350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • drjudybrown
    drjudybrown Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for encouraging words and sticking with it.. time posting on a community blog is time away from snacking, I don’t know about you, but grease on my phone and iPad make it difficult to type. I will continue to read your stories, very helpful to me. We want to feel good ..why else would we do this right? I have positive news, down 2.0 pounds this week, week 2. Quite happy. News will not always be positive but hoping my attitude stays that way. Happy Friday and Stay Strong for the weekend. Cold in the NorthEast part of the states so all walking/grooving will definitely be indoors.
  • alevans4
    alevans4 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you. I think it's more my personal perception I need to change a bit because I absolutely don't yet have the confidence to just get out there. I wish I did. But maybe doing the walking video and the treadmill will leave me feeling more confident about doing it. That's what I'm hoping anyway!
    I get this. I don't like people to see me struggle with anything, especially things that are easy for most of people. I didn't go outside to walk until I was fairly confident I could do reasonably well. One thing I want to do at some point is work with a physical trainer, but I also really don't because I don't want them to see all the extra skin flab flopping around while I workout.

    What you describe is pretty much how I started out. I would do chair workouts on Youtube at home and walk around inside. At work I'd go outside to a little platform where no one can really see and walk around in circles. It all does add up.

  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    I am starting my journey at 350lbs after having my first child 2 months ago.

    We are starting at the same weight! I’m trying to lose so my husband and I can start a family so we are doing it together! Hopefully I see you over at the other board!
  • lmcclatchie
    lmcclatchie Posts: 14 Member
    Hello to the new people joining the thread!

    I forgot to weigh in the morning... doh!! LOL
  • alevans4 wrote: »
    Thank you. I think it's more my personal perception I need to change a bit because I absolutely don't yet have the confidence to just get out there. I wish I did. But maybe doing the walking video and the treadmill will leave me feeling more confident about doing it. That's what I'm hoping anyway!
    I get this. I don't like people to see me struggle with anything, especially things that are easy for most of people. I didn't go outside to walk until I was fairly confident I could do reasonably well. One thing I want to do at some point is work with a physical trainer, but I also really don't because I don't want them to see all the extra skin flab flopping around while I workout.

    What you describe is pretty much how I started out. I would do chair workouts on Youtube at home and walk around inside. At work I'd go outside to a little platform where no one can really see and walk around in circles. It all does add up.

    You’re spot on there Bert. It’s doing the little bits that can then add up to more. Having hubby home this week hasn’t helped with that though as I’ve just avoided doing anything rather than have him comment or smile supportively at me. He wouldn’t put me down or anything but I’m not at the point of being able to do it with him around yet. Sad but true. I am deliberately doing more walking when I’m out, parking further from everything or doing two trips rather than cramming things into one. Sadly though because I actually work from my home office most days I really don’t get that many steps in. Average is a sad 3500 and today was a measly 2000 ish. That said I’ve no excuse for not doing something early morning when I finally feel confident enough to get out, I don’t have to start til 9.15!
  • leeonmcdaniel
    leeonmcdaniel Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2018
    I've really been down in the dumps since yesterday. I woke up to a severe knee pain and could barley put any weight on it. Went to a Ortho Walk-in clinic and had MRI done and the Doctor tells me there is no swelling/inflammation, tearing, or anything. Says everything looks fine and I just need to lose weight. This hit me hard being as I have been trying really hard for the past 2 weeks to lose weight. However on a more chipper note I thought I weighed a certain amount ( due to not being able to find a scale to read my weight ) and at the Ortho's office I found out I was subsequently lower in my weight than I thought I was. This made up for it a little bit, but this injury is really keeping from performing my best, and I'm hoping the pain subsides soon this has been going on for a little to long
  • mathdad41
    mathdad41 Posts: 119 Member
    I've really been down in the dumps since yesterday. I woke up to a severe knee pain and could barley put any weight on it. Went to a Ortho Walk-in clinic and had MRI done and the Doctor tells me there is no swelling/inflammation, tearing, or anything. Says everything looks fine and I just need to lose weight. This hit me hard being as I have been trying really hard for the past 2 weeks to lose weight. However on a more chipper note I thought I weighed a certain amount ( due to not being able to find a scale to read my weight ) and at the Ortho's office I found out I was subsequently lower in my weight than I thought I was. This made up for it a little bit, but this injury is really keeping from performing my best, and I'm hoping the pain subsides soon this has been going on for a little to long

    You'll get there. Keep you're head up and don't get discouraged. Post on here and we will all try to help as much as we can. We can all lift each other up

    Same to you@fatoldladyonamission Soon you will need to change your username too :)
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    Wow! I had a lot of catching up to do on this board. That'll teach me to stay away from it for a day!

