Hey everyone I need some help, I am IF, I love it and I'm sticking to it. The schedule the lifestyle all of it works for me however! I AM NOT LOOSING WEIGHT after the 1st few days. I lost almost 11lbs then put two back on and have not been able to loose them! I TRACK EVERYTHING/ I MEASURE EVERYTHING. 1 serving is 1 serving. If I eat one piece of something I track it because I know it's important to be accountable for myself. SO....My begging question to the community is does anybody have a true formula/ suggestion for the correct # of Calorie Deficit to do with IF? I am currently 217, 5'3 (Female) and lost........ When I pull up some calculators they say I should be eating 2100-2600. I've been eating 1200, no more than 1300 if I accidentally go over, PLEASE PLEASE HELP! TY!


  • Beautywalk
    Beautywalk Posts: 9 Member
    Remember that weight can fluctuate because of things like water retention, lack of sleep, medications, and stress. Also, I don't know if others have noticed this, but I often experience a several day lag in weight loss. It's like: lose a half lb, gain 2, then lose 1, then all of a sudden, I've lost 3. Give yourself time and listen to your body.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    The main issue here at the moment is unreasonable expectations. If it's really only been a few days, you need to give it more time. Patience will be your best friend during this process. You didn't gain it a few days, and you won't lose it in a few days either.
    Patience, grasshopper.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    You need patience and a bit of a change in expectations.

    Winner winner chicken dinner!!
  • BeyandBeautiful
    BeyandBeautiful Posts: 8 Member
    My expectation isnt to loose 3.4.5 etc lbs a day or even a week; but if the average is 1 -2 a week, seeing nothing or .3oz then seeing it go right back up the next day isn't helping to stay motivational. It's been almost 2 weeks with the stall/ plateau
    Thanks again
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Keep in mind that often people lose a big amount of water at the beginning of a change in diet. In a few days you say you lost 11 lbs. That was not all fat. Once your body realizes this is a new lifestyle some of the water comes back but you continue to lose fat. Sometimes the water gain outweighs the fat. Secondly your bowels can hold alot of weight depending on how much bulk you eat. Believe it or not that can affect your weight considerably. Third if you are still menstruating a water gain is not uncommon just before your period and can easily add 2 or 3 pounds, I'm sure you have experienced that before.

    Relax, I understand your shock after such a big loss to see a gain when you are continuing to work at your program. It will go down again but depending on how much you have to lose you may see it slow down considerably.

    IF does not make you lose any differently than eating three meals a day as long as the calories are the same. What it seems to do for some people is help them control cravings.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You have lost 9lbs since you started, that fantastic. Your expectations in regards to weight loss need a different mind set, use a trending weight app, keep doing what you're doing and in a months time see where your loss is then.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited February 2018
    My expectation isnt to loose 3.4.5 etc lbs a day or even a week; but if the average is 1 -2 a week, seeing nothing or .3oz then seeing it go right back up the next day isn't helping to stay motivational. It's been almost 2 weeks with the stall/ plateau
    Thanks again

    But two weeks isn't a plateau. A plateau is aboit 4 or more weeks of no loss. It's very common to lose a large amount of weight in the first week or two, then see nothing for a cpuple of weeks.
    The thing about weight loss is that it isn't linear. There will be some weeks where you might see weight loss, and some you won't. It's highly unlikely that you will see a drop every week like clockwork. The 1-2 lbs per week is really just, as you said, an average. Weight fluctuations are especially true for women...water retention from salty meals, new exercise routines, time of the month...all of those things can affect the scale and have nothing to do with gaining fat.
    The advice to get a trending app is good so that you can see the trends, rather than get caught up in the daily fluctuations.
    It also helps to set non scale goals for yourself, so that your entire focus isn't on the scale.