Blood Pressure Help... need "real" suggestions

Hello MFP friends!

I'm 25 and pretty healthy in all ways but one (excluding some belly flub), my blood pressure is high. I just took it and it was 154/96. A few years ago I remember going to the doctor and having 120/80 on the dot. I've been monitored this whole year and it's been pretty consistently high. I've been under a lot of stress, sure, but I know there's a billion factors in play here, including genetics since my parents naturally have it too.

So I am trying to make nutritional decisions and such and well I have two problems. I don't make much money nor have much in the ways of culinary skills. I need to know some things I can make and do for myself that'll benefit me to lower the blood pressure. I know minimizing salt and perhaps upping my potassium might help but besides eating bananas and nuts, what can I do?

I'm a bit worried because I simply just feel lost in this sea of BP pressure. My other stats have been great (aka blood work, lungs, EKG, etc) so this is just this weird anomaly.

I'm going to try and work out every day in some fashion. Try to hit like 250 calories burned and 30 minutes minimums. Obviously this should be easy which is why I'm calling it a minimum and it's the thing I did that helped me lose weight back in the day.

Anyway, I now release this request out into the world! Help Wanted! :)


  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Has your doctor prescribed blood pressure medication..??...If it's been monitored and been high for a year, I would be surprised if they haven't and worried, too....High BP is nothing to mess around with...
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    garlic. lots of garlic. garlic garlic and more garlic. in everything. good for the blood!
  • hey there. I too had high blood pressure. i reduced mine by cutting sodium down below 2000 mg a day and losing weight of course. Stay away from processed foods, lunch meat, restaurants, and eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. at least 7 serivngs a day of them. Pinto beans also have lots of potasium and so does brocolli. also drink water with half a lemon squeezed in it. it will help you lose some of the water you may be retaining which will raise your bp. Good luck!
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    Lower your salt intake to 1500mg and keep your caffeine intake down to 1 to 2 cups a day. Also include 1 tsp a day of cinnamon in your diet. Drink lots of water. All of these things help.
  • OhSuzzz
    OhSuzzz Posts: 44 Member
    If your BP hits much higher than that when you're working out (no way to know other than stopping to take it or if you feel the throbbing in your head, you know you're there) - then they're going to limit working out, which is a huge risk with BP levels that high. I have been fighting the same issue, as I never had a BP problem before until a few months ago and boom, there it was.

    I cut out salt and focused on the DASH diet ( and started yoga and meditation (while the meditating is still limited)... I can usually do breathing exercises a few times a day (on a break or in the morning and at night) .. It's helped, my BP average has dropped significantly, so I'm hoping at my next 3 month checkup it will be normal ranged..
  • Try to eat things in a close to their natural state a posibble.
    Basically avoid eating anything processed. You don’t have to having cooing skills to eat fresh home made. Mrs. Dash makes some great salt free seasonings and sauces.

    Take you meat broil or bake with your seasonings. Steam some fresh veggies (produce dept sells in microwaveable bags) otherwise just put fresh veg in a micro safe bowl 1 tsp water seasoning cover with saran wrap a nuke. They make brown rice in microwave bags. Otherwise invest 30 in a rice cooker and make a big batch for the week.

    Tastes great and you can get this on the table in less than 30 min. Less time than delivery food or baking a frozen pizza. I always make enough to have lunch the next day.

    Good Luck !!!!
  • Caffeine is a culprit as well. It is beneficial to wean that out of your system- IF you consume it.
    And although water is a good thing all around, it is EXTREMELY HELPFUL for b/p too

    Consistently HIGH B/P without medication isn't something to disregard- Have you been under a doctor's care?
    Besides the obvious dangers of stroke or heart attack, this sure causes a great deal of fatigue
    and headaches.

    I had some nerve damage from a retinal vein in my eye that got blocked due to letting it go for over 2 weeks.
    It isn't something to mess around with- and if your doctor hasn't prescribed medication to get it down,
    I'd be looking for another dr. who takes it as serious as this is.

    Best Wishes to you.....
  • a00link
    a00link Posts: 72
    I have been under doctor's care but each time (every three months) I've been trying different things to avoid actually using medication. I mean, once I get on it, I can eventually take myself off it right?

    I guess I'll cut caffeine entirely. See how that works. I've been trying to drink more water too.

    I also decided, as I said in the OP, to start exercising daily, not just a few days a week.

    I just have a hard time structuring meals without literally making a game plan. I should perhaps create a "7 Day Plan" and then just vary the days up each week.

    I'll look through the suggestions and write back more later. :) Thanks for all so far!
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I have been under doctor's care but each time (every three months) I've been trying different things to avoid actually using medication. I mean, once I get on it, I can eventually take myself off it right?

    I guess I'll cut caffeine entirely. See how that works. I've been trying to drink more water too.

    I also decided, as I said in the OP, to start exercising daily, not just a few days a week.

    I just have a hard time structuring meals without literally making a game plan. I should perhaps create a "7 Day Plan" and then just vary the days up each week.

    I'll look through the suggestions and write back more later. :) Thanks for all so far!

    Hey there,

    my bp was running high the entire month of may and at 1 point wasso high i should of went to the ER but didn't, I made an appt to see my Dr and she put me on 10 mg bp meds and a 25mg water pill. I am only 44 and never had issues with bp before in my life but it does run in my family along with heart disease. Since being on the meds for 6 wks the bp has stayed low but my pulse rate is staying high. I have my 6 wk check up today.