Wedding Countdown

Weight has always been an issue for me. Even at a young age, as a Junior Olympic level swimmer, I was heavier than everyone. I never had to worry about gaining a lot though, as I was constantly active. Now that I am 35, my body is so different that I can gain weight just by looking at a cookie :) Losing is harder than I ever thought it could be and my ability to be active has changed 100%.

Due to health reasons (PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Fibromyalgia, Hidradenitis Suppurativa) I am constantly losing and gaining weight, but this time I have just had enough. I have gone from 145 (As a teenage athlete) to 210 (when I graduated High School in 2001) back to 150 (2005ish) and then recently, as high as 260.

I have given up on myself too many times and I need to remind myself that I am WORTH IT! I owe this to myself.

I am hoping that this is the time that I DO it. No more waiting for tomorrow. No more giving up and giving in. The rest of my life needs to start NOW!!!!

I am getting married in 360 days. (10/20/18)
I want to make sure that I am as happy as I can be on that day.


  • elgfun1
    elgfun1 Posts: 3 Member
    I also have PCOS, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and HS! In Oct. 2016, I weighed 266 and decided to change. I was able to get down to 210 by April, 2017 but haven't lost any more and have struggled to keep it off. I've even gained 13 pounds back but took it off.

    I read a book recently called the Hidden Plague which deals with curing H.S. Everything I've read is that HS and PCOS are closely related. because of the book, I decided a week ago to start eating paleo/primal. That means giving up most carbs (all grains, sugars and processed foods).

    Let support each other. I was 260+ the day I got married. I can't change that but I'd love to support you getting healthier for your wedding day, which is two days before my birthday.

    Let me know what you think.