Over 200 Club: Week 2 (open group)



  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I got 60 minutes on Friday night
    and I got 45 minutes Monday night, last night, hopefully I can get to the gym longer tonight.
  • 41 minutes on the elliptical for me!

    I'm so proud of those numbers guys! I can completely agree with the 30 day shred. I had planned on doing level 2 after the elliptical this morning, but as soon as I started doing it, I felt sick to my stomach and realized I might be pushing myself a little bit too far. My heart rate was above 200 :(
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    WOW! Everyone is doing SO awesome this week! Sorry I haven't been on much this week.. It has been SUCH a busy week for me! You are all doing so so so wonderful! Keep it up and don't jump off the boards. If you are feeling like you just dont want to get on here because of the challenge, don't be self defeated! For everything we want, we have to work extra hard to get it!

    Today's mini challenge: What makes you feel good about yourself. Compile a list of things that make you feel good about yourself and share with all of us!


    PS, I got in another 60 minutes at the gym last night... So far, 195 minutes this week!!!
  • hey i did a 20 min workout today 30 day shred its a killer...so thats 100mins so far..x
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Forgot to post over the weekend...
    Saturday 2/7/09: 30 Mins
    Sunday 2/8/09: 30 Mins
    Monday 2/9/09: 55 Mins
    Tuesday: OFF DAY

    That puts me at 115mins so far this week! I'll kick it up the rest of the week!! I'm aiming for at least 35 to 40 mins for 5 days this week! :flowerforyou: Let's get it guys!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I would love to join this group .What are the challenges for this week and how do I keep up with you guys?Are there daily post on here.I am currently 233 I was 253 when I started in November but I would love to join a group on here and get some great advice and challenges for myself to use.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sunday 2/08/09 -33 minutes
    Monday 02/09/09-88 minutes
    Tuesday 02/10/09-98 minutes

    So far thats a total of 219 minutes of cardio this week .
  • Can i join? i just discovered this website but i have been dieting since new years day. my starting weight was 227 and i'm now at 217. my next weigh in is saturday morning. just in time for valentines day and the day after valentines day sale at godiva.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    This sounds like such a great group!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Yay! More new members! It just gets me so excited!

    Welcome awestfall, shamekasmith and jdelisle! Please join us in this weeks challenge: The cardio challenge! Log as many cardio minutes as you can! I will need your current weights and your goal weights (in three weeks). I am the team leader and I read EVERY SINGLE message and offer support for everyone! There are SO many great and motivational people on this board. Weigh ins are Fridays! last weeks challenge was the water challenge so I encourage you to log how much water you drink each day and aim for 64 oz of water per day! Good luck and please feel free to contact me, or any other member on the Over 200 club any time! After all, we are all going for the same thing! Under 200 here we come!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    40 minutes of Cardio for me today *Hip Hop Abs* *Tuesday*:flowerforyou:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Mya: Great JOB! WOO HOO! You really are a rockstar!:happy:
  • Please add me to this group as well. I am 205 and would like to be 200 in 4 weeks. I think the challenge sounds great, count me in! :happy:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    plumpgirl: You are added! Welcome aboard! When did you have your baby? I had my son in November and I honestly think it is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    19 mins for me today on the treadmill. I so wanted to go for longer, but that is all I had time for between work and picking the kiddos up from school. Not enough water yet.
  • I'd love to join. I'm a manic exerciser though I must warn you=) Training for a marathon. Not letting weight stop me.
    So do you all start your week on Sunday?
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    prayerfulmom: We weigh in on Friday's and then start our new challenges on Saturday's :smile: How cool that you are training for a marathon. I would love to do the "Run to Feed the Hungry" with my fiance on Thanksgiving this year. Last year I had just had my son 5 days earlier and was still recovering from a C-Section :cry:

    Anyway, Welcome! This weeks challenge is right up your alley! It is our cardio challenge. Report your daily minutes and I will keep track!
  • I walked 40 minutes and biked 20 minutes today so far...I think I may try to get the 30 day shred in before biggest loser comes on...but I am not sure i am up to it!:laugh:
  • pegm
    pegm Posts: 119 Member
    I got 60 mins in tonight. Didn't do that great on water today.. sucking on cough drops... makes water taste :sick: I finaly got caught up on the posts... welcome to all the new gals and congrats to everyone on their cardio minutes!
  • I got in 42 minutes of cardio today by Dancing with the Stars - cha, cha, cha . . . :wink:
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