Okay so I need some advice for my birthday

Hey Guys!
Well my birthday is in less than a week and I would really like to get together with some of my friends and go out to dinner. Some of my friends have said "it's just one day, eat what you want", However I do not agree. I don't want to blow my diet on my birthday. So I was wondering if anyone knew of any sit down restaurants that are pretty healthy. I like everything so any recommendations are appreciated. I was thinking Genghis Grill which is where I had my dinner last year. It's a Mongolian stir fry where you choose what goes into your meal. This is an option but I would like to split it up. Also, what to do for "cake". I don't want to go overboard on this either. So if anyone knows of a bakery and/or low cal recipe that would do the trick, that would be nice. or even an healthier alternative to cake? Thanks!


  • arhzon
    arhzon Posts: 150
    Applebees is pretty good, in my opinion, and they have some healthy choices.
  • Angelcutieangel
    Sweet tomotes
  • ashleymmc20
    ashleymmc20 Posts: 39 Member
    I gotta say, I agree with your friends. I've learned that when I have one day where I eat things that are a little higher calorie, but still consider moderation, my metabolism burns it up like WHOA and I actually lose a couple pounds. I, like you, never would have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    This is a lifestyle change and NOT a diet. Saying you are "dieting" means you are severely restricting what you eat. A lifestyle change indicates you are making healthier choices - but aren't giving up things you enjoy. Let's be honest -- can you go the rest of your life without enjoying some of the foods you REALLY enjoy? I know I can't. I can't skip bbq's, wedding receptions or graduation parties and I don't want to skip them either.

    Choose where you want to go eat - look at their online menu and make your choice. Make it as healthy as possible - but don't restrict yourself too much. As for cake, if you want a piece of cake.. have it. Make it a smaller piece and eat it slowly to savor it.

    Honestly. It'll be okay to enjoy yourself on your birthday. I would recommend eating lighter the rest of the day leading up to dinner and the cake just so you feel like it'll be okay to completely enjoy your meal. Don't become a slave to this lifestyle or you'll soon feel resentful and want to give up. Life is for living and enjoying!
  • budkow
    budkow Posts: 39
    IMHO stay away from any and all chains. They're awful. Go someplace where they'll be okay with making you something special, especially since it's your birthday. Stir fry is generally pretty dangerous, but just pick something and eat some of it. You can eat things that aren't great for you, just add a salad or some steamed vegetables. Same with cake. Have a small piece, eat it slowly and enjoy it. :-)

    Happy birthday! :-)
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Red lobster!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I gotta say, I agree with your friends. I've learned that when I have one day where I eat things that are a little higher calorie, but still consider moderation, my metabolism burns it up like WHOA and I actually lose a couple pounds. I, like you, never would have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself.

    This is so true, like the day after you might be a pound or two up but it will just be the sodium/water retention and after that you will bounce back plus some, so Enjoy ....Applebbes is a good suggestion and good food though, get a workout in the morning and eat kind of light through the day and enjoy your birthday dinner wherever it may be
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't completely cut everything out, especially on a special day. Splurging while still making the smarter choice, would make you fill that you weren't deprived. My family eats out every Sunday and I used to dread the day, but have learned to look up some menu's online first to make my selection. Holding back on things like cheeses or sauces and picking the lower fat/cal salad dressings, picking grilled instead of fried things, etc. Also if you were planning on making your own cake, I've been known to make it with unsweetened applesauce instead of the oil. I actually like it better that way!
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    For a birthday dinner, I'd say order whatever you want and just eat half. Take the rest home (and this is key) to eat the next day (not that night!!!).

    For cake, how about cupcakes? You can have 1 and send the leftovers home with someone else or take them to work to give away.

    Also, a fabulous icing can be made with Cool Whip (low-fat or fat-free) and powdered sugar. Yes, it still has lots of sugar, but not made with lard! Start with about 1 cup of cool whip and just mix powdered sugar a few tablespoons at a time until it is as thick as you want. Or skip the sugar altogether and just freeze the Cool Whip. It makes a great ice cream substitute.

    And Happy Birthday! Mine is August 21, so I've been thinking about things to do too.