FASHIONISTAS ~ Using FASHION as motivation?



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Well... I’d like to fit into the pants I was wearing before so yeah I guess
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    SteamPug wrote: »
    I have the opposite problem, everything is loose but still only a few months old. It’s very depressing.

    @SteamPug You need to hit the second-hand clothing shops!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    swim777 wrote: »
    I used to “shop” in my closet. (When I needed motivation, I’d try on clothes I wanted to fit back in.). It was a joke with my husband that I had something new from closet shopping. Very motivating since I had so much to lose!

    @swim777 Yes, me too! :smile:

    I was finding timeless things I'd kept from 20 years ago, along with beautiful more recent things I now fit again.

    Of course, I was also finding ghastly stuff that I decided life was too short and space was too much of a premium that I threw all the crap out, and all my fat clothes, and de-cluttered all my cupboards.

    Feels so good!
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    When I was at 210, I rarely ever ever ever felt sexy in any clothes of mine. Now at 165 I try buying all sexy, exciting, flirty and fun clothing. Nope - I don’t really own any basics other than jeans/yoga pants! I think that always having a closet of fun, exciting clothes is motivation alone. It makes you feel good and sexy a lot of the time and not frumpy. It makes you wanna keep losing the weight since you appreciate your body more!

    You’re not disguising or hiding. You are able to express yourself. I know exactly what you mean!
  • Vgetskinny
    Vgetskinny Posts: 28 Member
    Great replies! And it's going to be SPRING soon, so it's almost time to plan on lighter clothing choices. Fun, fun...regardless of if it fits or not, it is a reality check, and a motivator to avoid straying off track. Sometimes it gives me a little boost to get a little more exercise that day, too. :)
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Shopping for clothes is definitely I think almost my #1 motivation!!! I lost 4 lbs last week and went shopping for clothes this weekend lol. I'm such a girly girl and it makes me soooooo happy buying cute little outfits and also workout clothes!!! Soooo fun!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Fashion has been a huge motivator for me in weight loss and sometimes I think I'm a little too fashion-obsessed for my age (41) but I believe I'm making up for the twenty years I lost wearing only plus size styles.

    Yes! I'm definitely making up for lost time. I often think about when I was younger shopping with my friends. I usually had to sit on the sidelines or shop alone in the plus-size section which had *way less* options as they do today.

    Now it's my time to shine! :)

    Absolutely share your feeling on that too about sitting on the sidelines before! That was me for as long as I could remember, actually. When I was a kid I became adult-sized pretty much overnight and could never shop where my friends shopped whether that meant the kid section or petite stores or whatever.

    The other day I felt sad because I was in a store with 2 female friends who are around my exact age and size, but one of them was visibly uncomfortable there and later she said that she hated being there because she feels old and unfashionable. That was sad to me especially because she's not a big girl and not "old" in my opinion.

    Honestly even when I was at my very heaviest and barely fit into even Lane Bryant clothes, I still liked fashion & clothes, even if I could only really be "stylish" with shoes and bags.

  • DmaMfz
    DmaMfz Posts: 125 Member
    If only for every lb lost I made $, that could really contribute to my fashion crazed self. Love your idea btw!
  • Urbancowbarn
    Urbancowbarn Posts: 97 Member
    edited March 2018
    I LOVE clothes and when I gained weight and didn’t look good in the clothes that were my “style” I was really miserable. My whole body changed and I had no idea how to dress it. I have to say that being able to look good in clothes I liked was my biggest motivation for losing weight. I know it should have been for my health or something more lofty, but I can’t tell you how much better I feel being able to dress in the clothes I like to wear. It’s like I feel like *myself* again. I have about 10 lbs left to UGW and I’m not buying a single item for spring/summer untill I reach it.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Past time this thread was bumped! There are probably more of us "Fashion as motivation - if we were honest about admitting it!" out there who just don't know how to search for older conversations!

    And it is SUMMER!!! Hot-weather clothes time!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I find that when I am in a slump (emotionally) and wear one of my best outfits and feel extra stylish, it lifts my mood and keeps me from comfort eating.

    Even today at work, I am not dressed particularly stylish as it is casual Friday but I am wearing figure-hugging jeans and a cropped sweatshirt (as in, 0% belly showing but more body con than a big baggy sweatshirt) and I think that helped me to steer clear of the donuts a sales rep brought in.

    Fashion has been a huge motivator for me in weight loss and sometimes I think I'm a little too fashion-obsessed for my age (41) but I believe I'm making up for the twenty years I lost wearing only plus size styles.

    I work from home and am in my pajamas. Shortly, I'll change into exercise clothes. After dinner, back to PJs.

    Tomorrow, I'm going to put on the same red, white, and blue shirt that I have worn for the last three 4th of July.

    Not even sure why I clicked on this thread, lol.