Shocking first day of food tracking



  • jamespatten3576
    jamespatten3576 Posts: 71 Member
    Weekends kill me. I do pretty good during the week because everything is pretty much scheduled, breakfast and lunch are almost always the same, so I'll have a 200 to 400 calorie deficit a day. Eat out just once and blow 80% of my calories for the day. Sometimes I'm over by 2000 calories in a single day on the weekend and erase any progress I might have made during the week.
  • justlog
    justlog Posts: 125 Member
    Most people have no clue - yet complain they are gaining or can't lose. Until you run the numbers as accurately and honestly as possible, the mystery will remain.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weekends kill me. I do pretty good during the week because everything is pretty much scheduled, breakfast and lunch are almost always the same, so I'll have a 200 to 400 calorie deficit a day. Eat out just once and blow 80% of my calories for the day. Sometimes I'm over by 2000 calories in a single day on the weekend and erase any progress I might have made during the week.

    It's me when I eat with friends. Bit of food here, bit of food there... ugh.
  • AnnetteJones4
    AnnetteJones4 Posts: 7 Member
    I have to agree with how mind blowing it is when you first track your food intake. My bootcamp trainer for YEARS asked me if I was keeping a food diary yet and I kept blowing him off. It does make it easier to have this site instead of having to do it in a book and find all the info. ALSO take your measurments! because if you are making changes to your eating and exercising often it doesn't show on the scale, and it can be discouraging, but your measurements can change A LOT! So at least you can realize that you are making progress. :)

    Hang in there you are doing the right thing taking care of you.

  • bretar
    bretar Posts: 4 Member
    It is a crazy eye opener. If I don't track it's easy to plateau. Like other users posted a cheap food scale is an invaluable tool :)
  • Lizi1308
    Lizi1308 Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2018
    It's crazy isn't it!?! I've been on and off MFP for a few years and I've always thought I eat pretty decent. Never fast food, no pop or candy or sweets etc, but my 1400 cal goal is HARD sometimes! I always think "oh this can't be so bad" but even though it seems healthier it's still lots of calories... makes me sad Haha I love food!

    It also doesn't help that I work out in the morning so I am CONSTANTLY hungry all throughout the day, anyone else have that problem???

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? (Or some at least).
  • berky06
    berky06 Posts: 209 Member
    In the past no matter what "program" I was using and had to track or journal my food...I hated doing it. Was such a pain in the butt! For some reason it has been very different this time around. I think I'm more serious about losing weight. It has really opened my eyes, measuring and weighing everything I eat. I have been making filling and yummy dinners with low calories and have been satisfied. It is such an eye opener. I've been doing it for almost a month and I'm so happy with my results. I even bought new measuring spoons and cups in bright colorful colors and have my scale right on the counter. Can't imagine not doing it now! I;m down almost nine pounds and my pants are looser! So worth it, in my opinion!