JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    Log :) I logged but as predicted not quite so good today. But probably within maintenance calories.
    Exercise :D 15k steps today. Hope the weather is good tomorrow for another walk.
    Enjoy bday events. :D I really enjoyed today. Lots of time with the family.

    JFT 1/21
    Back on the calorie wagon. Log
    Stay green
    Walk at least 10k steps
    Fast til noon.
    Make a healthy soup for the weeks lunches.
    Tidy up kitchen
  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
    1. 20,000 Steps :)
    2. log everything on MFP :)
    3. Stay in the green :( nope by about 100 calories but I logged everything!!!!!
    4. Drink 6 bottles of water :)
    5. Do one thing on my long priority work to do list :)

    1. 16,000 Steps
    2. log everything on MFP
    3. Stay in the green
    4. Drink 6 bottles of water
    5. Plan Family trip
    6. Do one thing on my long priority work to do list
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited January 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water :)
    2. Miss Thea for sleepover :)
    3. Studio time :)
    4. Brush and Floss :)
    5. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Sunday
    1. Water
    2. Return Thea home
    3. Groceries
    4. Brush and floss
    5. Bed by 10:30
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Saturday, 1/20/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :) (It was close, but I made it by the end of the evening.)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :) (Just barely, went out to dinner, so this was tough to do today.)
    4. Fit in some kind of exercise :) (Not as much as I would have like to, but I got a little in.)

    JFT (Sunday, 1/21/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Go for a walk
    5. Groceries
  • jemalme
    jemalme Posts: 35 Member
    JFT - 1/20/18 recap
    Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    Log all food eaten :)
    Meditate for 10 minutes :)
    Get 10,000 steps :) Had to do laps around the living room again tonight, but that's okay. I made it!
    No fast food (I've already planned out my food for the day) :D I am very pleased to report that I resisted temptation, even while going through the drive thru with my son!

    JFT - 1/21/18
    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Log all food/stay in the green
    Meditate for 10 minutes
    Get 10,000 steps
    Take some time to read 'Soulful Simplicity' today
  • jemalme
    jemalme Posts: 35 Member
    hraasch12 wrote: »

    1. Stay under calorie goal
    2. Eat 3 servings of veggiea
    3. Study for exam on Tuesday

    I like the veggie goal! I think I need to incorporate this at some point going forward. Thanks!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited January 2018
    Checking in from Saturday:
    1. Log everything. ❌ Only eat what's logged.
    2. Zumba at 8. ✔ Yoga after Zumba. ✔ Take mom to gym. ✔ Meet B for lunch. ✔
    3. Grocery shopping. ✔ Fold laundry. ❌ Purchase director gift. ✔
    4. Finish Week 3 plans. ❌ Fill out masters application. ✔ Comment on ONE blog and include link to mine. ❌ Set backup for Monday? ✔
    5. Complete all learning habits: Duolingo, ✔ blog post (Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Mood), ✔script review, ❌ WRITE THE THING. ❌
    6. Take meds after dinner. ✔ Steps to 11k. ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; ✔ in bed by 10:30. ✔

    JFT Sunday:
    1. Prelog everything today! I can do it! (I hope...) Eat only what's ALREADY IN the food diary.
    2. Finish week 3 plans. Comment on ONE blog and include link to mine. Add "Weekly Backup" to Monday's JFT.
    3. Complete all learning habits: Duolingo, blog post (Five Songs That Make Me Push Myself), script review, continue writing The Thing.
    4. Gym for Day 1 strength. Steps to 7k. 2 sets body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts).
    5. Create "Classroom Mix" playlist. Input Plated recipes. Fold laundry. Write 4 thank-you notes and glue to K-cups.
    6. Make frittata. Chop celery. Portion cheese. Prep lunch and breakfast for tomorrow. Reduce coffee.
    7. Take meds after dinner. Steps to 11k. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Jan 31 goal - PREVIOUS:
    170. That's a 1.5 lb/week drop from a start of 175, which makes the math a little easier!
    Jan 31 goal - REVISED:
    173. *sigh*
    Goal for 1/22:
    176. Today: 176.4. IF there's another whoosh tomorrow, I could conceivably make it. I have NO idea why it's been so much harder to drop weight this month than it was last month or the month before. It just feels like every day is a constant battle between me and my entire body.

    @toaljasa - you mentioned ordering groceries from Walmart. Does yours allow you to order produce, dairy, and freezer items? I looked into that, but easily half the items on our weekly list are ones we'd have to go into the store to get anyway. Every time the ad for it comes on and says "we can pre-order all our groceries and just go pick them up!" I actually get a little bit angry because it LIES TO ME! ;D

    @MLHC1 - Dang, you handled that with significantly more aplomb than I would have. I enjoy waiting for the rant to peter out, and then let a beat go, and reply with either "What's wrong with you?" or "You should be ashamed of yourself." In this case, I would have been tempted to hit back with BOTH. Grrrr.

    @Pshizzo and @jemalme - You mention meditation, which is something I'm interested in starting. Any suggestions?

    Edit: Checked the weather. It's supposed to be really nice this afternoon, so I'm going to plan for a walk to and around the park instead of going to the gym. Woot!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Checking in from Saturday:
    @toaljasa - you mentioned ordering groceries from Walmart. Does yours allow you to order produce, dairy, and freezer items? I looked into that, but easily half the items on our weekly list are ones we'd have to go into the store to get anyway. Every time the ad for it comes on and says "we can pre-order all our groceries and just go pick them up!" I actually get a little bit angry because it LIES TO ME! ;D

    Edit: Checked the weather. It's supposed to be really nice this afternoon, so I'm going to plan for a walk to and around the park instead of going to the gym. Woot!

