Help love food too much

I just love food. I don’t restrict but have a tendency to binge when times get tough- purely because food gives me a high.

Any tips or support from those on the same boat?

Thank you!


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I love food, a lot. So I've learned to make food I love that fits my calorie goal. It doesn't have to have oodles of calories to be delicious.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I plan satisfying meals, aim to stick to them, and then use discipline to not eat more. Sometimes I just eat more. But not always anymore. Big difference.
  • beckfarmer3175
    beckfarmer3175 Posts: 3 Member
    I need help to stop binge eating I just can’t stop it got out of control I just crave bad food biscuits chocolate etc and can’t stop myself what can I do to stop I just don’t have the willpower
  • cherrybomb333
    cherrybomb333 Posts: 332 Member
    @wibblewobblejellyontheplate @beckfarmer3175 I know it sounds like a textbook answer, but if you feel like binge eating is emotionally based, sometimes you need to get to the root of the emotions behind it. There are a lot of things you can do to distract yourself from the desire to binge -- drinking a full glass of water, forcing yourself to do something for a set amount of time until it passes, etc -- but those solutions are temporary, and eventually that urge comes back.

    I used to binge when I was feeling extremely stressed, or feeling like things were out of my control. I learned to find ways to manage that stress that didn't involve food, and it really helped. It takes time, so don't get discouraged. And don't hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I need help to stop binge eating I just can’t stop it got out of control I just crave bad food biscuits chocolate etc and can’t stop myself what can I do to stop I just don’t have the willpower
    Yes you can stop. But if you tell yourself you don't have the willpower, and at the same time rely solely on willpower, and surround yourself with the foods you love, and at the same time call them bad, then of course you can't stop.

    Plan and schedule great meals. Buy what you need for those meals, cook, eat and enjoy. Buy small amounts of any treat you like, occasionally, and eat and enjoy that too. You will se that you have tons of willpower.
  • wibblewobblejellyontheplate
    Thank you for replies I don’t call these foods bad per se, that’s what I think differs my binge eating to other, in that I’m not restricting. They become slightly bad in that I have done them just want more. I’ve been known to polish off whole packs of biscuits and bread!
  • mrsfabbanks
    mrsfabbanks Posts: 49 Member
    After exercising some willpower and discipline, I feel more confident to say no to overrating. I have to practice nmore of this in private because I've mastered eating healthy portions infront of others. It's when I get home and no one seems me sneaking 2nd or even 3rds of foods. I have been successful in the past when holding myself accountable, trying to get back to it.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    I love food too. That's why I give it the respect and appreciation it deserves, and I mostly invest in high quality foods that are delicious on a fundamental level, and not just on a cheap engineered-mouthfeel level.

    Rather than eating a large mediocre chocolate bar, I have a tiny square of very nice chocolate, and eat it with a mix of berries that help highlight the excellence of the chocolate. 3 bites of berries, one bite of chocolate. Or rather than eat a whole packet of Oreos, I enjoy just a serving (2 servings, on a really crazy day) with a cup of milk and a sliced apple, banana or an orange. It makes the Oreos even more delicious, and I savor each one rather than just cramming them in. (Coincidentally, I also get fuller quicker with all the fiber, and can count a couple of servings of fruit into my day. Convenient!!)

    I also love my body, so don't use my "love" for food to abuse it. To me, that would be like neglecting and abusing your children because you "love" your spouse so much. If you love your spouse, you also show love to his or her children, in order to honor your spouse. And vice versa.