I am 166.5kg with a wake up call. Any advice?

My names jay and I’m 166.5kg. I have come to the point where I can’t believe the amount of crap I have put in my body. I am now changing my life for the better so looking after my body and health for my sake and so my baby daughter has a daddy who she can look up to.

So I’m having hunger buddy tablets to help with my eating habits, having meal replacement shakes, fruit smoothies and watching what my meals are. I’m having a lot of chicken and vegetables when I have my meals, controlling the portion size and trying to eat it in more then one sitting with a gap in the middle. I have close to cut out all snacking , when I do snack it’s healthy.

Any good foods, shake ideas or advice will be welcome. Thank you


  • ejw2cc
    ejw2cc Posts: 3 Member
    I am no expert so my advice will be mostly personal – take it easy on yourself! Allow yourself a cheat meal or two a week. If you lose weight slowly but sustainably, it will make a better impact on your life. If you mess up on your diet, don’t beat yourself up, just do better the next day. Sending you strength! You can do it! Once you get used to your new habits, you’ll be golden. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • banana8200
    banana8200 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey jay, I was 225kg I’m down to 139kg. One of the biggest things that helped me was drinking more water... that saying don’t drink your calories... soda, juice and alcohol will use up a lot of your calorie intake a day
  • adarba
    adarba Posts: 22 Member
    First I'm looking at it like 166 pounds!? That's not bad but then I realized its kilograms. Yes this is going to be a difficult road. I've lost 100 pounds and kept it off for over 6 years, gained 20 back and now trying to lose it before it's too late.
    This is how I did it 6 years ago.
    I did not follow a shake or fruit or low carbs diet. I still ate everything including pizza and pasta but in moderation, moderation which I mean not going for seconds.
    I worked out 3 hours a day 6 days a week. I danced and jumped around for an hour, then got on a treadmill I bought from Walmart for $300 (invested my tax money) for an hour, then the last hour I lifted weights, by which I mean two jugs filled with water. Later I was able to afford real weights. After I dropped 60 pounds I started running. All I needed was decent pair of running shoes and off I go. No fancy gym membership, no expensive personal trainers. Just me and my legs. Before I knew it I was running 15k's. Went down from xxxl shirt to a small size. Then I hurt my knee and my world stopped as I knew it. Weight slowly crept up.
    Here I am trying to go back to my 150 pounds because I know if I don't stop it now soon I won't be able to get a grip on it.
    Message me anytime if you need to chat.