JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Almost forgot to post this...

    11/15= 195
    01/20 = 156.5

    Reminder: Weight loss is not linear. At least not for me.

    You US-ers do the date backwards, and yes it is you who does it backwards not us UKers haha :wink:
    Throws me every time takes me ages to figure it out!

    When we lived in Belgium it took me awhile to get the hang of the dates...and the way the number 1 is written...and how street addresses are written. Do y'all also list the street name first and then the house number like in Belgium?

    It does make more sense... I can't be concerned about the house number until I know the street. So listing street first, to me, makes more sense. But the date still threw me for a loop...like it does you!

    Whaaaat Street name first?!
    Nope! We have number then name!

    123 Street name

    That’s how we have it, I didn’t even realise addresses could be written differently
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    1/23 Tuesday JFT:

    ▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ▪Edit abstract once prof. returns email
    ▪Prepare taxes :grimace:
    ▪Grocery List
    ▪Grocery Shopping (walking for exercise)
    ▪Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ▪Pick up teen from track
    ▪Dinner by 7:30 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10:30 pm

    I plan to get my exercise in today through grocery shopping. That will take about an 1.5 hrs or more and it will be plenty of walking for today.