How do you do it ?



  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    I'm up at 4 am to work out while my daughter sleeps because that's the only time i get.

    Are you not tired? Do you get to bed early at night so your not tired in the morning?

    I have crazy people keeping me up at night so I'm tired. But i make it happen because it keeps me sane.
  • _Captivated_
    _Captivated_ Posts: 5,669 Member
    I'm up at 4 am to work out while my daughter sleeps because that's the only time i get.

  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    I'm up at 4 am to work out while my daughter sleeps because that's the only time i get.


    Was wondering where you have been!!!
  • _Captivated_
    _Captivated_ Posts: 5,669 Member
    I'm up at 4 am to work out while my daughter sleeps because that's the only time i get.


    Was wondering where you have been!!!

    Same ol' place I've been for too many years.
  • MarieMckenji85
    MarieMckenji85 Posts: 23 Member
    Try getting ready with your other work prep the night before so you have more time in the morning. I don't have time barely to make my coffee in the morning,get my kids breakfast and get them off to school at 6:45am and 7:15 for my other two kiddos. I'm up every morning by 5:30-6am.
  • elizarizo
    elizarizo Posts: 489 Member
    I have to be presentable for work, and i like to do it, but I wish I could snap my fingers and my makeup is done. Te process sucks
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member

  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    I brush my teeth and my hair. That's the best you going to get me going to work, where I work lol.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    People condition themselves to whatever they want, then justify it or make excuses. I've learned over time, if you want to do more in life you gotta give up something somewhere, and time/sleep is an easy one. Most people sleep WAY more than they need to (just like we eat more than we really need to). To be more dynamic and get more done, sleep an hour less each night to stay up later or get up earlier. Make that hour productive, not just sitting around.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    People condition themselves to whatever they want, then justify it or make excuses. I've learned over time, if you want to do more in life you gotta give up something somewhere, and time/sleep is an easy one. Most people sleep WAY more than they need to (just like we eat more than we really need to). To be more dynamic and get more done, sleep an hour less each night to stay up later or get up earlier. Make that hour productive, not just sitting around.

    Totally! People make time for the things that are important or matter to them.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I currently think I perform best with 8 hours. I can deal totally with 7 1/2 maybe 7. But I wonder if I can actually cope on 6 hours? Something I might try out would defo add more hours to my day.

    People mentally precondition themselves so much in their lives. We all tell ourselves things instead of actually seeing how they go. How many times do you see people say, "OMG I only got 5 hours of sleep and I am going to be a wreck at work!". Honestly, if they just figured they might get a bit sleepy but kept busy it wouldn't be half as big of a deal.

    That said, I have sleep issues. I run on 4-6 hours of sleep no problem. I've had to condition myself to be used to it and not focus on being tired sometimes.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited January 2018
    I cannot operate on less than 8-9 hours of sleep a night, other than on occasion. I have tried. It does not end well. I have been this way since I was a kid, and many times I have attempted to get by with a little less. Doesn't wok out.

    But, because of that, I have to just make it a part of my routine. I don't get "dolled up" per say, but I do something with my hair and do makeup and dress decent most days. No fake lashes or that kind of thing, but I do my whole face.

    My routine is:
    4:30 Alarm goes off, make bed, roll into gym clothes, get to gym.
    5-7am: Workout
    Head home, shower, get ready for work, be at the train by ~8am
    8:30(ish): Be logged in and working
    I tend to not really take a lunch break - I will go grab my food and eat it fairly quickly to avoid wasting an hour of my day on a "lunch break."
    4:30 or 5: Head home
    Cook dinner, eat (catch up on a show or two during dinner), play some video games or do other race-training
    8pm(ish) Head to bed, read book for a bit, go to sleep.

    Thankfully I get one day a week where I can telecommute which lets me get things like laundry and house cleaning and maybe even some errands done (this is the one day I WILL take a lunch break since I can get to the grocery store or something in that time).

    I work weekends at a p/t gig, but don't go to the gym on weekends, so less of an issue on those days.

    I think a lot of my minimal prep time is a) having a routine b) my makeup is all organized and I have easy go-to looks that I don't have to think about applying c) I don't cake make up on - my skin is pretty decent, so I just like to even things out and highlight other things, and eyes. Eyes are my big one. d) Same with hair - have some go to styles, especially if time is a crunch! A high, slick back pony can look very put together if you're in a time pinch (add a good ponytail extension if your hair is a bit short to look slick this way).

    It helps if I set my outfit out the night before, but again, have some easy outfits that you don't have to think about ready to go! A simple dress that you slip on with a cute sport coat can look very professional and literally takes like 1 minute to put on :)
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    edited January 2018
    I pack all my lunches and pick out my work clothes on Sundays, pre-load my coffee pot, and have only a couple of breakfasts I rotate through. I wake up ~7:30 am and am out the door by 8:15 at the latest. I shower at night, letting my hair air dry when I sleep. I do a pretty full (but very toned down) face of make up every day (SPF, serum, moisturizer, foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, brows, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, highlight, setting spray) and style my hair every day, albeit it some times IS up. I work in a corporate setting, so wear a blazer every day, but heels are only worn on occasion.

    But I also work out at night. Working out in the morning puts me to sleep, even if I sleep in then work out... something about it just makes me pass out. So I shower at night after the gym.

    You just get into a routine that works.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Whether or not I look put together depends on the shift I'm working. If it's a morning shift it's a braid over the shoulder and concealer/powder/eyebrows/ light go to eye makeup and blush a little clear lip gloss. If I have a good 30-35 minutes I can have a full face with bolder eye colors and I have more finishing touches here and there. If it's a late shift catch me walking around the place like Beyonce.
    I don't know how some women have such nice hair all of the time. I just can't be bothered with it most days. That braid is my best friend.