Anybody else set low weight loss goals...

I have about 30 lbs to of this morning I weigh 181.5 my goal is to be at 172 by June 30th then lose another 10 lbs by December 31st. Slow but for me that seems to work.

I like setting low expectations because then I find it less overwhelming and it allows for some lenience for the occasional off day, etc.


  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    It can definitely work for some people.

    I prefer setting lots of mini-goals and deadlines for myself to keep myself on track. Otherwise I get lazy and slowly end up eating at maintenance (or higher). I don't have a lot of weight to lose, so it's easy to get complacent since I'm already a healthy BMI. I need to keep myself focused to get those last 15lbs off!
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    I have 10 lbs to lose by the end of this year. Taking it slow and steady. I'm in no rush .. but I'm also at the very end of my weight loss journey so I don't think this would be the case if I had 100 lbs to lose.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I'm hoping to lose about 30 pounds total this year as well! I decided early on that I was going to aim for the end of 2018 as a rough goal, giving me two years to lose 73 pounds. So far that's treated me pretty well - I lost about 40 pounds last year before taking a holiday diet break, and am back on the deficit train as of earlier this month. When I was looking forward to 2018, I also decided that I will probably not want to go much lower than an average net 1650-1700 calories a day (last year I averaged over 2000/day). We'll see how that goes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I put on about 10 Lbs every winter and strip it off in the spring...takes me about 2 months and isn't particularly painful...I can't imagine taking 6 months to drop 10 Lbs.

    During my initial weightloss, I didn't really have a time frame...I lost 40 Lbs at an average rate of about 1 Lb per week and that's basically what I shoot for in my spring cut.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,051 Member
    I don't do deadlines or any goals beyond where my maintenance range should be.

    I do want to see a downward trend. Right now, I'd like to see it a little faster than it is, but trying to determine if that's a realistic goal or not. Either way, the overall is what counts for me.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    And just to point out, sometimes what is "slow" is actually "mandatory for health". There are some times that the difference between the calories you need to eat to stay healthy and lose weight and the ones to maintain your weight is not enough to have the big pound losses per week. I.e. your TDEE (BMR + exercise) might be 1800 (to throw out a #). To lose 2 pounds - which is thrown out there as the "healthy max" - you would have to eat 1000 calories less than TDEE per day. That takes you to 800 calories, which is definitely an unhealthy # of calories for the general population. So for this person they will have to lose in the 1 pound a week range to stay above what is considered the healthy minimum for a woman (1200 calories).
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    I initially had my profile set to 1.5 lbs per week, but just recently changed it to 1 lb per week, to slow down a bit. Also, I'm trying to lift weights, so that is another reason I put it at 1 lb per week, to add a few more calories in per day.

    I started at 210 about a month ago, I'm down to 204 now. My goal is around 185 - 190. Once I hit 199, I'm going to drop my profile down to 0.5 lbs per week.
  • bcradio1
    bcradio1 Posts: 43 Member
    The problem with all of this is that it is impossible to tell how many pounds you need to lose to get the look you want to get. I thought I had 20lbs to lose, but almost 40lbs later I am still not there yet.

    I simply aim to lose 1lb per week until I am done.