Water makes me sick, what should I drink?



  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    SteamPug wrote: »
    If this is something common enough to affect both you, your husbands family and your son, how have you not visited a professional to see what it is?

    Have you tried adding squash?

    It affects the adults so little they never even thought to mention it to me. :s The first time it happened to my pre-verbal baby it scared the life out of me and I just about set a land-speed record getting to his pediatrician's office. He had barely touched his breakfast, so I tossed a sleeve of crackers in the backseat with him just in case he might eat them, and by the time we got to the office he was 90% back to normal.

    It wasn't until my husband SAW it happen that he even remembered there's a reason he doesn't chug water first thing in the morning (he purposely triggered it to get out of school once or twice--he'd go home and have a piece of toast and enjoy the day--but otherwise hasn't experienced it since he was little).

    Everyone's tests are normal and it's super-easy for them to control once they know about it, but now that my son's 5 I found out he'd started thinking "a lot of water makes him sick," so he'd been purposely restricting his intake. We sorted that out, of course, but remembering that and reading this OP made me wonder if there might not be a pattern to the nausea (perhaps unnoticed so far) that could help a doctor to narrow down what's going on here. It seems really strange to me to just never be able to drink plain water under any circumstances, and that's coming from someone who has actually seen water make people throw up, is all.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited January 2018
    Can you add Mio or other flavor-enhancer and drink it?

    I can't drink cold water on an empty stomach or I'll get sick. Any other time is fine, and room temperature water is fine. But cold + empty stomach = sick.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    La Croix ! its great
  • BeauHg
    BeauHg Posts: 9 Member
    vingogly wrote: »
    You ABSOLUTELY need to talk to your doctor if drinking water is causing you to vomit and you're having stomach pains. It could be many things, some of them serious - and it's not normal. Looking for a "magic" solution here rather than seeing a professional is gambling with your health.

    If you like milk and soda, drink diet soda and low-calorie nut milk. I like Blue Diamond almond coconut blend, unsweetened vanilla, 40 calories per cup.

    I’m not looking for a “magic” solution I’m just looking for good substitutes for water
    And it’s not like I haven’t talked to my doctor about it, this has been going on since I was young so it’s nothing new
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Mio/Crystal Light has lots of yummy flavors. :) I rarely drink "plain" water, I usually drink tea or Mio.
  • evastar
    evastar Posts: 32 Member
    Try sparkling water nice and cold, especially flavoured ones. I also use Crystal Light powder in water, or I drink diet pop :)
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    My ex sister in law has this issue too, but since she's an ex, I can't really ask her medical history on it, lol. She was fine with carbonated stuff,or things like Gatorade though.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Ask your doctor.

    This. Every thing I can think of to suggest -- diet soda, tea, flavored water, whatever -- is basically water with a little something in it (so is lemonade, though), so it doesn't make sense to me and I'm not sure those are good suggestions if water makes you sick. I would totally talk to your doctor.
  • BeauHg
    BeauHg Posts: 9 Member
    BeauHg wrote: »
    vingogly wrote: »
    You ABSOLUTELY need to talk to your doctor if drinking water is causing you to vomit and you're having stomach pains. It could be many things, some of them serious - and it's not normal. Looking for a "magic" solution here rather than seeing a professional is gambling with your health.

    If you like milk and soda, drink diet soda and low-calorie nut milk. I like Blue Diamond almond coconut blend, unsweetened vanilla, 40 calories per cup.

    I’m not looking for a “magic” solution I’m just looking for good substitutes for water
    And it’s not like I haven’t talked to my doctor about it, this has been going on since I was young so it’s nothing new

    Well what have the doctor's suggested... Do that.

    Noel_57 wrote: »
    If you have a genuine medical condition where you supposedly become sick when you drink water, I'm puzzled as to why you would ask for advice from strangers on the internet? Consult with your doctor or with a registered dietitian.

    Again I’m not asking for advice on how to fix my ability to drink water. I’m looking for substitutes that I can drink that are not as heavy in carbs as soda is
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    BeauHg wrote: »
    JidGod wrote: »
    What about water makes you feel sick? Water is in everything that you drink. Maybe you should check your water source to see if it is unclean.

    As for something to drink as a substitute, I would recommend sparkling water with a lemon or some other fruit squeezed into it. That way you can fool yourself into thinking that you're drinking a soda but it's a much healthier alternative.

    It’s from any water source I drink from. Tap, bottled, purified... any kind makes me sick
    And thanks for the advice!

    What about cold water, similar to soda from the fridge, carbonated water, warm water?
  • layladrew26
    layladrew26 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't think you have to drink pure water. I only ever drink black tea with milk and have 8 mugs a day. I occasionally have a mug of black coffee with sugar if I need a pick me up (I work nights). The only time I drink pure water is if I have a hangover or after a workout but it has to be cold or it'll make me feel sick too. Its never done me any harm and I am not dehydrated (you can tell by the colour of your pee, right?)
    I say drink what you like the taste of and what quenches your thirst but easy on the sugary drinks (lots of empty calories).
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited January 2018
    BeauHg wrote: »
    SteamPug wrote: »
    This whole thread is so weird. OP the only suggestions you’re gonna get are people listing everything liquid that isn’t water - which you can just do a quick google search for: tea, soup, squash, diet soda.. but like everyone else has said - you need to get an actual diagnosis from a doctor because not being able to drink any water is weird as heck, unless it’s a psychological thing in which case see a therapist?

    I wanted suggestions about what’s healthy to drink, not just any kind of liquids


    Do not need to demonize beverages. I get not wanting to drink beverages that contain calories, is there any thing you were consuming you classify 'healthy' before starting weight loss?

    Anyways, your choices are in the form of diet, like diet sodas, unsweetened tea, coffee, milk, nut milks, Sugar free Gatorade, etc, etc. etc. The foods you eat contain water as well (fruits, veggies) etc. Broth/soups these all contain water.