What weight should I stop gaining and start shredding?

The biggest I've ever been is 93kg. My natural platue is around 88kg.

So I cut down to 79kg. I'm now gaining and just got back up to 88kg (with better muscle mass). Would appreciate any advice on what weight I should stop gaining and start shredding?


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    It's best to go by body fat percentage rather than weight, as this will be vastly different for everyone. For the majority of people, they will bulk from <12%bf, and cut from >15%bf - but it's very individual. If you wanted to post some pics some folks around here might give you their 2c...
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I agree that the key is BF% and not just weight. The lower your BF% the easier you will gain muscle and the higher the easier you gain fat but also cut fat easier. It's called the p-ratio and you want to take advantage of it. I think bulking to around 18-20% would be fine if you are ok with the extra weight, and then cut till you get down to a goal such as 12% or so depending on your preference.

    Then repeat as desired.
  • AObravo123
    AObravo123 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm about 14%. Wonder if there is a way to get an idea on target weight from my position.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    At that point, and with your size/mass, it would probably be a matter of personal preference. Your weight at 14% would look big with a shirt on, cut back down and you'll look more cut and better with your shirt off... That is of course assuming that aesthetics is your goal, if you have strength targets or something else to aim for, that will change the approach again.

    Bottom line is you're not fat, and you're not skinny. So just do what makes you happier!