does weekend eating TOTALLY mess up your diet??



  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I find the hardest time for me is when I am alone and feel the need to "treat" myself. When I don't have anyone or anything else I have to think about I just want to eat "non" foods to feel like I am REALLY taking the time for myself. Gonna have to change that habit because my kids are both leaving the "nest" soon and I'll have all kinds of alone time!!!
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Weekend eating doesn't mess up your diet... going off your diet and not being compliant messes up your diet. For anyone that says 'splurging on the weekend doesn't mess up your diet', well they are in denial. For anyone that wants to challenge the statement then give yourself a 'free day' or go out to eat and drink on Friday and Saturday night. I bet the scale doesn't budge, unless you are in an extreme caloric deficit the rest of the time. Having a TREAT meal is the only way to go. You have to learn to make losing weight a lifestyle... if you can do it 5 days, then you can do it 7.
  • MzTrapp
    MzTrapp Posts: 20 Member
    I know the feeling. I guess its because most of us have those monday through friday jobs and we are so busy with that. When the weekend comes we are tired and burned out til we don't want to cook so we tend to grab the fastest things which turns out to be the fattest things to eat. Its sad but we have got to stay focused weekend or no weekend.
  • kcwonder
    kcwonder Posts: 57 Member
    I designate Sunday as a day for more latitude with food selection. I had ten turkey pot stickers for dinner and two mini-pizzas for a mid-evening snack. I did make the food myself though.

    Yeah weekends are tough. I just want to chillax, but I think if I don't stray a little. It will all come crashing down.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Its a tough nut to crack, if it can be cracked. Its a universal problem. Weekends are the "wahoo, relax, let loose, have fun" days of the week. Barbeques, social hours, out to the movies, margaritas with the gals, beers with the pals, amusement parks, shopping mall food courts, birthday parties, weddings, anniversary parties, dates, and so on and so on.

    Take this weekend for example for me.... Friends over Friday night... hey lets order pizza and play games.... Pizza equals fail.
    Saturday, met family at the lake and rode the waverunner for hours....hey we are starving lets stop off for some tacos on the way home... fail. Sunday, after church lets go to a friend's house and swim! Great, but afterwards the whole gang is starving so we go for mexican and margaritas and coronas...Fail. The point being....weekends can get away from you quickly. Especially if you don't strive to plan ahead and ya just go with the flow. Every now and again the social aspect is worth trading off for, but other times ya got to buckle down and plan ahead or bring your own food to the gathering. Plus find time for extra exercise so that you can earn some of those tempting bad calories.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Fridays and Saturdays can be pretty bad for me, but Sundays I usually don't have much going on so unless I'm visiting my parents, it's easy to eat well.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I don't have troubles with weekends, but I'm a SAHM and every day is pretty much the same, except for the morning cartoons....I find it harder when my hubby is working because he texts me every day after work to see if I want anything picked up, like pop or a bag of chips. Thats hard to say no too, and I have to admit I say "yes" far too often.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    Only if it happens every weekend, and on the week days too.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Eat less during the day so I can splurge on drinks at night. When I do have drinks, I order them straight up and neat; no mixed drinks. This technique usually has me at or near my daily calories on most occasions.

    Edit: Sorry, didn't read the OP properly. Hmm, to limit food intake on weekends, you can always order and ask for the waiter to serve you half and put the other half in a to go container. Drink 1 bottle of water before and after you eat, and work out more.

    Try to lower your eating out days to once every 2 weeks and eventually you'll only crave the bad stuff sporadically. Right now you're training your body get used to eating junk food every weekend so you'll need to do something to break that habit. I know from first-hand experience. :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    aghhhhh im EXACTLY the same!!!1
    work my *kitten* off all week and get really good reaults then blow it over 2days on the weekend!!! then have to psend the next week trying to make up for my mistakes!!!!

    just keep busy i guess!!! and plan!!!!
  • My diet is COMPLETELY MESSED UP on the weekend!!

    And i'm so good during the week! But drinking with friends, going to out to restaurants, watching movies etc etc... i just cannot resist the temptation

    I used to beat myself up over it on a monday, but have sort of come to the conclusion that my diet is 5 days on, one or two days off! (also i think a little indulgence isn't such a bad thing, it keeps me happy anyway!)