Single mom of toddlers needing to lose 100lbs..NEED SUPPORT!

I set time aside to get exercise in..just started working on when/what I eat & how much..i just give up too quickly everytime..just need friend/buddy(s) that can do this journey with me & tired of giving up as well! Or maybe its you're first go at & know you dont wanna give up no matter what! I just wanna be a success story & confidnet in myself again.


  • chrissy62510
    chrissy62510 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with you my food struggle is real i need lose 39lbs and looking to make friends.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    OMG! At first I thought you meant the TODDLERS needed to lose 100 lbs!
  • mgbekele
    mgbekele Posts: 1 Member
    You got this!! You CAN do it!!
  • GlorianasTears
    GlorianasTears Posts: 212 Member
    U can definitely succeed don't give up
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    If you can, join a gym with childcare. I think I have been enjoying my gym time, more because I am alone and doing something that is just focused on me, more than anything else. A friend of mine asked me if I got bored on the elliptical, and I said that I did not at all because I was alone listening to music. I am a single mom too. My gym is pretty inexpensive though (about $30 a month including the childcare and group classes). I lost about 50 pounds before I joined the gym by tracking my calories and staying under what MFP recommended to lose the weight. Just stick with it, because it does take a little time at first. I find it hard to exercise at home when my kids are home and awake, and mine are much older than yours.
  • Pondarosa
    Pondarosa Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me as a accountability partner.
  • StarryEyed0
    StarryEyed0 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me :)