Can't live without my white rice!



  • shiragatama
    shiragatama Posts: 33 Member
    By the chart I am technically a healthy weight, but by appearance I do have a some pudge, almost exclusively on my midsection since that's where all my fat goes. I really want to get rid of that :-(. I've heard about this thing called recomping though, which I might try once I get over my "gymtimidation."
  • shiragatama
    shiragatama Posts: 33 Member
    CyberTone wrote: »
    If you can, do a test by measuring out the weight of the rice you put in the cooker and measure the volume of water you put in the cooker. After cooking, weigh the entire cooked batch and calculate the total Calories per batch. Then scoop out a level cup. Weigh the amount in the level cup and divide the total weight of the batch by the weight of one level cup, then calculate the Calories per cup using that data.

    This is so smart! I will try as soon as I can!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    FWIW, I use to eat white rice every day w/dinner. It was a habit developed over many years starting when I was a child.

    I hardly ever eat rice any more, despite still having over 10# of it sitting around. Same applies to pasta, potatoes and bread.

    Doesn't mean that I still don't eat these things from time to time. Just a lot less than I use to because I chose to reduce my consumption of them for my own reasons.

    So, OP, it you WANT to continue to eat white rice w/in your calorie limit, there's no reason why you can't do so.

    Nothing "bad" will happen to you if you do.

    Not sure what "bad things" you've read or heard about white rice but millions (if not billions) of Asians throughout the world have been eating white rice daily for centuries w/o any reported nutritional, medical or other problems assoicated with this practice.

    So, I wouldn't worry about it.

  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I normally eat brown rice simply because I prefer the more nutty taste of it over that of white rice. If white was my preference I'd eat that instead. The difference in nutrition is minimal so preference should be the deciding factor.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2018
    It is 155 calories uncooked for 1/4 cups, (620 cal for uncooked one cup) but I don't know how that translates into cooked rice. It's easier for me to just measure cooked, since our family just makes a lot of rice in the rice cooker for everybody, which is why I've been trying to use the MFP options in logging.

    If anyone knows the ratio of cooked to uncooked rice, that would be so helpful!

    Cook one cup uncooked (dried) per whatever technique you prefer as far as water, salt, oil. Divide into four equal portions based on weight using a scale. Using four containers that weigh the same does help here. Now you know what 1/4 cup dried, cooked per your technique, weighs. Dish that out, using a scale to weigh it, out of any communal batches cooked using the same technique.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2018
    Rice cooked doesn’t matter 1 cup 46 g of carb, 3/4 cup 36 g of carbs, 1/2 cup 25g of carbs, and 1/4 cup 11g of carbs. When I logged into myp I select jasmine rice with the number correlating to how much rice I’m eating

    Even if we're only talking about grams of carbohydrate per 1/4 cup dried, no. I eat Hinode's Calrose white medium grain. It is 39 grams of carb (and 180 calories, for the record) for a 1/4 cup (49 grams) dried serving. Not 11. That is per the nutritional label on the rice itself and not some entry in some database created by some rando who is not me. Always verify database entries against the label in-hand. Always. They are notoriously inaccurate, regardless of the database, the USDA's database excepted of course.

    This inherent inaccuracy is why I have built my own database of single foodstuffs as well as recipes within the food logging platform I use. It really adds up, and covers almost everything I eat, after a couple years of doing so. Of course, if that platform ever crashes with data loss or closes, I will be S.O.L. :/
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    I eat rice almost every day (usually 1/2 cup). I eat both. When I get tired of brown, I'll eat white for a while, then switch up again. I love rice!
  • chestinator
    chestinator Posts: 16 Member
    Based on what I have read it sounds like you are a bit of a gym-a-phobe? There was a previous post mentioning how you were able to fit this into your macros on such a low calorie diet. A couple of thoughts based on what I have read (apologies if i'm off base):

    - Start going to the gym and get someone to do up a strength program for you. Cardio is nice for general health but weights predominately will determine what you look like when the weight comes off.
    - Increase your protein. To what level seems to be under debate but 1g/lb of bodyweight is good to aim for (from what I have read). Once you increase your protein to a sufficient level you might find you don't have enough room for much rice! :( This should conserve the muscle you have and you may even gain a little who knows. This in combination with losing fat will increase your body fat %. Yay! Re-comping!
    - Play around with the fat/carbs ratio and gauge how you feel. Some people feel great on low carb and some dont. Don't by into the hype of different diets, just focus on the calories in/out (and protein).
    - All this is assuming you don't have any underlying medical conditions!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,502 Member
    One thing to take into account: if TO is using a measuring cup belongong to a rice cooker then this cup might be a different size than a US cup. I just bought a small rice cooker and found that half a cup of the one that came with the cooker is about 80gr dry rice (that's my usual portion).

    So if you need the cup to measure the right amount of water then:
    put the cup on the scale, switch the scale on, put rice into cup until you have the amount that fits your calorie goal. Log dry rice in grams. Put rice into cooker, add water.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    If you're in a healthy weight range you could start on recomposition now. If your gym anxiety is small, start by going in to visit one and talk about cost, and assistance in a strength program. If that doesn't work for you. YouTube is your friend, start with body weight exercise you can do at home, and check the maintenance forum
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Nothing wrong with white rice, keep on enjoying it!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    oh i bet you can live without it, but you dont have to.

    make it fit.

    i find rice and potatoes to be a waste of calories for me, so i dont eat it very often.

    look up the brand cooked and grams ie: nishiki cooked rice gram and something should come up
  • megs_1985
    megs_1985 Posts: 199 Member
    By the chart I am technically a healthy weight, but by appearance I do have a some pudge, almost exclusively on my midsection since that's where all my fat goes. I really want to get rid of that :-(. I've heard about this thing called recomping though, which I might try once I get over my "gymtimidation."

    Recomp will be what you need. You might want to up your calories some. Maybe 1350 instead? You'll have to play around with it. I'm not a huge gym fan either but if you want advice then maybe go just to get a trainer for awhile. There are some good programs you could do at home. I like Fitness Blemder strength workouts and also plan to try Strong Curves soon. I definitely prefer strength training over long cardio sessions.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I prefer white rice also. As long as it fits in your calorie goals, you will be A-OK.
  • ljmorgi
    ljmorgi Posts: 264 Member
    Also, I noticed the variability in the MFP calories when adding rice to my diary. One said 242 calories per cup, and another said 176 or something like that. What amount of calories seems the most accurate for short grain sticky white rice?

    For greater accuracy I've started weighing my rice rather than measuring it with a cup. I still eat white rice A LOT.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you are at the lower end of your BMI and you have a little pudge in your middle you don’t need to lose any more weight. You may trim up your middle with some muscle and that will be improved by exercise.