20 pounds down one month!!!

asiaards Posts: 16 Member
Goodmorning everyone :) today marks my one month mark of my weight loss journey. I’ve struggled all my life I’ve been on diets every year but none of them ever lasted. I tried shakes and pills and anything you can think of but nothing works better than a healthy diet and commitment. I also do intermittent fasting everyday. I eat within my calories this app gives me! I haven’t stepped food into a gym. But I plan on working out when I move into my house and can use my treadmill. My highest weight ever was 290 almost 300 but I’ve lost a little weight every year getting me to 264.5 on December 19th 2017 and today on Jan 19th I’m 244.0!!!! :) I am so excited to continue this journey with you guys. Just know that YOU CAN DO IT no matter how long or hard you think it is it WILL come off. l0vnyomin7su.jpeg


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Congratulations! Great work!
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    edited January 2018
    It sounds like a good first month!

    I recommend settling into a more-or-less consistent 1-2lb loss per week. In fact, I think 1 lb loss is ideal, because it is sustainable and pretty comfortable (there's always some hunger-- which sucks-- comes with the territory). It has worked for me and it can work for you, too!
  • KatieNicole95
    KatieNicole95 Posts: 133 Member
    Great job! Just think of where you will be by summer! :) Warning: it will probably slow down as you lose.
  • cizzawizza
    cizzawizza Posts: 69 Member
    Great work, well done
  • NoxeemaJackson
    NoxeemaJackson Posts: 102 Member
    Wow! I can see such a difference!
  • ymmasbear
    ymmasbear Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome! I would love to loose 20 in a month. How many calories do you eat each day?
  • toughgirl1228
    toughgirl1228 Posts: 5 Member
    That's awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • mreichert59
    mreichert59 Posts: 8 Member
    Way to go girl. Keep up the good work. Some weeks i would drop 3 lbs but most of the time it was between 1 and 2. Don't deprive yourself too much because that will cause you to get depressed and want to give up. I still can have a small piece of chocolate and i love my popcorn. I get the Orville Redeenbacher's smart pop 94%fat free the small bags. Only 100 calories. I can also have my ice cream and all those little treats i like now and then. I just plug it into my daily menus and it works out great. Another thing i do is use real butter not margarine. I find the real butter taste better and is better for you than the margarine. Margarine has too many preservatives. These are just a few ideas. Be patient and stick to it. I don't consider this a diet. I call it a lifestyle change because you are learning to eat the right way. Be sure to eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between. You need to get your metabolism going first thing in the morning. That was one of my big problems before. I would go all day without eating. Never lost a pound. Now i eat throughout the day i am never hungry and i actually eat more than i did before.
    GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!! We are all here for you.
  • MdotSole
    MdotSole Posts: 56 Member
    Yo! That's awesome. Keep pushing. I wish you the best!
  • hughjazz74
    hughjazz74 Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2018
    asiaards wrote: »

    Tell me more about your IF schedule and what you eat :) Thanks! Love to hear how IF is working for others.
  • LaurenD63
    LaurenD63 Posts: 57 Member
    Amazing! Great work, especially with the holidays in between! Keep it up :)
  • Justin741
    Justin741 Posts: 249 Member
    wow looking great, results on the scale and in the mirror!
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Congrats!!! And doing it during the hardest time of the year to boot!!! You rock! Keep it up!
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Amazing!! Keep up the great work!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Fine work young man.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Fine work young man.

    profile says female
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    you look fantastic! Certainly inspiring!
  • BulletProofSkim
    BulletProofSkim Posts: 83 Member
    That's fantastic! Well done and keep up the good work!
  • asiaards
    asiaards Posts: 16 Member

    Chin difference in the last month :)
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