    @Mellykay88 You know, I had a coworker who lost 80 lbs using those walking videos! And she didn't even have as much to lose as us. I think she had to be about a size 4 by the time she was finished. Thank you for the link. I've always remembered it because when I talked to her about how she did it, she would always just say it was these videos, but I've never looked into them myself for... reasons? (I'm lazy I guess!) Now I have no excuse. I can just click the link right there!
    I am deliberately doing more walking when I’m out, parking further from everything or doing two trips rather than cramming things into one.

    I'm trying to get more steps in the same way pretty much. I don't work from home, but I do sit for most of the day, so the past few weeks I've been trying my best to be more active at work, jumping up to ask if other people need help, getting up and putting away the media as soon as they deliver it... I think it's making me a better worker in general!

    alevans4 wrote: »
    I don't like people to see me struggle with anything, especially things that are easy for most of people.

    I can completely identify with this too. My fiance is 6'2, thin (compared to me!), and walks like he's on a mission; I get so embarrassed and cranky because I have to constantly remind him that I can't keep up with him... even just walking from the car into the grocery store I'm literally holding him back. It will be nice if one day I can outpace him instead.

    cassie9393 wrote: »
    Weirdly, I feel guilty when I exercise at home because I have a dog and know that if I'm up and moving, I should be doing something that will involve her since I don't do enough in general... so then I don't at all. Stupid, really. I hate to say it, but I'm probably just making excuses for myself. So I'm going to go take the dog for a walk here in a bit!

    I just need to say thanks for motivating me to walk our dogs tonight too!! I'm always thinking, "Oh, I'll walk them tomorrow... I'm tired right now," or, "It's too dark right now," or, "It's too cold," etc. I'm going to just get out there and do it right now though! I can handle a walk around the block even if it IS dark and cold. It's not like I'm trekking across the country!

  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    edited January 2018
    @Cassie9393 That's awesome! We can just keep each other on a never-ending motivation loop!
    And your puppy is so sweet looking! She remind me of my Toby (the one on the left in my own picture.) Is she part pit?

    ETA: I just realized Toby is also in my profile pic with me!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    edited January 2018
    so many cute dogs
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 580 Member
    edited January 2018
    Sadly I'm a way off being comfortable enough to walk the dogs but it's coming closer. I can already feel the difference in the little walking in doing now. I will get out with my dogs one day! Even if it's around the block in the dark!
  • cassie9393
    cassie9393 Posts: 30 Member
    @rabidhamster87 I believe she is part pit, but she was originally a rescue, so I'm not sure on lineage. She is a sweetheart (I say with no bias whatsoever). :)

    @fatoldladyonamission You'll get there! We're all starting in different places... I see people who are on the elliptical for almost an hour while my rather slow 30 minute walk is enough to make me sore and tired. The key for all of us I think is to start - start trying, and from wherever you begin, you'll be able to do more and more as you keep working at it. That's great that you're already feeling a difference!
  • ruthlessflower
    ruthlessflower Posts: 30 Member
    Just wanted to say hi while I lurk.

