Friends to keep each other motivated?



  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Hi, I am Michelle, age 38, from Southern Illinois. Not new to MFP, but restarting once again. Add me if you would like.
  • JamieBrooks25
    JamieBrooks25 Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone’s Welcome To Add Me. New to MFP :)
  • MariahA3883
    MariahA3883 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I’m Mariah from Wisconsin & I’m 23, It’s my first day on MFP & I’m already loving it! I currently work two jobs and find myself horribly tired & not wanting to work out/eat healthy so I’m just looking for some friends to keep me motivated!
  • angelcrush93
    angelcrush93 Posts: 17 Member
    Anyone from east tx area??? Looking for support!!!
  • Princess4u324k
    Princess4u324k Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi I’m Nichole from SE Wisconsin.
    A few years ago I lost 60 pounds and was only about 10 pounds from my goal weight when I slid back into old habits and gained it all back in half the time it took to lose it.
    I’m just looking for some support and maybe a walking/running partner if anyone lives close.
    Friend requests welcome
  • dklmiller
    dklmiller Posts: 55 Member
    Looking for friends as well! Mother of two in Indiana. I have a 30 pound weight loss goal.
  • lauralee0426
    lauralee0426 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me. I’m in Ga (US) and have 50 lbs to lose and hope to do it this year
  • JanesGame
    JanesGame Posts: 55 Member
    Would love some new friends on here. In Jane and 25 :)
  • gaby_gz1988
    gaby_gz1988 Posts: 18 Member
    I have about 60 to lose and I’ve also been here before. I’ve gained all my weight back plus some. My first time here I wasn’t making the best choices, so I lost a lot in a short period of time. I am trying to do things differently this time. You’re welcome to add me :)
  • KBlacky88
    KBlacky88 Posts: 1 Member
    Would love some inspiration and motivation ladies. Add me
  • PrettyandFocused
    PrettyandFocused Posts: 23 Member
    Greetings from Ohio. I am a 33 year old accountant. I am a nap and chocolate aficionado. My favorites does not bode well for my current fitness and diet goals. I will like to have motivation and support friends. Best wishes on all of your goals.
  • kelvinator_86
    kelvinator_86 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm Kelvin (31) from Trinidad. Would love to have some friends here to motivate me to keep on track.
  • mixtaplix
    mixtaplix Posts: 74 Member
    Another returner from a couple years back, building the friends list back up to help motivate and get going once again. Open invitation to everyone to add me if you like. MFP worked well last time and know it will again.
  • Robyn973
    Robyn973 Posts: 37 Member
    Down 38 pounds since April 2017, have about that much more to go. Always looking for motivated friends who are active on MFP. Would enjoy getting to know new friends!
  • maureen0425
    maureen0425 Posts: 4 Member
    hello I need motivation as well. Been very good staying within my calorie intake and seem to have stalled :(
  • QueenK3115
    QueenK3115 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add. Always looking for motivational friends :smile: I’m 27 looking to lose 60.
  • freddieg275
    freddieg275 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello friends. I am relatively new to MFP. On day 10 right now. I have added a lot of you but I welcome all the friends for support and I dish it back out as fast as I can. I need to drop almost two hundred pounds so I am in this for the long haul!
  • mhdashler
    mhdashler Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone. Mike here currently living in Tokyo, Japan. I am a 44-year old accountant, married with five kids. If anyone is looking for mutual encouragement and support, please add me. I lost 40 pounds with MPF a few years ago, but have put almost all of it back on. I started using MFP again this month. My goal for 2018 is 18 pounds, but long-term goal is 30 pounds.
  • bienvenuesd
    bienvenuesd Posts: 1 Member
    Hello - I’m 48, I have 2 teenagers. I’m on a special metabolic x diet to cure my metabolism and sluggish insulin. I originally lost 35 lbs. then I went off the diet and gained 10lbs back. I recently started back up and lost 4lbs. I need to lose 26lbs more. I know it’s easier to stay on task when you feel accountable and have people to share it with.
  • pratesh
    pratesh Posts: 5 Member
    Hey folks, currently on a seesaw. Lost 100 then gained 30. I need to get back to 185. Add me. Lets do this