Ladies - would YOU tell a fellow female if her leggings were see-through?



  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    i might, depending on Stuff. but i also realised that if i was goign to say something i'd wait until i saw her preparing to leave. why ruin anyone's workout with information they can't act on until the next time they come in anyway?

    idk. i guess i'm abnormally hardy about stuff like that. getting to see someone else's undies, or more like just evidence that they're wearing them . . . it doesn't seem like the end of the world to me. it's not ideal but people are not their underwear, so i don't really get it, i guess. last time i thought someones underpants in themselves were worthy of squee must have been back in third grade. ever since then i've been sort of 'okay . . . you can't see my actual goodies though, right?' to me it's like conflating the clothing item with the body part they're designed to cover.

    like i said, i may be odd.

    Aha! Now we get back to the vpl conversation. What if they're not wearing any panties and you CAN see their- uh - goodies?

    seeing knickers is not really a big deal at all, I dont however understand not wearing any, id rather have a vpl or able to see my black granny pants through my leggings than make sure my leggings are not see through so its ok to not wear knickers
  • Girlikecupcake
    Girlikecupcake Posts: 19 Member
    Sure, but I'd find a way to do it in a way that made it clear that I'm being friendly and not at all judgmental- maybe she knows and doesn't care or intended it. I'd appreciate if someone did the same for me, because while I'm normally pretty good and only wearing my fully opaque leggings out and about, it's only a matter of time until I grab the wrong black ones or something.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    CMS_3049 wrote: »
    Nope. I get nipply when I run and sweat and I wouldn’t appreciate strangers coming up to tell me something I don’t give a %*#^ about.

    well, nipples are up front. so to speak :tongue: so i wouldn't appreciate it either since there's far less room to interpret that as the person honestly thinking it's something that i don't already know. leggings do leave room for that whole fret about whether or not that individual woman might want to be told.

    problem is, you can't tell when its' a total stranger. and you can't tell whether they'd interpret it as 'you SHOULD care' where previously they had felt fine about it. so i'd err on the side of caution. i mean, i've seen men benching in shorts that left nothing except skin colour to the imagination, but it wouldn't cross my mind to say anything to them about it.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I agree with telling the staff and have them deal with it. I would not say anything to the woman. If it's just showing underwear no big deal but if it's see through and actually can see her privates that borders on obscenity and that's management's problem.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    Even worse are bathing suits that have become transparent in the back over time. Many times I, or someone else, has told a water aerobics student about their suit. You really can't see your own back! I've never seen anyone get mad, they are just grateful someone told them. I noticed one of my mine was getting thin when I took it off in the shower - I threw it away without even taking it home.
  • BNY721
    BNY721 Posts: 125 Member
    Unless you could see her “goodies” I wouldn’t say anything...although I was wearing a tulle skirt once that I had no idea was sheer under certain lighting (I.e. Target) and two girls very sweetly came up and complimented me on how I looked, but also added that they could see through it. It was a genuine comment and I appreciated the “softening” of the “blow”. I immediately bought leggings and changed in the dressing room
    At the store! Had it been the gym I wouldn’t have cared (not concerned with panty-lines, seeing them a minute when squatting, etc) but a public store - yes.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    How could she not know her leggings are see-through? I'm guessing "see-through" doesn't actually mean "see-through".
  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    I always tell people when they have stuff in their teeth or TP on their shoe or flying low etc. I would 100% want to know if it were me, so I figure you've gotta pay it forward. See-through leggings is a dangerous one though, cause some are so egregious that you've got to assume its on purpose lol
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    How could she not know her leggings are see-through? I'm guessing "see-through" doesn't actually mean "see-through".

    Some of them don't look see-through till you put them on and do squats. And not every gym has enough mirrors to be able to see your own back side.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I would have. I have worn workout pants that were see through and I didn't know at all. They were black and didn't look see through at all when I looked at them in the mirror, however, when I was on the leg press and my legs were at 90 degrees, stretching out the material, I could totally see the skin on my thighs! I went into the locker room, did a stiff leg dead-lift and turned around, looked in the mirror and yup, see through! The worse part is that I work out during lunch at the gym that is at my work so it's people I see everyday. :o
  • itsfuntobedevilinabluedress
    I just accept that sometimes my underwear are gonna show, so I opt for fuller coverage underwear. So she could be like me and just not GAF. But I wouldn't be offended if somebody told me though.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I would say something. And would wanna be told if that was me.
  • Psalm1139
    Psalm1139 Posts: 31 Member
    I once wore leggings that I didn't know we're see through in the back. I don't wear leggings unless I'm hanging around the house (I exercise at home), but I did go out to get the mail. I was wondering disturbed/embarrassed when I went to the bathroom later and could see my underpants through the leggings!!!!

    Once I saw a last at the store with a big joke in the butt of her pants. I told her and she borrowed her husband's jacket and will it around her waist.

    I would want to know, and I would tell someone. It is really weird to me that people WANT their underwear to show... Why not just buy some booty shorts?