does weekend eating TOTALLY mess up your diet??

Happy Sunday!! :D

So...I'm wondering why when the weekend comes, its SO HARD to walk away from the junky foods?! I feel like I do SO GREAT with eating during the week..and then Friday/Saturday/Sunday roll around and I WAHOOOO ITS THE WEEKEND...and some of my motivation goes out the window!!!

What do YOU do to avoid the weekend mess ups???


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I designate a day, usually Sunday, as a "free day" to kick back and eat pretty much whatever.
  • rachie50380
    yea, i totally get what your saying. i had 2 bday party/cookouts this weekend and i ate a few things ive been trying to stay away from. but, i guess we cant totally cut ourselves off from everything we like to eat, as long as we eat in moderation is what i have learned. although weekend eating discourages me at times, i get back on the wagon soon as monday morning starts. and, i try and stay within my excepted calories. so far, so good on my end. good luck!!
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    Luckily I have no problems on weekends, I have more time to workout and to cook healthier food and prepare little vegetable or fruit snacks.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I think it's pretty much a universal problem. The only way I hold off major weight gain is that I run 1/2 marathons and Saturday is the "long run" day, burning a good 1000 calories. Still takes me a day or two after the weekend to wash away all the sodium and snackies.
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    Weekends are hard. I usually plan out every meal beforehand, but that doesn't always work with weekends and plans changing.
  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    I never have that problem because I work crazy shifts- my schedule is all over the place! I say try to find healthier versions of what you look forward to the most from your favorite foods! And just try to eat throughout the day, focus on protein and fiber.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    It's not the weekend for me so much as anytime I stay with my parents instead of staying in my apartment. So this week was rough because I was with them, but the week before I was very good.
  • JoyfulSparkle
    I wish I knew! I just remember today is the only day in my control, I'll worry about tomorrow, well tomorrow. I get to the end of my Sunday, and see my calorie overage, and wonder, "maybe I should hit the treadmill before bed!"
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    I do the same thing girl! Some weekends, I do great..others, I totally mess up...and yet I'll still keep to those calories....I just sometimes eat horribly!!!

    It's like I'm so relaxed for the weekend that all bets are off!!

    And I really want to do good too!!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I try to work out as much as possible to make up for the inevitable overage.

    I hate weekends because it's not my regular schedule.. I need the Mon-Fri structure to keep myself in check.
  • PriorGodwyn
    Yes! The weekend completely screws me up. But it's because I live with my parents, and they're really controlling with my eating. So when they're around me on the weekends I have to eat what and as much as they want me to eat.
  • kjpollard
    It certainly can mess me up, but mostly if we go out. It's very hard to control calories when you are not the one cooking. I just try to make smart choices. Stay away from fried things, light on the sauces/dressings, etc.
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    Yup, the weekends totally mess up my diet! I think its because I'm not as busy with school and work so I'm just kind of sitting around the house with food around. Or I go to the movies and end up pigging out on popcorn after I tell myself I won't.

    I try and get more exercise over the weekends to make up for it. Or I try and just have self control. I used to let Saturdays be my cheat day but I won't allow it anymore.
  • sejunco
    sejunco Posts: 16
    My diet is WRECKED on weekends. I have an out-of-town boyfriend who I see only on weekends. He is not on a diet, and LOVES to bring home all sorts of fast food, pizzas, ice cream etc. I just try to be good enough during the week that I have a little room to splurge on the weekends.
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
  • cnldance
    cnldance Posts: 47 Member
    i try to keep myself busy on the weekend so that i avoid eating out of boredom simply because it's the weekend. but that rarely happens because i work EVERY SINGLE DARN WEEKEND >:(
  • cfrimming
    cfrimming Posts: 2 Member
    I think it's easier to stay under on the weekend, except for those Saturday night dinners and drinks. My best remedy is to double the work out time. So much easier to put in the time when you aren't beat up from work. And when you burn 1000 calories working out, you can offset your indiscretions.
  • ohpurdysure
    Saturday is my day to eat whatever.. thing is, I dont do too bad... I try to stay with it because I do NOT WANT to fall back into old habits I can eat healthy and yummy with a little pre thought.. or rather moderation !!! < thats the sucess button..
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    A lot of people, myself included, seem to have junk food triggers. Weekends don't affect me, but SWIMMING does. For years, boardwalk fries and cheeseburgers and swimming went hand in hand. The connection is still there. Swimming makes me think of fries and cheeseburgers.

    A little willpower goes a long way though. :) If not, I can exercise more to eat more.