9-5 Challenge...Week 2 (closed group)



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    When I'm riding the exercise bike, I let me ADD kick in and listen to music on Pandora and read a book. Normally it's some mind-numbing stuff I have to read for work, but now I am reading a novel. I have to be distracted from watching the clock on the bike or else I psyche myself into being too tired to go on. I read a chapter at a go, however long the chapter happens to be. Yesterday it took me 37 minutes. For the rest of my workout, including the weight machines and treadmill, I just go with the iPod in the ears.
  • scooterboy2003
    I listen to tunes in the gym and watch the road for crazies when I am on the road with my bicycle. I also watch my speedometer, odometer, and elapsed time for checkpoints to see how I am doing.
  • scooterboy2003
    I did it. Lost over 25 pounds since I decided to drop my weight. Am about 2 pounds to my challenge goal of 220. My keg is now a case. I do not think I'll ever have a 6 pack.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    haven't lost or gained...I'm still 173.4lbs.

    Slightly disappointed....but I'm going to try something different. Perseverance is key, right? :smile:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    What is our weigh-in day for here? I can't remember.
  • lmontelongo1
    I've had 2 days that have not been good at all. I started off the week awesome and the had lost a pound by Wednesday. Wednesday and Thursday I was at a retreat for work, while I ate smaller portions and tried to pick the healthiest options I was really limited. My husband and I had a heavy dinner with drinks last night. I haven't weighed in, I am just hoping that I haven't gained and need to work really hard for the rest of the week :(

    As far as workouts go, I do group training which is amazing. I try to go at least 4 days a week and I am also doing the turbo fire dvd's for extra cardio. I have been getting better results when I add in a 45 minute walk at night as well.
  • scooterboy2003
    haven't lost or gained...I'm still 173.4lbs.

    Slightly disappointed....but I'm going to try something different. Perseverance is key, right? :smile:

    Perseverance is indeed the key. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. This is a lifestyle, not a marathon. Keep it up.
  • scooterboy2003
    What is our weigh-in day for here? I can't remember.

    Mondays on a new thread that pianoraven posts. It will be labeled as week 3
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Haha...I will probably miss it entirely, like I did Week 1.
  • scooterboy2003
    one more pound until challenge weight is a reality.
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Hey guys,

    I need some motivation. I promised I wouldn't let myself get discouraged over my weight not dropping off, but I am. I clearly understand that I have excess water weight from my strength training, but will it ever come off or am I just doomed to start from where I am now and consider that my weight from now on? :(
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey guys,

    I need some motivation. I promised I wouldn't let myself get discouraged over my weight not dropping off, but I am. I clearly understand that I have excess water weight from my strength training, but will it ever come off or am I just doomed to start from where I am now and consider that my weight from now on? :(

    Jul, if you are now strength training and getting discouraged by not seeing the scale move, I would really suggest that you make sure to be measuring yourself. Lean muscle weighs the same as fat, but it is more dense, meaning you could be shrinking and never see the scale move. Don't let the scale be the determining factor in your success. Know that you are doing the right things to make your body happy and healthy, which should be our ultimate goal.
  • PianoRaven
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Tomorrow is weigh-in day: let's make TODAY count!

    Scooterboy: Way to go! You're really rockin' this challenge! Are you going to set a new goal?

    Julia: How much water are you drinking? Are you doing any cardio in addition to the strength training? Also, would you consider making your food diary open to friends? We may be able to give you some pointers.
    Soooo many factors affect our daily weight. The goal is to see a general trend downward and to not get caught up on minor fluctuations. As long as you are taking in fewer calories than you are burning, your weight will go down. Let your body adjust and get used to your new activity level.
  • scooterboy2003
    Piano raven: Scooterboy: Way to go! You're really rockin' this challenge! Are you going to set a new goal?

    Thanks PianoRaven. I will set a new challenge goal after I reach this first one. However, I did not lose any weight yesterday, so it will be after weighin tomorrow.:smile:
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you guys for the motivation. I don't have an open diary b/c I halfway log at times and I don't want people to question me so much about it. I usually do great for 3 or so days and then trail off. I've been trying to do better. I finally got a chance to tape myself today. It's been 2 weeks and 2 days since my last taping. I forgot to do it on Friday, so I'm a little late today. I'm going to aim for doing it every 2 weeks. But anyway, I lost an inch on my hips and my waist. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am beyond ecstatic. I guess it just really took a taping for me to feel better about it all.

    As far as my diet goes, I try to stay away from a lot of carbs. I have lowered my intake to 30-60 carbs a day. Just from past experience, I know what works best for my body. I have just never paired up strength training so heavily with my routine, so I didn't know how my body would react. Obviously I hold a lot of water weight. So I'm holding steady at 244lbs right now. But inches count a lot more then lbs, so I am happy with it.

    I will check in with you guys soon...see you all for the weigh in tomorrow. :smile:
  • AriannaInIdaho
    Weigh in...

    CW 319
  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    Weighing in at 188.3!! :happy:
  • vanzandtsusan
    I did horrible this week and my weight is 163.5....better luck next week :)
  • FriendsR4EverTreasures
    I joined this challenge way before it closed and my name is not on the list, what happened?
  • vanzandtsusan
    161.5 woo hoo