Halfway there and need some support!

Hi, I am halfway to my goal - lost 40 pounds and 40 to go.
I've been at it for 1.5 years and I am losing steam.
In the fall I just maintained, and over the holidays I gained a few..
I want to get motivated again!

Any advice on staying on track is welcome!


  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Good morning! Feel free to add! I had been at it for 3 years lost 66 gained back 16 and just recently reset my ticker getting fresh start! It really is a day by day thing and sometimes just hour by hour!
    Wishing you luck!
  • 2BFit2017
    2BFit2017 Posts: 18 Member
    He I am just starting out. Would love the support and will give it right back! I will
    Send over a request.