Calories in this burger

Help me calculate how many calories are in this burger. FYI, the restaurant doesn't have any nutritional informational available so this isn't really a competition to see who gets closer to the "real" answer, but just an estimate.
So far I'm just guessing around 1,100 cals?

From the menu:
The Italian Job Burger
Beef Patty, Mozzarella Cheese, Balsamic Onions, Sundried Tomato Pesto, Crispy Basil


This last one is a pic of my DH's burger, same size as mine but different ingredients (quality is a bit better to get an idea of size)



  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I'd guess about 1100-1200 too. This is what I'm estimating

    bun- 300
    patty- 300
    cheese- 200
    pesto- 100
    onions- 80
    fried basil- 80
    other (butter, oil)- 100
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yeah, 1000 sounds about right
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Looks delicious.
    1100ish sounds... very much the middle of my mental range!
  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 497 Member
    Goodness. It's scary to realise I'd easily eat two of everything that is on that tray, just for a meal. No wonder I put on weight.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    edited January 2018
    Looks amazing. I agree, definitely at least 1100. Id log 1500 to be safe.
  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks everyone! I just wanted to get some feedback to make sure I wasn't grossly underestimating it. With half of the fries I wound up logging 1,500.

    And yes, it was DELICIOUS!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,836 Member
    edited January 2018
    that looks like at least 100gr of mozarella, thus about 250-ish kcal. But good mozarella is expensive. If they used something that kind of looks and tastes like mozarella it might have a ton more calories. I'd go with 1400.
  • Eelkov
    Eelkov Posts: 88 Member
    I am looking at the mayo on those chips...... I cant stop drooling...are you in the netherlands only dutch people (and Belgians) put that much mayo on chips...
  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    Eelkov wrote: »
    I am looking at the mayo on those chips...... I cant stop drooling...are you in the netherlands only dutch people (and Belgians) put that much mayo on chips...

    Nope, not in the Netherlands. Southeast Asia in fact. I wiped the mayo off each fry I had because they were really delicious just on their own.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I usually find a restaurant with an online "build a burger" feature like red robin or chili's to go by.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I need that.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    edited February 2018
    A little trick I like to do is ask the server how many ounces the patty is when I order the burger (if it's not on the menu).

    I figure the most calorific thing about the burger is the patty, so if I have a general idea of the ounces I can guesstimate a little better.

    In this case, off the top of my head, I'd estimate...

    Bun = 250
    Beef Patty - 500 (assuming ground chuck)
    Mozzarella Cheese - 200
    Balsamic Onions - 250
    Sundried Tomato Pesto - 100 (pine nuts are fairly high-cal)
    Crispy Basil - 50 (crispy = fried in oil)

    Total = 1305
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I'd say 1200-1300 is close enough to call it done.

    But those calories look oh so worth it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Definitely closer to 1400 than 1000. Most burgers are 1/3 lb of 80% meat, which is close to 400 calories in meat alone. Plus cheese, bun, condiments, fried basil, pesto... it adds up fast.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited February 2018
    Id' call that a why bother day- log a total of 4K for the day and tally it in the "loss" section and move on.
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    Let's say 3,000 calories good luck!!