Any other 5'5"-5'6" ladies looking to lose 20 pounds or more???



  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Hello, I am Helena. I m 5 foot 6 inches. Weighed 174.4 the morning of january 1st. I would like to get down to my original weight of 129. I got married 6 years ago, which also made me comfortable and heavier. Little did I know my husband wasnt going for the heavier part. I m not changing for him, its for me. In hopes we can rekindle a little of what we used to have. I could really use some company on this jouney (females only please). I weighed 168.0 this morning. My news year revolution was to only eat natural foods. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish..... only foods that look like they do in nature. I have always been an emotional snacker. Bored? Snack. Sad? Snack. Angry? Snack. It has been a very challenging 5 days, but i m succeeding. I am a business office director, therefore i spend 60 hours a week sitting at a desk, making exercise hard (especially in the winter). It gets easier right?

    It does get easier! I've been there and have made progress, and the healthier choices do become more natural with practice. Saying no to things or cutting yourself off also becomes more natural. It's like a muscle. You just have to exercise it, and it gets stronger! I was doing great until I had some stress and illness over the summer and also got a little complacent and started backsliding. The important thing if you fall off the wagon--and most people do from tie to time--is to allow yourself to get right back on track rather than beating yourself up or being ashamed. And I feel you on the emotional eating and the letting things go a bit when you're comfortable with someone. I struggle similarly. I hope your partner is supportive of your efforts and hasn't been too hurtful toward you about your weight gain. Mine has been an angel about it...which made getting motivated a little harder, I think, in the past, haha.
  • LBgetsfit
    LBgetsfit Posts: 769 Member
    I’m also 5’5. I just lost 40 lbs since Aug 2016 and am now sitting between 135-140 lbs pretty consistently since this summer. I’m really happy with that so I’m doing a recomp at the moment (seems like this might be the best weight range for me to maintain at, as I’m already fairly muscular and lean. I don’t think I can drop anymore in weight or I’ll just start to look ill).
    I eat between 1500-2200 cals a day, but I’m very active and I also workout regularly. If you need some encouragement or entertainment along the way, I am active on MFP daily too, so feel free to add me.

    You got this, ladies!!
  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member
    Goal is to lose my last 30ish this year; feel free to friend me!
  • Joyfulandactive
    Joyfulandactive Posts: 111 Member
    I am 5' 5" and began Jan 2017 at 169lb with a GW of 135lb or less than 30% body fat. I got down to 142.9 and 36% body fat after fits and starts by Oct. Then one of our kids had a very serious diagnosis and I put on lbs. I hit 154lb before Christmas. I was able to turn the ship around and get back on the band wagon (in a mix of metaphors) and just got below 150lb this Monday.

    Am determined to keep going and get to my goals before I hit 50 in September. I also have a vacation in Hawaii to look foreard to in June and eant to feel good in a new cute suit : )
  • JillPleaz
    JillPleaz Posts: 28 Member
    Hey girl. I’m 5’5 190Ibs my goal is 140. Had 2 kids close together and after the second the weight is not coming off. Doing cardio 4 times a week and strength training with a trainer 2x a week. Hoping to drop 50Ibs by the end of the year. Would love to be friends and motivate each other.
  • dhnorton
    dhnorton Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all, I might be the heaviest of the group - 5'6+ (although am shrinking) and currently at 197. I had a high of 224 last year but got to 197 fairly quickly but hang around at this # no matter what I seem to do. I am currently working out 4-5x week (aerobics or 21 day fix) and watching what I eat - around 1200-1300 calories. I've been as low recently as 194 but can't seem to break the barrier. I'm hoping this will be THE time.
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    I am 5ft 5 and currently 180, down from 186 and hoping to get down to 150.
    I run, mainly short distances but aiming to increase and I am considering doing some strength training.
  • OctoberRockStar
    OctoberRockStar Posts: 4 Member
    amyteacake wrote: »
    I'm only 5"4' but I'm looking to lose around the same amount of weight. Curse my shortness haha

    My calories are currently at 1450. I had lost around two stone but put on a stone again and looking to get back to where I was before. I usually work out in the gym, mainly weights and cardioxide.

    Hey, I'm 5ft3! I'm also looking to lose about 20+ pounds... Maybe we can start our own thing for shorties lol :)
  • Kelkat405
    Kelkat405 Posts: 166 Member
    I’m 5’5 and started at 168. Currently at 153. Set my goal at 130 but would be happy within the 130-140 range. Add me if you like. Great to see all of your journeys and it’s clear I need to exercise more! Good luck everyone! :)
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    Only 5'4" and looking to lose 30+. Hit my high weight of 174 over the holidays but am down to 170 now and would like to lose 25 pounds by June 16th (a friend's wedding) and another 10-20 by February 2019 (my wedding).

    Currently my calorie goal is 1200/day but I'm planning to increase that next month after the Dietbet I (foolishly) entered is over.

    I'd love to be friends with other people with similar stats. Add me if you'd like :)
  • QueenK3115
    QueenK3115 Posts: 17 Member
    I’m 5’7 looking to lose 40-60. Feel free to add :)