This is why I don't weigh myself everyday......

I weigh in on Friday, only because that is the day I started MFP. It has worked for me so far. Well, the ugly part is that yesterday was an active, shall we say "elimination" day so I though I must have lost more weight. I have struggled with some constipation for 2 weeks and also excessive sweats. So I jumped on the scale this morning only to have gone up the 1.6 pounds I lost on Friday's weigh in! How "f"ed up is that? Am I retaining water now too? Was Friday's weigh in a joke? Yesterday was my worst sweat day in a week and I tried to keep up with the water intake. So, now I feel like a dufas for not sticking to my own rule of weigh in once a week.
good times~


  • littlewords
    I weigh myself everyday, knowing perfectly well that is very easy to "gain" a pound or two in a day (and that it could be water weight, etc). All that does for me is strengthen my resolve to pay attention and do better today and tomorrow and the next day.

    In fact, during this week, I gained a pound or so, and then another, and you know what? Then I lost a pound or so, and then another. By the time a whole week has passed, I should be right back where I started, or hopefully down a half a pound more.

    Would this have happened anyway, if I only weighed myself once a week? Perhaps.
    But I know myself, and it is easy to put blinders on, and forget that I had one bad day and let it turn into two or three.
    Daily weigh-in works for me, because it keeps me actively involved every day, rather than allowing me to become complacent for six days in a row.
  • Flyingjester2k1
    Flyingjester2k1 Posts: 19 Member
    It's definitely best NOT to weigh yourself everyday. A persons weight will fluctuate daily by several pounds even if you're not dieting/exercising. weighing yourself once a week or once every other week will give you a more accurate picture.
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    Some weight loss programs suggest that you weigh yourself every day and then get your average weight for the week. This takes into account the fluctuations. Occasionally I do weight myself more than one day a week, I find it helps keep me on track.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, knowing perfectly well that is very easy to "gain" a pound or two in a day (and that it could be water weight, etc). All that does for me is strengthen my resolve to pay attention and do better today and tomorrow and the next day.

    My exact same way of thinking.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I weigh myself everyday - it has helped me learn all about my body's normal fluctuations (and this helps prevent freak outs...). I've learned what foods make me see a gain or a loss on the scale. I know how much water my body needs for me to drink to keep myself "flushed out" and to avoid water retention. I've learned a lot about my body by weighing everyday. BUT. I am the first to admit that weighing everyday isn't for everyone.

    Don't worry what the scale says today if Friday is your weigh in day. Fluctuations of up 5lbs can occur from the morning to the night on the same day. Don't fret. It'll be okay. Only worry about what the scale says on Friday.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Anyone who's weighed in often enough will tell you that different days you weigh differently- Sat-Mon are typically high weight days for me and Wed-Fri are my low days. I'm not sure what drives this, but that's how it happens for me. I would say not to panic until you put together some more long term data.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    Your muscles are probably holding onto some water due to your big workout. Don't worry!
  • janiecorona
    I have to hide my scale so I don't weigh myself everyday. Lol. It's hard not to peak a sneak at it.
  • radio_flyer
    It's definitely best NOT to weigh yourself everyday. A persons weight will fluctuate daily by several pounds even if you're not dieting/exercising. weighing yourself once a week or once every other week will give you a more accurate picture.

    I totally agree with this .... it's just a bad idea -- and then, if like in your case today, it's not what you want to see -- it sets the mood for the rest of the day.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    It has got to be water weight! You would have to eat 3500 calories and not do anything to gain 1 lb.
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    I agree. If I weigh myself every day I get upset. It fluctuates a lot. Just weigh yourself weekly. Added pounds may be from water retention or food digesting in you still.
  • lgubbels
    lgubbels Posts: 27 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but only to keep myself in check so I know I'm not going totally overboard. I know, though, that there will be variations due to what I ate the day before or how little I exercised or water gain or whatever. The other thing I do is weigh myself at roughly the same time every day, give or take an hour tops, always after I have been up for a little while, have been to the bathroom, and haven't eaten anything yet.

