350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • alevans4
    alevans4 Posts: 37 Member
    That's an amazing loss Bert! Wow. I can't even imagine how hard it was to start at 603. Fantastic job.
    It's not something I ever expected to do! I honestly thought I was about 500 and then I got on a scale. Talk about a kick in the pants. Four months later here we are :smile:

  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    Randy: great job; I will be checking that book out! JoAnn: Lowering your insulin is an awesome benefit to your weight loss! Bert: very inspirational! Keep it up! :)
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t been around the past couple of days! Welcome to all of the new posters @alevens4 @PQ4321 @BigRR hope I didn’t miss anyone! You guys are all rocking it! It is a rainy, messy morning in my part of the world, but the scales were down a pound this morning and I’ve got my healthy lunch in the work fridge.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    @alevans4 I know that feeling very well. Thought I was about 250 only to weigh in and realise I was 325. Scary times. Still it's all going in the right direction now!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    I think that is probably more common than we think. I was about 50 pounds heavier than I thought (and I wasn't happy about the weight I *thought* I was!) That's why I am setting smaller, more manageable goals for myself so I don't get overwhelmed by the big number I want to lose :)
  • alevans4
    alevans4 Posts: 37 Member
    I think that is probably more common than we think. I was about 50 pounds heavier than I thought (and I wasn't happy about the weight I *thought* I was!) That's why I am setting smaller, more manageable goals for myself so I don't get overwhelmed by the big number I want to lose :)
    I agree. It seems to be a common thread. We get in the mindspace where we don't really want to deal with it. For a couple of years there were a lot of things telling me reality didn't match what my head was thinking.

    @kimbarbato Needing new pants had a very big part in kicking off my latest round of weight loss as well :smile: Another one of those unwelcome surprises when you realize the size you need.

  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    @jules81 Welcome! You’ve come to the right place. Even if you don’t get to your exact goal this year, you WILL make progress if you keep to your plan. It sounds like you have overcome a lot in the past couple of years. This is a great place to find support and people who understand.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    @jules81 Hi and welcome! I seriously considered asking my GP for WLS. I even spoke to him a few months ago about it. He gave me some pills that give you diarrhoea if you eat fat and said to come back when I'd tried those. I haven't been back. Possibly because I couldn't work up the nerve to. Anyway in the mean time I found MFP again and decided to give it another go. I've gone from 325 a few weeks ago and I'm now 294. All I'm doing is a 5:2 fasting and eating under my MFP calories on my non fasting days. It's melting off and it's actually been pretty easy. If You want to add me as a friend I'm happy to support you.

    Top tip of the day from me.. try Cloud Eggs from the blog! They're fab, yummy and very filling and only 97 cslories! Good luck, you can do it.
  • jules81
    jules81 Posts: 83 Member
    edited January 2018
    Thsnk you guys xxxx

    I had the pills hunny orolist or something like that. That's a fab weight loss hunny. So you eat your my fitness pal cals 5 days a week and then 2 days a week have 500 cals?

    Off to find cloud egg......

  • lmcclatchie
    lmcclatchie Posts: 14 Member
    I'm really glad I spotted this thread today. You all are incredibly inspiring.

    My name is Laura. I have been overweight my entire life, dieted my entire life... but at the end of last year I hit my highest, worst weight yet: 330. I came back here to MFP and I'm going with CICO. So far, I've lost 8 pounds and I am really focusing on healthy eating under a total of 1500 calories per day. Exercising is problematic at the moment, but I am adding in more steps each day.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    jules81 wrote: »
    Thsnk you guys xxxx

    I had the pills hunny orolist or something like that. That's a fab weight loss hunny. So you eat your my fitness pal cals 5 days a week and then 2 days a week have 500 cals?

    Off to find cloud egg......


    Yes that's the ones. Orlistat. Never took them as my job is one where I have to travel a lot. I didn't need that on a long journey! Yes 500 calories on fasting days and 1350 the rest I think. It's been working great. I'm 27lbs down in a little over 3 weeks!

    @lmcclatchie Hi and welcome! I think you started about the same as me! Must admit I cheered when I got below 300 and if I can so can you!
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    Yes 500 calories on fasting days and 1350 the rest I think. It's been working great. I'm 27lbs down in a little over 3 weeks!

    I'm really intrigued by your fasting plan! Did you find that plan somewhere or decide on it for yourself? What days do you do your fasting? Do you have anymore information about it? I might give this a shot too!
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    @leeonmcdaniel This is a great community and if anyone here judges you, then they don't belong! I completely understand not wanting to put your weight out there though. Just know that we're all in this together, so there's no need to worry!
  • evilfairies
    evilfairies Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all! I started at 320 a few years ago and lost about 70 lbs. Then I completely fell off the wagon and within one horrible year, I gained back even more than I had lost originally. So I started again at 345 several months ago. I am currently back at my original starting weight of 320 after eating a bit better and exercising sporadically. I'm trying to get back into the habit of exercising regularly, and my goal is to start hiking when the weather gets nicer.

    My biggest problem is getting the motivation to get up and move. My goal is to get the point where getting activity into my day is non-negotiable. I used to go to the gym at work at 2pm every day but my work situation changed and I'm not able to do that anymore. I tell myself every few days that I'm going to get up early to go to the gym but sleep always seems to win that battle.

    I really wish I had someone who was in my situation to help motivate each other. I'm very thankful for a family who is worried for my health, but it gets really frustrating when my healthy weighted family tells me they know what I'm going through. They're just trying to be helpful, but no, you eating a sleeve of Girl Scout cookies once a year isn't the same as binge eating until you're sick every day. I just wish I had more people who truly understood what I'm going through.