I allowed myself a "cheat day" and holy cow...

It's like the "walk of shame" putting that all into my log today. It was fun while it lasted, but...sigh. My question is this: should I try and make up for some of those calories today, or just move on? I'm talking over 1000 cal over. Chick Fil A for lunch and Sonic for dinner.

I WAS out all day between my kids just needing to get out of the house and later my own school project group and running errands. So my other question is when you all know you're going to be busy and out all day, do you bring your own food? Do you just plan out what you're going to eat out? Is anyone like me thinking they'll have to skip the fast food joints all together for a while because the bad stuff is just too tempting?


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    if i know i'm going to be out all day - i try to plan - i look for restaurants that have relatively healthy options (chipotle is a go-to for me; subway etc - essentially stay away from anything fried)

    i keep snacks in my bag for on the go - so that i eat smaller amounts when i do have a meal because easier to log and track
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited January 2018
    I tend to look at the big picture and play the long game...thus, I'd personally just move on. In the grand scheme of things it's pretty irrelevant...and being 1000 calories over probably just put you somewhere around maintenance or a bit over maintenance which again is pretty irrelevant in the big picture.
  • JessRene0103
    JessRene0103 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a person that loves to research. So if I find out that I'll be eating somewhere whose menu I'm not familiar with, I'll do a quick Google search or MyFitnessPal search to see what I'm getting into. An easy rule of thumb if you can't find anything is to just eat half the meal, but you'll want to pack some healthy snacks to keep on hand to supplement! Hope this helps.
  • katlyngronwoldt85
    katlyngronwoldt85 Posts: 49 Member
    I definitely bring snacks with me and a huge bottle of water. Baby carrots, celery, cucumbers, peppers all sliced and ready to eat in a zip loc, nuts and usually an apple. If I do stop for fast food it's subway or chipotle. Its hard sometimes, but having food in the car really helps especially when you are pooped from shopping and wrangling lil ones all day! When we go to a sit down restaurant we usually try to pick one that has healthy options/lower calorie options. Most places these days have a nice selection of fit meals! When we go to the movie theatre I smuggle in my own air popped popcorn in my HUGE purse lol! My husband laughs at me! Good luck, you got this :)
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    I'd just move on. Don't beat yourself up over it!
  • starsstella33
    starsstella33 Posts: 24 Member
    I knew we were going to be eating out last Friday, so in order to not feel like crap about it, I just tried to double my working out. And I felt a lot better about it! Even just a few more minutes than normal.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I just log it and move on, otherwise I can get into that unhealthy see-saw cycle of, "I ate too much, I'll eat a lot less today." Because then tomorrow - I'll be famished and over-eat again.

    That 1000 extra is not a big deal. Eat your regular amount today.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Agree with log it and move on, and cheat meal vs cheat day if you must. Also, realize that life will continue to happen around your weight loss and adjust accordingly. Being out and about isn't really a reason to need to go over your calorie allowance. I eat a lot of grilled chicken sandwiches and salads with carefully selected toppings (fast food salads can be a calorie bomb if you're not careful!)
  • mreichert59
    mreichert59 Posts: 8 Member
    I would just move on. One day is not going to hurt you. Go back to your normal menus and you will be just fine.
  • Jeepfreak81
    Jeepfreak81 Posts: 35 Member
    One thing I try to do if I know I'm going to be eating over my calorie budget is get in an extra workout, even if I don't burn all of the calories back at least it's something.
  • NoxeemaJackson
    NoxeemaJackson Posts: 102 Member
    One day won't hurt you.
    You probably have your goals set to a 500 calorie a day deficit, whihc means you ate 500 calories OVER maintenance for that one day.
    And that's not thta much/
    It's a bad day, this is a long game, you'll be fine.
    I just ate fast food!
    My go-tos are Wendys and Taco bell!!
    Wendys chilli is great, so are their jr. burgers.
    And taco bell has chicken soft tacos fresco style at 140 claories each and bean burritos.
    I also sometimes get a side of black beans and guac.
    Not amazing, but do-able.
  • fitanastasia1
    fitanastasia1 Posts: 6 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Just move on.