    So, I wouldn't worry about being up 1.6 today, because tomorrow you very well could be back down to your lowest weight and maybe even lower. I have definitely have had days like that but don't get discouraged. I celebrate the losses with a YIPPEE and brush off the gains knowing it will change and I am still being healthier.
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    Your muscles are probably holding onto some water due to your big workout. Don't worry!
    I agree. I went bikeriding for almost 3 hours and thought I would have lost and instead gained 2 lbs. Eventually lost it but I was like, "what the heck!" Had to be muscle gain. I do see that from time to time when I exercise ALOT! Now it doesn't bother me so much.
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    Yes, it does set the mood! And I keep thinking about it. But I have been good, not going over my calories, exercising and tracking so....not going to worry-thanks everyone.
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I weigh myself everyday.. sometimes multiple times a day. Its just my personality, I cant help it. LOL But I know that your weight goes up and down and up and down.. everyday. Normally within a 1 - 2 lbs range. I know when I step on the scale and its OVER what It should be.. that I should work harder or keep up what im doing. And I know when I step on the scale and its UNDER what I thought it would be, that its a damn good thing that Im working hard and that I should keep going. The scale keeps me motivated most of the time. Don't let this get you down. I'm sure its just your body doing its normal up and down and you are just not used to it because you only weigh in once a week.

    Good luck!!
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    I weigh myself once a week on a specific day and time, my weight fluctuates daily so it drives me crazy seeing losses then gains, with doing it once a week I am happy to see my outcome.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    Every1 is different I've gone through months of constant loss up to 10 pounds a months at times it matters on your commitment ,calories,type of calories eaten ,exercise,and proper nutrition,I weigh inn more than 4 times a week,I've hit my goal but I'm trying to keep track of muscle growth& muscle density can change your weight drastically,so can super high calorie workouts,high intensive cardio can raise your metabolism for up to 48 hours after work out ,the more serious u commit yourself you cam and will see loss in. Weight daily! I have witnessed it 1st hand,provided you have a reputable scale,I use a healthometer that was recommended by my doc. Check out my profile i have pics I've lost 100 pounds since 10months ago. 2500803.png
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • FA_45ACP
    Also don't forget that your cheap bathroom scale on your uneven tile floor isn't exactly a precision instrument. Anybody who has taken chemistry class knows that the accuracy of your balance (scale) depends on a lot of factors.

    1) Quality of the scale: If you bought your cheap walmart scale with a +/- 2lb margin of error that could also influence your measurement. Generally more expensive scales are more accurate but who wants to buy a $100 scale? Just weigh yourself once a week.

    2) The surface that the scale is on. If you have a slanted floor or uneven tile. If you tuck your scale underneath your bathroom cabinet and pull it out, that takes the scale out of calibration. Also it won't be in the exact same spot it was last time you weighed yourself. In our lab, we have our balances in a different room separate from the general lab. They are placed on perfectly (well as best as humanly possible) level, solid tables, and they are covered with a glass box so wind doesn't effect the reading.
  • Chainsaw_Flowerchild
    I weigh myself everyday, knowing perfectly well that is very easy to "gain" a pound or two in a day (and that it could be water weight, etc). All that does for me is strengthen my resolve to pay attention and do better today and tomorrow and the next day.

    In fact, during this week, I gained a pound or so, and then another, and you know what? Then I lost a pound or so, and then another. By the time a whole week has passed, I should be right back where I started, or hopefully down a half a pound more.

    Would this have happened anyway, if I only weighed myself once a week? Perhaps.
    But I know myself, and it is easy to put blinders on, and forget that I had one bad day and let it turn into two or three.
    Daily weigh-in works for me, because it keeps me actively involved every day, rather than allowing me to become complacent for six days in a row.

    Exactly the same for me. Hitting the scale before I go to the gym keeps me on my toes and gets rid of the big surprises at the end of the week.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Right now, I weigh every couple of weeks, on a Sunday morning.
    I understand that maintainers might weigh more often, to keep on track, at least until they are sure their weight is stable.
    Weighing is definitely a personal preference!