In need of support

Hi I am in need of support for getting back in shape! I am a mother of 3 teenage boys and a wife.I desire to loose 100 lbs by the time for my health as well as just to feel good .I also am a CNA and th weight takes a toll on me physically and emotionally.I weigh 250lbs and 5ft5in.My birthday is March and I also have my Marriage anniversary comig up om Feb 8th.I would like to at least lose 2 pant sizes by then.I would ike to wow him. Please add me if you like.


  • stephanierae07
    stephanierae07 Posts: 38 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I’m down 18lbs since the end of October ‘17 and I have 17 more to my goal we got this!!!!!