    After getting to the bottom of the barrel, I’m trying to stand on my feet again. Currently going through the WLS steps so hoping for a date, sooner or later, for surgery.
  • @cassie9393 Thank you. Had a night out with some friends tonight and they decided to walk from the restaurant to the pub after we'd planned to cab it. They changed their minds because it stopped raining. I thought I was going to really struggle as part if the walk was a very steep hill. Strangely though I was a bit puffed out I still managed it and at a decent speed! So chuffed! Now need to do that 5 times a day to make it really count!
  • wisdomckr
    wisdomckr Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello all. My name is Melanie & I’m just starting a Keto diet. I’m 42 & struggle with multiple health issues that cause chronic pain (hello fellow spoonies
  • @wisdomckr Hi Melanie, great to have you on board. Think there's possibly more posts in the group now which there's a link to further back in the thread so might be worth joining there? We've got some lovely people on board so far.
  • lmcclatchie
    lmcclatchie Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone. I've missed a lot being offline for three days! My fitbit arrived on Friday night and I'm obsessively check the number of steps all day every day :) I've sync'd the thing to MFP but it doesn't seem to be catching yet. I'll give it 24 hours.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    alevans4 wrote: »
    I am starting my journey at 350lbs after having my first child 2 months ago. Motivation is my biggest struggle especially in the winter when it's to cold to be outside(nw ia). I am now a sahm so my activity level has greatly decreased and I am afraid of what will happen if I don't do something about it now. I want to be healthier not only for myself but for my husband and daughter as well. We live in a small rural area so there's not much around for doing indoor walking.
    When I started trying to walk more I literally paced in my apartment for x minutes at a time. Felt stupid, but it got me moving. You can do it :smile:

    This is what I need to do. I can't yet face attempting to walk outside because I feel like I'll be watched and judged (thanks to those so called friends talking about me like they did). I've got an exercise bike but oh my is the seat uncomfortable even with a gel seat on it! Plus I feel like an idiot walking when my husband is at home and he's been off work this week. I'm quite looking forward to him going back so that I can use the bike or walk without him watching. I want to get confident enough to take the digs to the beach which is only a 10 minute walk from here for a normal person. It would take me 20 to 30 and there's no way I'd make it back. Really sad knowing that.

    Something i do that really can help, is dance. I HATE DANCING IN PUBLIC but will dance in my livingroom like no one is watching because well no one is. I work a desk job and to make matters worse I work from home so I don't move much in life as you can imagine. So I tend to "dance" where im going. If im getting up to let the dogs out or go to the bathroom im dancing. Dancing burns more calories than walking. I was using fitbit for a while and i had an alarm set to go off every hour to walk a couple hundred steps. then after work I would get up and dance for 15 mins or so. Dance while cooking dinner, eat dinner then work on schoolwork. After homework and what not id look and see where I was at for steps and then get up and dance around my living room as i was "tidying" up.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Something i do that really can help, is dance. I HATE DANCING IN PUBLIC but will dance in my livingroom like no one is watching because well no one is. I work a desk job and to make matters worse I work from home so I don't move much in life as you can imagine. So I tend to "dance" where im going. If im getting up to let the dogs out or go to the bathroom im dancing. Dancing burns more calories than walking. I was using fitbit for a while and i had an alarm set to go off every hour to walk a couple hundred steps. then after work I would get up and dance for 15 mins or so. Dance while cooking dinner, eat dinner then work on schoolwork. After homework and what not id look and see where I was at for steps and then get up and dance around my living room as i was "tidying" up.

    That sounds great! I don't have the courage to do anything like that even in front of friends and family, but my cats are fair game lol A former roommate of mine, though, would do the same thing - she liked to dance around the house while doing housework, and she was bold enough that she didn't mind if closer friends saw her doing it.

    I did buy a Wii game this weekend - the gold's gym dance workout - to see if I can use that to get me moving while winter is here. I dried a dance workout video years ago, but it didn't work out as I couldn't keep up with it; I hope the Wii sensor will be a little more forgiving!
  • alevans4
    alevans4 Posts: 37 Member
    Mellykay88 wrote: »
    @fatoldladyonamission have you checked out the Leslie Sansone walking videos? There are a few free ones on YouTube. It’s basically walking in place with a few simple moves added in, but I loved them when I first started. They’re easy to modify based on your needs. Some people find her annoying, but I think she’s a lot of fun!

    I tried this this weekend. All I have to say is man that looks easy, but they are moving fast. My 490+ lb self was going whoaaa. Then about 5 minutes in she's all, well that was the warmup, time to step up the pace! :open_mouth:

    Time to step up my game :lol:
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    Something i do that really can help, is dance. I HATE DANCING IN PUBLIC but will dance in my livingroom like no one is watching because well no one is. I work a desk job and to make matters worse I work from home so I don't move much in life as you can imagine. So I tend to "dance" where im going. If im getting up to let the dogs out or go to the bathroom im dancing. Dancing burns more calories than walking. I was using fitbit for a while and i had an alarm set to go off every hour to walk a couple hundred steps. then after work I would get up and dance for 15 mins or so. Dance while cooking dinner, eat dinner then work on schoolwork. After homework and what not id look and see where I was at for steps and then get up and dance around my living room as i was "tidying" up.

