Not stressing about “should” or “shouldn’t”, and instead focusing on cleaning the house or reading a book or ANYTHING else. Food does not rule your life. Don’t let it. Don’t let a diet define you, don’t let food control you, and don’t let yourself obsess about this craving. It shall pass.


  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
    Hmmm I get what you are saying but for me it’s better to practice self control and allow myself those treats that I love while ensuring they fit into my daily calories. Nothing wrong with giving into a craving as long as it fits with your goals.

    Otherwise, I’m just gonna binge later...

    I’m not saying to restrict, I’m just trying to get the point across that cravings pass. If you can control the amount you eat to appeal to that craving, great! For me, it’s hard. I’ll usually eat some grapes or something to get rid of it.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I was craving oysters so I had a whole bunch of them. They were definitely worth the money. :)
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    The craving you are having will pass. You’ve had whatever it is before, it’s nothing new. You know what is better than that food? Saving money. Not stressing about “should” or “shouldn’t”, and instead focusing on cleaning the house or reading a book or ANYTHING else. Food does not rule your life. Don’t let it. Don’t let a diet define you, don’t let food control you, and don’t let yourself obsess about this craving. It shall pass.

    Thanks!! Just what I needed to get past my craving for a fudgesickle after eating a yummy dinner with 2 chocolate chip cookies for desert. I’m so glad you posted this!