My food calls to me! AARRRGGHHH!!!



  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    Trigger foods can be scary to have in the house, they get loud! Take a breath, step back, and learn from it. The journey that continues has no failures, just detours., i want some ice cream now...

    Thanks! Your right! Lol, I am sorry, didn't mean to make you crave ice

    i have this problem too but mine is candy..i could eat just fine, put a bag of candy near me and its all i can think about, when i'm done eating it (the whole bag) i feel guilty...this is actually an eating disorder called Binge eating- theres a group on here for it and ive read a lot about it... i always thought " i dont have an issue" but when you find yourself hiding your ice cream wrappers (like i would do) so that no one in your house knows u ate all 6 u may wanna read it as well

    I want to join your group, I have been hiding candy wrappers and ice cream from my dog. I think I definitely have a problem...

    this is the first site i ever saw about it ... i actually came home from work one night after eating normal all day and then left work and for some reason wanted candy-- went to the gas station and bought a bag of cherry sours, some bullseye caramel things, a laffy taffy, and a box of butterfinger minis...i started on that on the way home, figured i'd already messed up for the day and stopped at mcdonalds for a double cheeseburger and fries and mcchicken with hot mustard ... after eatin all of that i got home and googled "why do i eat so much in one sitting" -- i kept finding sites about binge eating and thought "umm i dont have an eating disorder", turns out the more i read the more it sounded like those sites were speaking all about my life... i decided that i didn't want anything to rule my life so i treated my binge eating just like i would treat any other addiction ... everything still calls my name and i have to think "this is my addiction" -- i know it might sound ridiculous to think u could be addicted to food- turns out its possible
  • Trigger foods can be scary to have in the house, they get loud! Take a breath, step back, and learn from it. The journey that continues has no failures, just detours., i want some ice cream now...

    Thank you for that great information! I really believe it is an addiction. No doubt! I think when we eat certain foods, it triggers addictive behaviors in our brains. Almost makes me wonder if they are putting something in our foods? I know that sounds bad, but it does make you wonder :ohwell:

    Thanks! Your right! Lol, I am sorry, didn't mean to make you crave ice

    i have this problem too but mine is candy..i could eat just fine, put a bag of candy near me and its all i can think about, when i'm done eating it (the whole bag) i feel guilty...this is actually an eating disorder called Binge eating- theres a group on here for it and ive read a lot about it... i always thought " i dont have an issue" but when you find yourself hiding your ice cream wrappers (like i would do) so that no one in your house knows u ate all 6 u may wanna read it as well

    I want to join your group, I have been hiding candy wrappers and ice cream from my dog. I think I definitely have a problem...

    this is the first site i ever saw about it ... i actually came home from work one night after eating normal all day and then left work and for some reason wanted candy-- went to the gas station and bought a bag of cherry sours, some bullseye caramel things, a laffy taffy, and a box of butterfinger minis...i started on that on the way home, figured i'd already messed up for the day and stopped at mcdonalds for a double cheeseburger and fries and mcchicken with hot mustard ... after eatin all of that i got home and googled "why do i eat so much in one sitting" -- i kept finding sites about binge eating and thought "umm i dont have an eating disorder", turns out the more i read the more it sounded like those sites were speaking all about my life... i decided that i didn't want anything to rule my life so i treated my binge eating just like i would treat any other addiction ... everything still calls my name and i have to think "this is my addiction" -- i know it might sound ridiculous to think u could be addicted to food- turns out its possible
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Oh I know how you feel! I just cannot buy multi packs crisps, chocolate bars, or even those "healthy" muesli bars - once there's multiples, I just want them ALL
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    I hear you loud and clear! A week or two ago, I spied a bulk box of 48 2-packs of Nature Valley Honey Oat bars in the grocery for 12 dollars. What a bargain! I do sometimes pick up one of these when I'm traveling (I usually am traveling for work 2 weeks out of the month). They are calling to me constantly now that I have this huge box of them in house. I have to travel next week and was going to pack one for each day I'll be gone but I have this feeling I'll eat them all in one day. I'm doing good resisting now at home (I have had a few but not ridiculous) but it is easier when I'm home because I'm very satisfied with the healthy foods I can prepare at home. Traveling though, my food options become more challenging. The other things I have a hard time having in the house are Popchips and Veggie Straws. I always think these are great because a single portion is really voluminous and I can have one serving at a time as a treat with a sandwich, but it never works out that way. I always end up munching on the whole bag.
  • I hear you loud and clear! A week or two ago, I spied a bulk box of 48 2-packs of Nature Valley Honey Oat bars in the grocery for 12 dollars. What a bargain! I do sometimes pick up one of these when I'm traveling (I usually am traveling for work 2 weeks out of the month). They are calling to me constantly now that I have this huge box of them in house. I have to travel next week and was going to pack one for each day I'll be gone but I have this feeling I'll eat them all in one day. I'm doing good resisting now at home (I have had a few but not ridiculous) but it is easier when I'm home because I'm very satisfied with the healthy foods I can prepare at home. Traveling though, my food options become more challenging. The other things I have a hard time having in the house are Popchips and Veggie Straws. I always think these are great because a single portion is really voluminous and I can have one serving at a time as a treat with a sandwich, but it never works out that way. I always end up munching on the whole bag.

