Morning workout or Night workout? what do you do?

What time of day do you workout? after months of having hardships of sleeping, i finally got around a solution to help me sleep longer. But with that, i have now had to change my schedule from working out in the morning to at night.

Curious how everyones schedule is like and works best for you.


  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I workout whenever I can. Sometimes that's in the morning, sometimes it's on my lunch break, sometimes it's in the afternoon, or after work, or in the evening. Hell, sometimes it's in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    I do late afternoon at work if I have a quiet pocket where I can slip away for 1 hour, otherwise I workout at nite.
    I wish I was one of those ppl who could wake up at 6am, workout and have the whole day ahead. I've tried many times, but when my alarm goes off at that insane hour, I'm just like NOPE. When it's happened, it's because I made plans with a friend to do it so I had to follow thru!
  • Back_2_Fit
    Back_2_Fit Posts: 33 Member
    I am thankful to have a gym onsite at work. I get up at 530am and do a cardio workout when I get to work every morning (M-F). Then 4-5 days a week I go with my husband in the evenings he isn't working and on weekends for an hour weight lifting session.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    I prefer to get it done first thing so I know nothing can interfere with it, I like the way it feels to exercise early, and I enjoy having the late afternoon/evenings free for my other hobbies and time with my husband.
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    I go after I get home from work (4-4:30pm). In the summer, when I typically start work later and work later into the evening, I'll go in the morning before work, but right now I already have to get up at 5:30 in the morning for work; there's no way I'm going to get up at 4:30 to fit a workout in.

    Also, I hate blow drying my hair, so showering at night after a workout works better for me than having to shower in the morning and deal with wet hair. But that's just me being weird.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    During the work week I go around 5pm (right after work). Saturday and/or Sunday around 11am. With my kids and work schedule it works the best.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I work at 7am and I'm already so not a morning person so if I had to do a workout before work someone would die horribly in an accident involving, a stapler, paper shredder, photocopier, glue, and an office plant.

    I do mine around 7pm, which is probably the worst possible time but that's the only time I can fit in normally.
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    I would so love to be able to do it in the morning! I can't get up that early plus I have to eat before I workout or I feel too faint and can't give it my all, but I'm incapable of eating first thing in the morning. So I workout in the evenings about 30-60 minutes after I've eaten supper.
  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    I have started using our indoor bike trainer in the morning at 5:30.. I am NOT a morning person, but since I've started.. my body has been waking up naturally between 5:00 an 5:30. I go and do 30 minutes. I feel it gets my blood pumping and heart rate going.. and I feel great by the time I get to work at 8. I am lucky, we have a small fitness area at work that is open to employees at lunch four times a week. So at lunch I will go and do another quick 30 minutes on various machines. One day it could be the treadmill, another the elliptical or the seated stair machine. There is a rower that I am working my nerve up to use. In the evenings.. this is time I get to spend with my husband, and we will get on the treadmill or elliptical and watch an episode of The Americans.. and that is about 45 minutes. Whatever works for you and your lifestyle.. I think as long as you are moving some during the day, you are a winner!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    depends on the season. In the summer I ride in the AM to beat the heat. In spring and fall, late afternoon/early evening rides are where it's at. In the winter it's just whenever because I'm usually on my indoor trainer save for nice weekend afternoons.

    for lifting, I usually lift on Friday evening and Sunday morning.
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    I do it right after work as part of my going home routine. I tried working out in the morning but I found that having to go to bed early enough to do so wasn't working for me or my family.
  • Fitwithsci
    Fitwithsci Posts: 69 Member
    I prefer right away in the morning, its a great way to wake up. That being said I do feel like I can workout harder when I go later in the day, say mid afternoon.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I work out mid afternoon when I have the most energy. When I work I do evenings or lunch break, because there is no chance I'm setting my alarm one minute earlier.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    Started my gym routine a little over a month ago and I’m there at 5:15 M-F and 7:30ish on Sat and Sun. I didn’t think I was a morning person, but now I don’t even need an alarm. It works for me! If I were to go after work I just know I’d talk myself out of it.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    I work out after work when it's a work day and in the morning after my coffee and a little down time when I am off work.
    I plan the week ahead and write it down (in a group here) and that keeps me accountable and keeps my head in the game :)
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,982 Member
    First thing in the morning. Alarm goes off at 4:30, I'm at the gym when they open at 5.

    If I don't do it first thing like that, then it's too easy for me to skip or talk myself out of going after a long day at work. I also prefer the morning crowd at the gym.

    I HATE getting up in the am, and I am one of those that needs my 8-9 hours of sleep a night, so this basically means I have no life during the week LOL as I have to be in bed early enough to get up on time. Yes, it kind of sucks, but making the workouts happen is far more important to me.

    That being said, my current workout plan has one "light" week where my workouts are about half as long as they normally are, so I do get a week of "rest" and a little break off the strict schedule. My normal workouts are now pretty dang intense, so I figured that rest week would be important as I move forward in my training.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Both, usually. Up at 3:45, at the gym by 4:30. If I don't get my entire lifting program done in the morning, I then hit the gym again in the evening to finish it off, and add some cardio.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    Whatever works. I woke up early yesterday intending to lift but was just too sore to get out of bed. By 8:00PM last night, I was fine and got in my workout.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited January 2018
    M-F I run in the early AM, around 4:30. On Saturdays, I do a long run mid-morning or afternoon depending on the temp and weather. Sundays, I rest. No other reason for the timing except that's when it fits my schedule.