I really need help with recipes I can eat because I suffer with IBS.


  • yatesy74
    yatesy74 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Sharon, I'm sorry you have IBS. I'm pretty sure I do as well since nobody can come up with a concrete diagnosis for the cause of my GI problems. I believe there are several dedicated websites with recipes for IBS sufferers. You have to kind of know what your triggers are and avoid those of course, and it may make a difference if you are an IBS-D or an IBS-C patient. Me personally, I'm on an elimination food trial right now to figure out if dairy is the main cause of my issues. They did not test me for Lactose Intolerance. Have you been to a Doctor/GI specialist to be diagnosed?
  • yatesy74
    yatesy74 Posts: 76 Member
    Try this link :) www.ibspatient.org
  • Michele80920
    Michele80920 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you ever heard of Stanford's Fodmap? I have lived with GI issues my entire life and since hearing about this last year, my life has improved.
  • Terrig50
    Terrig50 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve had IBS all my life. It’s no fun...everyone has different triggers... personally, mine is dairy,fat, and maybe msg. Do all the self education you can...you aren’t alone!