    I love those dang granola bars too! Especially the peanut butter. I wonder if you put them in the freezer, if that would help? I tired it, and it didn't work for me, I still managed to turn into a land shark and almost broke a tooth eating some. Wow, I can't believe I did that, now that I am telling you this, I realize I got a real problemo. I don;t want to have to wear dentures!!
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Its easy to overeat particularly when you confront that cocktail of your favorite foods and an emotional experience (bad day in the office or at home or with the kids whatever). My weakness is pizza. A week or so ago I binged 1800 cals on 8 slices in one go. I felt helpless but realize now that such times are blips on your weight loss journey. Relax, take your time and try to eat healthy MOST of the time.
  • This did make me laugh out loud reading it, but it is nice to know I am not alone. I too was doing awesome - then the whole bag of Hershey's Bliss gone in 2 days (so that was really falling off the wagon). That is a great idea to only buy a single serving - never really thought about that - convenience stores are such a rip, but if it keeps me on my diet - it would be worth it. I was just talking to my good friend about this very subject. I can't buy the 90 cal bars either because I eat about 4 in one day. Jello I will still buy because it is only 10 calories but I'm going to try to avoid the other "diet" snacks because I don't eat just one. Oh, and I did try the freezer thing too like some suggested and it didn't work.
  • This did make me laugh out loud reading it, but it is nice to know I am not alone. I too was doing awesome - then the whole bag of Hershey's Bliss gone in 2 days (so that was really falling off the wagon). That is a great idea to only buy a single serving - never really thought about that - convenience stores are such a rip, but if it keeps me on my diet - it would be worth it. I was just talking to my good friend about this very subject. I can't buy the 90 cal bars either because I eat about 4 in one day. Jello I will still buy because it is only 10 calories but I'm going to try to avoid the other "diet" snacks because I don't eat just one. Oh, and I did try the freezer thing too like some suggested and it didn't work.

    Some of the stores here have single servings of the skinny cow ice creams, about 5.8 ounces each. I wish all the stores would get on board with this idea
  • Its easy to overeat particularly when you confront that cocktail of your favorite foods and an emotional experience (bad day in the office or at home or with the kids whatever). My weakness is pizza. A week or so ago I binged 1800 cals on 8 slices in one go. I felt helpless but realize now that such times are blips on your weight loss journey. Relax, take your time and try to eat healthy MOST of the time.

    Thanks I needed to hear that. From now on, i am going to think of it as if I am running down the road and once in a while I will most likeley trip over a speed bump, and even thought I may do a summer salt and land on my head, I am going to get back up,, dust my self off and start running again....thanks for your great post
  • Its easy to overeat particularly when you confront that cocktail of your favorite foods and an emotional experience (bad day in the office or at home or with the kids whatever). My weakness is pizza. A week or so ago I binged 1800 cals on 8 slices in one go. I felt helpless but realize now that such times are blips on your weight loss journey. Relax, take your time and try to eat healthy MOST of the time.

    Thanks I needed to hear that. From now on, i am going to think of it as if I am running down the road and once in a while I will most likeley trip over a speed bump, and even thought I may do a summer salt and land on my head, I am going to get back up,, dust my self off and start running again....thanks for your great post :smile: