I need help.

I'm binging a lot lately during the night, and I really want to stop. Yet, I feel like I can't. There are just too many fattening foods in the house to munch on. I have no control over what is bought; my mom does the grocery shopping. I honestly feel like I would not binge half as much if these foods were not in the house. What do I do? Any suggestions on how to convince my mom to stop stocking our pantry and refrigerator with junk food? Any tips on how to stop nighttime binging?


  • ungato76
    ungato76 Posts: 1 Member
    Try drinking water to fill you up instead. I used to get late night binges back in high school. I forced myself to do sit ups or any type of quiet floor exercise (since everyone else was sleeping) to keep myself out of the kitchen. Good luck!
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    Its hard in the beginning but after some disciple and control you will remedy the eating at night. Every now and then I'll slip up and eat very late too.

    No control over the groceries? You cant suggest some things like salads and fruit etc?
  • demand the good stuff! im eating carrots right now 35 calories :happy:
  • Protein Bars or shakes are good because they are sweet and sustain you for hours. If all else fails try www.cravingconverter.com. It will help you find healthy alternatives to squash the cravings. :ohwell:
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    Suggestions: would be to up on your protein & fiber so you feel full longer, drink loads of water to drain it out & get rid of the temptation foods. This should do the trick, however if this is a binge issue, there's also over-eaters anonymous where you can get a buddy, that you can call on any time of day for help
  • IcePrincess1984
    IcePrincess1984 Posts: 7 Member
    This is a hard one! Try talking to your mom, lay it all out for her so she knows what you want and what you need. Maybe you'll be helping her too. But just keep trying, drink lots of water, keep yourself distracted. If one thing doesnt' work, try another. Just remember that you are here to help yourself, and the first person that can help you, is you.
  • reidhome
    reidhome Posts: 26
    Does your Mom know that you are trying hard to get healthier and could use her support (by not filling the house with unhealthy temptations)? That being said, you will often be faced with temptations... Have you tried drinking a LOT of waster (filling you up) and having some healthy options at the ready (microwave light popcorn, fresh fruit, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches - ONE! ;-)

    When all else fails, go to sleep and dream of the healthy decisions you wil make tomorrow! :-)

    Take it one choice at a time... You can do it!! :-)
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    I would suggest a couple things. Don't stay up late (thus tempting yourself to eat when you shouldn't). Increase your fiber intake during the day to keep yourself full longer. And DEFINITELY help with the grocery shopping (or buy certain things only for you, and thus limit yourself to what is only "yours".) A healthy night time snack might help too. What is causing you to want to binge? Just the existence of food or is it boredom, feelings, etc?
  • So hard! Especially if you're like me and don't have much self-control along with an addiction to food. Having unhealthy choices readily available certainly isn't easy. One thing that sometimes works for me in the evenings when I start craving things I shouldn't eat is to have a low calorie snack (apples are great), drink a glass of water and brush my teeth. Once I brush my teeth, food doesn't taste the same. If you've got a photo of yourself that you're not particulary proud of because of your weight, and one that you love, it can also be motivating to take a look at them when you start to crave and think about where you've been and where you want to go. Ask yourself if you're really hungry, or if it's just a temporary craving. It's usually a mental thing. You may have to do some serious "self talk" to talk yourself out of it. It's not easy, but you can definitely do it. Just think about the end result!! You'll be so proud of yourself when you beat this and get to the healthy weight you want! It's a strong person who can have self-control when faced with temptation like this. Good for you for reaching out for help and advice!
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks, guys. Honestly, there are healthy treats in the house. There's just so much junk food also, that it makes me have a hard time sticking to eating only healthy stuff.
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    So hard! Especially if you're like me and don't have much self-control along with an addiction to food. Having unhealthy choices readily available certainly isn't easy. One thing that sometimes works for me in the evenings when I start craving things I shouldn't eat is to have a low calorie snack (apples are great), drink a glass of water and brush my teeth. Once I brush my teeth, food doesn't taste the same. If you've got a photo of yourself that you're not particulary proud of because of your weight, and one that you love, it can also be motivating to take a look at them when you start to crave and think about where you've been and where you want to go. Ask yourself if you're really hungry, or if it's just a temporary craving. It's usually a mental thing. You may have to do some serious "self talk" to talk yourself out of it. It's not easy, but you can definitely do it. Just think about the end result!! You'll be so proud of yourself when you beat this and get to the healthy weight you want! It's a strong person who can have self-control when faced with temptation like this. Good for you for reaching out for help and advice!

    This helped a lot, actually. Thanks!
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    i'd tell her to stop buying things like that. youre on a diet, and you need her support. my mom wouldnt stop, so i had to really grow self controll. just try to trick your mind that everything is just gross. what i would do is she'd buy tacos for jimboys, and i'd make myself see a 20lb bag of fat and oil. did i want to eat that? or, if you need more extreme ideas, lock all of it up. put a lock on the pantry or something and either give her a pad lock key, or a combination. that will deffenitly stop you at home. and yes, it has been done. a friend of mine in highschool did that. i just made everything as if it was smothered in fat and dirty oil, and the truth is, it usually is. but for like chips, soda. etc know that 1 of those little snack pack chips can fill 2 paper towles with the oil in them, and soda is like taking 3 steps back. worst possible thing. tell her to get coke zeros, pepsi max, anythigng with 0 cal, 0 sugar.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Are you logging every single thing you eat? I mean *everything*. Looking at your diary, it doesn't look like you are bingeing. Are your third meals happening at midnight?

    Every time I eat something, I enter it into my diary then I log it right before I go to bed. I've had a few issues with feeling hungry but only after I've been laying in bed reading for a while before catching my zzz's. I know how many calories I have had and that if I do get up and eat something else, it has to come off my calories for the new day. I'm just not willing to give up those calories when I know I will need them later. I think keeping track of what I am putting into my body is the single biggest deterrant for my nighttime munchies.

    Instead of asking your mom to stop stocking junk, can you ask her to bring home specific healthy foods for you? Not just general healthy food but specific. "Mom, can you pick up salad ingredients? Can you get some whole grain bread for me please?"

    Is it possible for you to buy your own healthy food and snacks that you can turn to when the cookies your mom put in the pantry are calling your name (there are quite a few recipes in the recipe section here that I cannot wait to try out when I'm having my own cravings)? Is it possible for you to budget a certain amount of calories that you can eat later at night when you get hungry? Or to cut down on certain foods to be able to eat something more substantial later?
  • jon_brady
    jon_brady Posts: 46 Member
    don't stay up late and after dinner distance your self from the junk food until bedtime go for a walk.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Can you just ask her to take you with her next time?