    That sounds great! I don't have the courage to do anything like that even in front of friends and family, but my cats are fair game lol A former roommate of mine, though, would do the same thing - she liked to dance around the house while doing housework, and she was bold enough that she didn't mind if closer friends saw her doing it.

    I did buy a Wii game this weekend - the gold's gym dance workout - to see if I can use that to get me moving while winter is here. I dried a dance workout video years ago, but it didn't work out as I couldn't keep up with it; I hope the Wii sensor will be a little more forgiving!

    Thats the best part of this all. Go at your pace. You will get better as you get healthier. I tried those dvds and p90x and all that and I had the same problem. "okay lets to 10 sets" and they would finish and I was on set 4. Its what i enjoyed most about C25K. It allowed me to move at my own pace. if i couldn't finish I would simply repeat that day until I could. No one expects anyone to be able to pick up and go with any of that. but any movement is good movement.
  • @chunkiedunker Thank you for sharing that. I think I'm going to try to be brave and use my daughter's early school finish tomorrow as an excuse to walk the dogs up to her school to meet her. It's not even a mile away but I know I'll struggle with it. I've been using the exercise bike so that's a start at least.

    I'm determined to do this one way or the other and hearing that people have done it us such a huge encouragement to just get on with it. Thank you.
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    Here is a little inspirational video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgxf587zAcE&t=602s
  • machjas
    machjas Posts: 26 Member
    Hey, everyone!

    So glad I found this thread! I haven't seen a lot of people in the forums with situations similar to mine. I'm 29 years old (approaching 30), 5'10". I've been on a roller coaster.

    In 2012, I was 380lbs, and started using MFP for the first time. I did CICO, and did some Xbox 360 Kinect games at home (Your Shape Fitness Evolved, Dance Central). I was down to about 314lbs. A close friend of mine passed away around that time, and I got depressed, started drinking a lot, fell off the wagon, fell back into old habits and gained it all back, up to 380lbs again.

    Started CICO again in 2014, got down to about 335lbs. Fell off the wagon again, I'm not really sure why.

    February of 2016, I stepped on the scale, and ouch: 397lbs. The heaviest I'd ever gotten. So I stepped things up, started counting calories again, but I also woke up at 5:45am, had a breakfast sandwich, and hit the treadmill by 6am. Eventually when it got nice enough outside, I was out the door walking my neighborhood and listening to podcasts. My normal routine was 4.5 miles every morning and I went from 397lbs to 351lbs in about 2-3 months by Summer 2017. Interestingly, even though I'd lost more weight with previous attempts, I'd never felt better in my life, physically, mentally. The added activity certainly has an impact!

    Things changed with my life, things became more serious with my girlfriend at that point, and I haven't been able to get back into my normal routine, for whatever reasons/excuses, haven't been counting calories since July-ish. It's now almost at the 1 year mark since I've started this last time, and I've managed to keep most of it off and only gain 10lbs. I want to get back on the wagon, and step up before things get out of control. Recently, I've had financial concerns, relationship stuff, not enough time in the day, it's been too cold to just go outside (I got rid of the treadmill thinking I could get some winter walking gear when the time came, and never got around to it). I really want to reorganize my life and get things back on track, but I feel constrained by all this.

    Does anyone have any words of wisdom to offer? Much love, all.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    @chunkiedunker Thank you for sharing that. I think I'm going to try to be brave and use my daughter's early school finish tomorrow as an excuse to walk the dogs up to her school to meet her. It's not even a mile away but I know I'll struggle with it. I've been using the exercise bike so that's a start at least.

    I'm determined to do this one way or the other and hearing that people have done it us such a huge encouragement to just get on with it. Thank you.

    How did the walk go? Just remember you can do anything. The hardest part is getting started... Once you get moving you can't really give up, you just have to motor thru and get the task done. It's also not about how fast you finish but that you finished. Obviously you can jump in a car and make the trip in a couple mins or you can walk and take half an hour to an hour to do it. Who cares.... you did it. thats an accomplishment in its own right. Losing weight is 60% mental and 50% physical... lol