Any Expats? - what do you miss most about 'home'

SwissHausfrau Posts: 83 Member
Although Switzerland is now 'home' and I haven't lived in England since 2015 I still REALLY miss (after friends) is the supermarkets there.
Whenever I am back in the UK I can be found in the nearest large Tesco/Sainsburys/Waitrose....

If there are any other Expats here... where and you from, where are you now and what do you miss from 'Home' ?


  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm from the UK, living in the Netherlands for the past 2 years and I also am a sucker for the supermarkets! Nothing on the scale of a Tesco Extra over here - and the biggest supermarkets that I've been in here only really sell foodstuffs. I do miss the idea of Tesco/Asda whatever selling EVERYTHING you could ever possibly need. But on the other hand, the quality of food here seems to be much better, especially the fruit & veg...

    I also miss hills.
  • jesuslerazo
    jesuslerazo Posts: 2 Member
    I think i miss driving to the beach and stoping to buy tropical fruits on the road
  • 1Blackshoe
    1Blackshoe Posts: 17 Member
    I am an Expat too. US, living in the Netherlands for about 18 months now. The quality of food here is amazing though it is frustrating sometimes logging accurately - finding the best/closest match. Currently not missing much from the US (other than family).
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I miss how people cherish children and family. I could not walk anywhere without receiving back pats and hearing Bella! Complimenti! Cara! Or questions of how my family and loved ones are doing.

    The produce. OH THE PRODUCE. Fresh, straight from the earth, and affordable.

    The wine. DUH. The wine was cheaper than water and pure. I miss ordering a half liter or quarter liter of house wine. I miss going to the sfuzi/wine gas station.

    The history. Everything here seems so clean and sterile to me. I miss the beauty of the rooftops and the cobblestones and the ruins. I miss the brightly colored doors and shutters and the laundry flapping in the breeze.

    I miss the smell. A combination of coffee, cigarette smoke (although, file the smoke under things I don’t miss), Italian accents (insert shy smirk here), meats and cheeses, and chesnuts roasting (in the winter).

    I miss the sound of church bells.

    The rotaries and the sanctity of the lefthand lane on the Autostrada.

    I miss the 4 hour dinners.

    I miss Christmas markets and vin brulé.

    The feeling of euro coins in my hand.

    The beautiful women in their furs and sky high heels.

    The nuns riding bikes.

    I miss the fact that no one is in a rush or in a competition as to who is busiest. I miss “la vita bella”.

    I miss the marble floors, wood beam ceilings, and shutters that could keep zombies out.

    I miss $1 cappuccinos that blew anything I’d ever tasted at Starbucks out of the water. I miss the sound of espresso cups clinking on saucers.

    The taste of gelato melting on my tongue and running all over my hands.

    The sight of people just walking in their beautiful clothing during passeggiata. Watching them stop and chat and acknowledge one another. Observing their leisurely pace.

    I miss riposo and the quiet when everyone just went home and ate and slept.

    Drinking an aperitivo and watching the kids play in the piazza.

    I miss the rocky beaches.

    I miss putting on gloves to buy produce.

    The absence of skyscrapers.

    The walking and the climbing and the fact that you could go days without having to use your car.

    I miss how much affordable lodging and air travel was. And how easy it was just to GO GO GO every weekend.

    I miss the sandwiches in Autostrada gas stations.

    I miss leisurely strolling alongside my husband every Saturday morning at the local mercato.

    I miss my family and friends that I wish I could see on a daily basis.

    Ok done my rant, in essence the reality is I miss everything!

    Switzerland sounds pretty nice.