    Yes, I can get all my food items and more through the online grocery. One of our sons lives in a small town that has a superwalmart that does not offer this, but does offer free pick up. This means that if you order something, say a comforter, online, and have it delivered to the store it is free shipping. I found this out when I tried to place a grocery order while visiting him. I just found out another grocery store here in town offers the same online grocery shopping then pickup. So you might check with you other grocery stores. I have to tell you, it is nice to zip into the designating parking, get my groceries and zip on home without getting out of the car! If I was still in the baby season, I would do this all the time.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @jemalme I was intrigued by your goal to read Soulful Simplicity, so I went online and ordered it! :smile: Last year I read Simple Abundance, and I'm actually reading it again every evening because there are so many wonderful ideas in it, but was looking for something new this year. Thanks for the tip!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Today (Saturday):
    • Eat mindfully, while seated, and log every bite :)
    • Drink at least 64 oz of water. :( I'm thinking I might need to go buy 2 red cups to sit out like @joan6630!
    • Read my index cards and next chapter in Beck's Diet Solution book. :)
    • Activity - maybe get outside. I think it is supposed to get into the 30's today! :)
    • Hand weights 10 reps for each set :(
    • Listen to Optimal Living Daily and Optimal Health Daily podcasts :(
    • Read Simple Abundance for today and write in gratitude journal :)

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @joan6630 and @OConnell5483

    How are your bullet journal books going :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    JFT, Saturday
    1 . log all food :) I am trying to concentrate on MORE protein, especially with snacks.
    2. drink water :) Over 8 cups!!!!
    3. go to the gym --- already did this :)
    4. read and do something positive to keep positive thoughts :) All I had to do was read this thread! thank you all for the words of encouragement, and just for posting your own goals. Such a positive, encouraging thread!
    5. write all the things I am grateful for :)
    6. wait 10 minutes before giving into something to eat -- and if I do, make it a hard boiled egg or yogurt only :) Made some hard boiled eggs, and bought lots of high-protein yogurt to eat when I want to eat something
    7. get back on here - be accountable.. :)

    It was a busy day yesterday - went to the gym, and because it was near 60 degrees, went for a nice walk, worked on my quilt, cleaned house, and got a lot of the business taxes done. This is the time where our marriage is tested ;) HATE doing our taxes because we have inventory, and it is a nightmare ..... and hubby keeps changing things around!! But .... we got that part done at least. Now to get the rest ready. But today, I am going to try again and get outside .... nothing like some fresh air and sunshine

    JFT, SUnday
    1. plan this weeks meals .... at least semi-plan the dinners
    2. log all food
    3. concentrate on water. Remember what my red cups are for
    4. go out for a bike ride, or long walk
    5. work on my quilt
    6. work more on taxes
    7. get back on here tomorrow -- be accountable
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @joan6630 and @OConnell5483

    How are your bullet journal books going :)

    HA --- the book is so pretty, I don't want to write anything in it yet!! But ... I'm not sure how to use it yet!! I have to read the front pages to see how it works. I've never really done a bullet journal. Are you using yours? Can you tell me what you write? It is suppose to be things to do in a month, etc??
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    [*] Drink at least 64 oz of water. :( I'm thinking I might need to go buy 2 red cups to sit out like @joan6630!
    [*] Read my index cards and next chapter in Beck's Diet Solution book. :)


    These little red cups have helped me a lot!! I always like ice cubes in my water .... hated warm, tap water. But now, everytime I go in the kitchen or the bathroom, I am able to just gulp down regular tap water! Hoping I can keep this up. My red cups are just the cheap plastic disposable cups that I got a big bag at walmart.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited January 2018
    Just for Sunday:
    • Activity. At least one minute longer than last time.
    • Hand weights 10 reps for each set. Twice today.
    • Water. Increase at least one 8oz cup more than yesterday.
    • Journal every bite.
    • Prep for tomorrow, today.
    • Catch up on my podcasts!!!
    • Read some of the Soulful Simplicity book tonight, along with Simple Abundance and gratitude journal.
    • Cheer on my football teams in the playoffs!!! No mindless snacking! Prep snacks beforehand.
    • Bed at 9:00 unplugged to read.
    • Do not hit Snooze button tomorrow.

    This week, I will:
    • Color my hair
    • Declutter one space (cupboard, drawer, closet, shelf, desk, bar area in basement)
    • Update my bullet journal's to-do list
    • Pay bills
    • Meal Plan for week
    • Find one new crockpot recipe to make this week
    • Set up sewing area and continue working on baby quilt *Priority*
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @joan6630 and @OConnell5483

    How are your bullet journal books going :)

    HA --- the book is so pretty, I don't want to write anything in it yet!! But ... I'm not sure how to use it yet!! I have to read the front pages to see how it works. I've never really done a bullet journal. Are you using yours? Can you tell me what you write? It is suppose to be things to do in a month, etc??

    I JUST got the gold bullet journal yesterday finally! I also have the pink one that @joan6630 got. I couldn't decide which to get so ordered both. (I'm a putz, I know.) Anyway, I am also not sure what to do with them. I have to take the time to sit down and look at them.

    The bullet journaling I HAVE been doing is just in a plain notebook I bought at Michael's Crafts store. It's about the same size but it has a pretty hard cover on it and it's like a spiral notebook. I have been using that for weeks now. I started it while I was waiting for the other two to come in the mail. I find it really helpful. I have my To-Do list, my Books to Read page, my monthly calendar drawn in with birthdays on it, then the week view where I pencil in appointments and things on each page and write down my weight at the beginning of each week... If I don't finish a task one week, I forward it to the next week. So, since that one is going so well, I haven't taken the time to dig into how to use the other one yet. I am hoping to look it over this week now that I have more of an idea of what I want to keep track of!

    How is yours going, Bex?