Haven't lost a pound in 3 months!

Hey there! I'm definately no expert here and hoping someone can push me in the right direction.

I haven't lost a pound on the scale in 3 months. I know that a number isnt everything, but its still something. I have been going to a "cross fit" style gym 5 days per week. My muscles are looking a bit more toned, and my clothes fit a little better for sure so i can't complain.. I've definately lost inches and all, but is it normal to have absolutely no weight loss in 3 months? I've tried watching my eating habits and making sure to eat clean, and I've even upped my cardio in the last month to try and jumpstart things a little. Any input would be awesome. Im 150 lb currently but started at 165lbs 6 months ago.


  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    How many calories deficit are you making a day on average? How accurately do you measure your intake?
  • avocados9
    avocados9 Posts: 38 Member
    I measure everything and track daily. I dunno what he means by knowing my calorie deficit. If calorie deficit is just what mfp says to eat daily then I guess I know my calorie deficit.. if someone cared to explain that would be great. If im eating at a maintenance - that would be good to know. I don't know though.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    edited January 2018
    avocados9 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    avocados9 wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    How many calories deficit are you making a day on average? How accurately do you measure your intake?

    I don't know. I eat between 1500-1800 a day. If i work out hard I eat more and if I don't work out I don't overeat. I don't know how to calculate any deficit.. I'm confused

    Haven't you set up your MFP info and put in your stats and selected a rate of loss? It will figure it for you. It doesn't sound like you have any idea how much you should be eating or even how much you are eating. You need to use MFP the way it was designed, then track accurately what you eat - weigh your solid foods and measure with cups and measuring spoons the liquids. I would say you haven't lost anything because it seems you don't know what calories you should be eating so you aren't in a deficit. Just because you are "eating clean" - whatever that means - and are exercising, it doesn't mean you will lose weight.

    I have done it. I use it every single day. It says to eat 1500 calories. I weigh and measure and track everything. I make sure to net 1500 everyday. I workout and I eat more because otherwise I would starve. Your response is not exactly helpful. Just rude. I said I don't know what my calorie deficit is but if you'd like to enlighten me please do, as I said before I'm no expert!

    Sorry if it came across rude, but you didn't really give any info to go on. Since you didn't say something like "MFP gave me 1500 calories to lose 2 lbs a week, and I weigh and log all my foods..." it sounded like you just really don't have a clue. Also, if you set up MFP, it should have asked you how many lbs you want to lose a week - .5 is a 250 calorie deficit, 1 lb is 500 calorie deficit, 2 lbs, 1000 calorie deficit, so you should know what you set it to lose.

    Logging the correct info is important also. I looked at your diary and you have a lot of "1 serving" or 2 of this or that. It should have the actual weight in grams to get correct calories.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    avocados9 wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Is it possible you need to increase your calories? check out Eat To Perform.. they talk a lot about properly fueling your body to improve your work outs and thus improve your body, sometimes that means eating more, not less.

    Did you gain your extra weight by eating too little?

    I haven't gained any weight. I've lost 15 pounds and have maintained weight for 3 months.

    I was asking the person who I quoted.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Generally speaking, we tend to look for things like logging errors first because the alternatives usually require a trip to the doctor to get checked out.

    I went back to the first of the month in your diary. It's great that you've kept up with logging even without seeing a loss. A lot of people would have just given up. Is the frittata a recipe you entered or are you using someone else's entry? How carefully are you tracking on days where you quick add calories?
  • avocados9
    avocados9 Posts: 38 Member
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    avocados9 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    avocados9 wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    How many calories deficit are you making a day on average? How accurately do you measure your intake?

    I don't know. I eat between 1500-1800 a day. If i work out hard I eat more and if I don't work out I don't overeat. I don't know how to calculate any deficit.. I'm confused

    Haven't you set up your MFP info and put in your stats and selected a rate of loss? It will figure it for you. It doesn't sound like you have any idea how much you should be eating or even how much you are eating. You need to use MFP the way it was designed, then track accurately what you eat - weigh your solid foods and measure with cups and measuring spoons the liquids. I would say you haven't lost anything because it seems you don't know what calories you should be eating so you aren't in a deficit. Just because you are "eating clean" - whatever that means - and are exercising, it doesn't mean you will lose weight.

    I have done it. I use it every single day. It says to eat 1500 calories. I weigh and measure and track everything. I make sure to net 1500 everyday. I workout and I eat more because otherwise I would starve. Your response is not exactly helpful. Just rude. I said I don't know what my calorie deficit is but if you'd like to enlighten me please do, as I said before I'm no expert!

    Sorry if it came across rude, but you didn't really give any info to go on. Since you didn't say something like "MFP gave me 1500 calories to lose 2 lbs a week, and I weigh and log all my foods..." it sounded like you just really don't have a clue. Also, if you set up MFP, it should have asked you how many lbs you want to lose a week - .5 is a 250 calorie deficit, 1 lb is 500 calorie deficit, 2 lbs, 1000 calorie deficit, so you should know what you set it to lose.

    I think it's set at 1lb. I don't have a clue that's why im asking. Mfp tells me to eat 1500 calories, but I'm being told by people that i need to be eating way more than that. I have been sticking to what mfp says to do and I'm maintaining.
  • avocados9
    avocados9 Posts: 38 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    From looking at your profile, it sounds like you're within 25-30 pounds of your goal. At that point, your deficit may be very small, and inaccuracies in logging can add up very fast to put you in maintenance or even cause you to gain weight.

    Your diary also looks like there are quite a few things that might be measured more accurately. For example, how are you calculating a "scoop" of protein powder? Depending on how rounded or level your scoop is, there could be a lot of variation in how much powder you're eating--better to weigh it out. The same is true for things entered as "1 serving" or "1 piece." How are you calculating a serving? If you're weighing the whole recipe out using the recipe builder, that's ideal. And you have quite a few "quick add" entries, so you would want to think about those things and how accurate they are or aren't.

    It does sound nitpicky, but when you don't have a large amount of weight to lose, every calorie can really add up.

    Hey! I was using the recipe builder for a lot of it. I normally portion out and weigh pieces and adjust as needed each time the recipe is made. I suppose for the protein I went with the scoop it came with. I will weigh it going forward. The quick adds were from when i was sick, and I was under eating. It's not something I make a habit of. Thanks for looking into that for me !
  • speedingticket
    speedingticket Posts: 73 Member
    What's your activity level set at (sedentary, etc)? I am assuming that you're down as sedentary or lightly active. I'm around the same weight and height as you, and I'm set to los -1lb a week. I think I gives me about 1600kcal. The people saying "that isn't enough" probably aren't taking into account the fact that five days a week, when you workout, you are eating more than that. 1600 is just for the days where you don't do any exercise (besides normal wandering around at work, or whatever).

    It's possible either your logging is off (so you're eating closer to maintenance, hence not losing), or that whatever you're using to calculate the energy you're burning working out, is overestimating. Make sure MFP knows your current weight, too (as obviously you'll need less calories as you lose more and more). Try weighing all your foods, and seeing if you see a change in a month or so. If you're definitely logging accurately, then try reducing the % of your exercise calories you're eating back (75%, say), because you may be burning less than it says.