New to site, but not to dieting

I stumbled across this site as an app for my iphone. I have been struggling with weight loss since my teen years (30 years!). Looking for support. I always start out great in the mornings, but end up blowing it by midday. Encouragement welcome here!:heart:


  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    welcome fellow new yorker:) u could do this. just take it one day at a time
  • balancebean
    balancebean Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you!
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I stumbled across this site as an app for my iphone. I have been struggling with weight loss since my teen years (30 years!). Looking for support. I always start out great in the mornings, but end up blowing it by midday. Encouragement welcome here!:heart:
    I have a similar problem by the afternoon...I've been trying various methods but what seems to be working is drinking more water throughout the day and consuming more fiber.
  • Rivergrrrl
    Welcome! I am new as well -- only a week or so into MFP. So far, so good. More water and fiber is good advice. I have started making sure I have easy access to healthy snacks at work, so I stay away from the vending machines.
  • Trasijocha43
    Hi and welcome, I am like you too but I think I`ve finally made a break through by getting myself stuck into a copy of the Beck Diet solution which you read as an accompiament to your diet plan. It tackles all the thought patterns to help you stick to a diet plan, I`m finding it amazing. Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck.
  • balancebean
    balancebean Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks everyone! I already do high fiber, but I will increase the water intake.