    If that sort of a day happens regularly, you can have several options from the places you hit often saved on your phone and order from that list rather than choosing from that bright yummy looking big menu.

    This is a great idea for me. That's exactly what gets me: I get to the menu with good intentions and start looking at those things I love that are just not good for me and I'm a total weakling. This would help me out tremendously, not even having to look at those options. Thanks!
  • Happysoul0317
    Happysoul0317 Posts: 119 Member
    That is a bugger. I travel for work a few times a week and It is so hard to eat and not trash your whole days worth of calories.. I am trying to plan my trips ahead of time. Now I have found it easier to find a Whole Foods, or a farm to table sort of place along the way, or not too far out of my way, and I'll usually get a garden salad with a scoop of tuna or some chicken or a veggie burger (minus bread). I went over on my calories yesterday because I went on a dinner date with my hubby. It was very good, it was a "cheat day" but I felt like crap after I ate, my tummy hurt, and I had to guiltily log all of that food, which I totally did, and I totally did not need to eat even half of what I ate. It's just easier not to have cheat days I think.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Just move on.

    If that sort of a day happens regularly, you can have several options from the places you hit often saved on your phone and order from that list rather than choosing from that bright yummy looking big menu.

    This is a great idea for me. That's exactly what gets me: I get to the menu with good intentions and start looking at those things I love that are just not good for me and I'm a total weakling. This would help me out tremendously, not even having to look at those options. Thanks!

    I also want to point out that looking at a fast-food menu with an eye toward making things fit in with the rest of your day is a skill you probably haven't practiced a lot yet. You'll get better at it, and it'll get much easier. You just need some practice :smile:
  • DeanaCal
    DeanaCal Posts: 4 Member
    I actually factor in one cheat day a week, and I'm still losing steadily. And I don't call it a "cheat day" I call it a "treat day" and don't feel guilty at all. I'm trying to change my lifestyle permanently, not just until I get to my goal weight, and it's unrealistic to think I'll never go over my planned calories as long as I live.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    1000 Excess calories are easy to burn off in exercise. Well, it's easy if you spend 2 or 3 hours at it. Got time?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I usually can fit eating out into my plan, I do have a few tricks that seem to help me.

    Zero calorie drinks - eating out is usually more calories than home made food, so I go for coffee, water, diet soda, or unsweet tea and skip the extra liquid calories, I'd rather eat them than drink them.

    No meal deals - honestly at most place a burger or chicken sandwich isn't going to put me over, but a sandwich, plus fries or hashbrowns, plus pie or cinnamon rolls, or whatever sides they offer is way too much...the extras are often as many calories as just the main item, and I can actually be satisfied with just the main item and a drink.

    Go for the smaller sandwich if possible - a bacon cheeseburger instead of a bacon double cheeseburger...a 1/4 lb burger instead of a 1/3 lb or 1/2 lb burger, etc. Even the small sandwiches at most places are enough to make you not hungry, and you don't need to be stuffed if you are busy running errands and such, right?

    Child meal - if you really want all the sides, go with a child size portion, you still get to taste everything and portions of each are smaller helping to curb calorie intake. If it's a place that offers a "child" and "kid" size, stick with the smaller option.

    Delay temptation - sometimes I can tell myself I'll just get a sandwich now, and get that pie if I'm still hungry after I eat...and I'm never still hungry...I might still want pie, but it's not because I'm hungry, it's because I like pie, but it's easier to say NO to myself when I'm not hungry. So, I always start with just one thing and a drink...you can always get more if you are hungry, but it's not convenient, particularly if you are pressed for time, so that makes it less tempting. Also, if you figure out how to fit eating out into your plan better, you can eat out more, and you can delay things for the NEXT visit. Like, today I'm really hungry, so I'll get a bacon cheeseburger, but next visit, I'm going to plan to have just coffee and that new pie instead of a sandwich. Hope that makes sense it's kind of rambling on a bit.