30+ Pounds Down - How I Did It



  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    You look very nice congrats on you weight loss!!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I love your story. I commented on your blog, that you look really bad-*kitten* in the Warrior Dash.

    My story mirrors yours closely, except that I haven't been able to take up the running/5k racing portion. Just doing other things. But kudos to you for ALL of your hard work!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Awesome work! You sound very happy as well as hubby. Ahhhh the benefits of the hard work! Good on you and congrats!
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for sharing! You look awesome! I'm 37 years old and my goal is to lose 33 lbs to get to 130. I am 7 lbs into it but haven't felt a difference. I started MFP after my physical therapy ended for my shoulder surgery. In PT I'd look in the mirror whilee doing exercises and realize my arms were getting more definition while the rest of me was flabby.
    I do zumba once a week and just started doing the 30 day shred...I love the burn!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    That bikini timeline is such an awesome illustration of your transformation. You look fantastic!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    awesome work....you look amazing!!!
  • mjersh
    mjersh Posts: 46
    Great Job!!!
  • Fantastic work! You look great.
  • aksingingbreeze
    aksingingbreeze Posts: 60 Member
    Great, great story! You started at a lower weight than I did, but your story sounds a lot like mine! I basically eat what I want as well, just have learned to eat more in moderation and not eat certain foods quite so often. :-)

    Congrats! You did a great job and look FANTASTIC!!
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Great job!!! Looking good!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • dinix
    dinix Posts: 1
    This is really encouraging!! Thank you!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks! :smile:

    The weird thing is... sometimes I still don't see the difference. And that scares me, because logically I *KNOW* I don't look like I did. I'm certainly not in any danger of being anorexic, because I eat a LOT of food, but I can understand how weight loss can get out of hand for some people.

    I went out with my husband tonight, and he snapped a couple of pics before we left since I was rockin' my new size 2 (TWO!?!) capris. And the first picture... it actually scared me a little.


    I thought... OMFG... where the F are my hips?! I always identified myself as being bottom heavy or pear shaped. I don't have much boobs... my hips and bum are the only curves I have, and I like them.

    But luckily, it was just the angle that made me look freakishly small. I don't have the badonkadonk I did before, but I'm not a walking candy apple, either.


    I've been very underweight before in my life. Not an eating disorder in the sense that I thought I needed to lose weight and got too thin, but I had some rough patches in my life where I had a poor appetite and could easily skip meals without feeling hungry. I don't want to go back there. I wonder which is more annoying to the Mister... how I used to ask if I was getting too big, or now asking if I'm getting too small. The answer is always the same either way. He loves ME, no matter what size I am. :heart:
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i think it'd be cool if you could share a little more about what types of exercising you were doing and how often. I think you said you ran 2-6 miles 3-4 x's a week. I do that too....and you mentioned that you do weights. I do weights but I'd like to know how much weight, how many reps, what exercises. Currently I only do bench press, suicide press, and bicep curls, then I do chin ups and yoga. But I also try to stay active in a lot of other ways. I'm just kinda frustrated cuz my weight is going down, but my belly isn't going anywhere. I want me some abs like you, girl!

    and you look amazing.

    40 is the new 20- youre proving it!
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    Ohhh, I want abs like your's! Excellent work. You look fantastic.
  • SO inspiring!! :flowerforyou:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Honestly, I don't do much with the weights. I do a round of about every machine at Planet Fitness, typically two or three sets of 10, of whatever weight I can barely do. For most arm stuff, that's 30-50#. If after three reps, it feels too easy, I raise the amount. Same with leg stuff or the ab or back... I do what's almost too hard to complete.

    And I do hanging reverse crunches (chair knee raise?) in the Roman Chair. ( http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/chair-knee-raise.html ) Between 30 and 60, in sets of ten. Ten straight up and down, then ten with my knees pointed to the left, then ten with my knees pointed to the right. Repeat if I'm feeling sadistic. And assisted pullups. I can do them easy if I use half my body weight, but I try to go for more than half.

    I'm intimidated by free weights. I'm paranoid I'll drop them on my toes. So I do the machines. I'm not sure if it's in my head or not, but I think I probably would have better form since it's a limited range of motion.

    It typically takes me a half hour to 40 minutes to go through all the strength training things, and I do that two or three times a week. I've only been doing this stuff at the gym a few weeks, so I don't know if much shows from that.

    Before that, it was EA Sports Active 2 on the playstation, with 5# dumbbells. That has some cardio (running in place, skipping), some ab stuff (planks, crunches, reverse crunches), stuff using your own body weight (pushups, mountain climbers), and stuff with weights. Probably all the same stuff in any workout dvd, but I like that it's interactive, customizable and has it's own HRM for calories burned.
  • Wow you inspire me to keep going thank you and to mention about the exercise calories I can eat them yey!!!!!
  • Mpost0036
    Mpost0036 Posts: 150 Member
    You look fabulous! Congratulations - you must be SO proud of youself! Well done!
  • zucena
    zucena Posts: 43
    great job!!!! thank you for sharing :)
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