Why am I gaining weight from more nutritious food?

lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey there! This is a bit silly but here goes. I'm 21, female and I'm about 170 cm in height (5'7?). I'm currently 80 kg (176 lbs) I've been using MFP since May of last year and so far I've lost 15 kg (about 33 lbs I think). I started eating better and I went swimming about 3 times a week and took walks. I've stopped the swimming for a while now because it's gotten very very cold where I live, and when I was walking home, my hair always froze and I got a nasty cold.

Anyway, last week I wasn't eating so well. I was too lazy to cook my own meals, so I just ate some protein bars, a few corny bars, some dark chocolate and whatever was for dinner. I was losing at least 200 gr (half a pound) per day and I was really happy about it, but I knew that I couldn't just keep eating like that because it wasn't nutritious enough. So I made a change this week.

Now I'm eating more "real" food, some nice all bran in the mornings, a bit of Greek yogurt with granola, honey and nuts, some protein bars still and what may be for dinner again. I always try to stay within my calorie goal, but sometimes I do go like 50 calories over. I'm pretty much eating again like I did before Christmas rolled around, just normal food and some nice protein.

I am doing some more intense exercises lately, been watching some videos on how to tone my abs and my legs. I don't get that sore afterwards but I do sweat a lot after these which I consider a good thing.

But for the last two days I've been gaining weight. 200 grams per day, 400 grams in total, which is 1 lb. I'm getting very frustrated, and it feels like it's ruining my progress. Am I making a big fuss out of this? I weigh myself everyday, I just have to because I'm scared that I will forget to later and I'll gain weight. It just works for me. I must admit I am a bit obsessed with it though because I weigh myself in the evenings too and well, pretty much everytime I go to the bathroom I weigh myself because I just have to know.

Does anyone else have this problem? It's really depressing. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I also feel like I should tell you that I take the antidepressant Fluoxetine everyday, approx. 20 mg a day since 2015 if I remember correctly. I have been forgetting to take it a lot the past week so maybe that is connected but I doubt it.


  • lavapixie
    lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah I know it's not healthy. I do weigh myself first thing in the morning before I do anything else and so far it has worked well. I know about the water retention and I've been wondering if that is the issue, but I drink 2 liters and sometimes more of water everyday. I am thirsty though late at night despite drinking 2 liters so I've been wondering if my body just needs more water in general than I previously thought.

    Thanks, I will consider the apps you mentioned. Thank you for the reply and I will fix my relationship with the scale :smile:
  • lavapixie
    lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah that makes sense. I had that doubt as well, but I was so happy from losing that weight so I didn't think much of it. I'm just scared that I won't be able to lose much weight for the next months because of this. I know it's normal for weight loss to slow down when you're smaller but it's disheartening to me. I recently upped my calorie intake to 1325 but after this I lowered it to 1250 calories because I was feeling frustrated. Is that maybe too little for me?
  • lavapixie
    lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah I had my TOM a week ago so I don't think it's related but I always keep my eye on that and I know that my weight fluctuates the week before and I always get super hungry.

    I know it isn't fat, but I'm just always worried about the number on the scale. It's dumb, I know and I need to get tougher, I just never want to be at my heaviest point again so I always keep an eye on it.

    I know that I can't gain that much fat in just a matter of days, I just get depressed though when I see I have gained weight in the mornings. I don't mind it if the scale number is a bit higher in the evenings, I know that it's water and food so I don't freak out about it. I do however feel bad if it's more than a kg difference between night and day though if that makes any sense.
  • coolfry
    coolfry Posts: 48 Member
    It could also be that the prepacked food had more exact calorie counts, and the way you are measuring the more whole foods you are eating now is less accurate.
  • lavapixie
    lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah could be. I do weigh my food on a scale though, so I don't know if that is the issue, but it does make sense. Some of the foods I eat aren't in the MFP registry because they are of Icelandic origin but I usually read the nutritional information and I try to calculate circa how much I eat and how many calories it has ect.

    I have entered some of the foods that I can't find in MFP registry manually or I have just found foods that are registered here that have similar nutritional value so it's probably not always 100% accurate but I somehow doubt it's the problem.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You seem to associate temporary water weight loss as a “good thing”. It’s nothing.

    Maybe set a non weight related goal, like buying a nice outfit in the next size down and checking once a month if you can fit it.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Two days is not a big span of time, really, and with a new exercise routine you could be holding on to some extra water. I would give it a month and see if the trend overall goes down. You probably don't have far to go to a goal weight, so loss is probably not going to be more than a pound a week. As you get closer to your goal it's going to be more important to be as precise as possible with logging.
  • lavapixie
    lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah I actually have my eye on some clothes that I can buy in the next size down. I originally awarded myself for weight lost by buying some clothes I want but I'm starting to think that's not the best idea, at least not right now since I'm obsessed with the scale. I am super happy though because all my pants started to fall off my hips, and I'm gonna start buying some new pants anyway and buying a few pairs in a smaller size seems like a good idea for now.

    And I still have a lot of weight to lose, about 20 kg (44 pounds) but I'm gonna try not to panic about weight fluctuation and I'm thinking I should measure my waist and my body in general more maybe. Just hope that doesn't turn into obsession as well haha. Thank you all for the replies. It put my mind at ease.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    Looking at the situation objectively, I would do two things for myself in this situation:
    1) take my medication very regularly. Set an alarm on my phone to remind myself. Certain types of medication can mess with one's system if doses are skipped or late.
    2) Weigh once a week, say, say every Sunday morning before eating.
    I know I have some tendencies toward obsession/compulsion and I find the trick is to catch myself early.
    Good luck with everything and congrats on your weightloss thus far.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    You've added more fiber to your diet and increased your exercise. So you've probably bulked up the stools in your body and you have some water weight while your muscles are recovering from the new program (even if you don't feel sore).

    Keep at it and be patient - it all comes down to calories for weight loss. Accurate tracking with a food scale is key to knowing how much you're actually eating.
  • lavapixie
    lavapixie Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah I'm using a food scale. I eat about maybe 100 gr of Greek Yogurt, add 1/2 tbsp of honey (I know it's a lot but I really love that combination) and I usually add about 10 gr of granola and 10 gr of pistachios. I usually eat around 30 gr of all bran in the morning with a splash of skimmed milk. Those keep me full for a while, plus I drink plenty of water so I'm not hungry throughout the day, though sometimes I tend to get a little hungry at night for no reason.

    I actually go over my fiber most days according to MFP so I don't know if that plays a factor in it. My stools (I know, TMI) have been less frequent though and harder to pass since I changed my foods for the past week so I think you're right that I have bulked some in my body. I think my body just needs to adjust to it like you said. Am I making sense?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    More nutritious food =/= fat loss. Calorie balance is still what matters. In the short term, you are having water weight fluctuations and you have indicated some reasons this could be happening. Less obsessiveness and more patience would serve you well.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member