amazing pea and ham soup

mp09aap Posts: 18 Member
I love to cook and many healthy recipes I will share over the next few weeks. They are all good value and will all be healthy.

One of my favourite soups that’s is not only cheep but filling and healthy
Cooking time 20 minuets
Serves 6 large portions for a total cost £3 or 50p per portion

1 bag of Frozen peas (907g or 1kg doesn’t matter which 1)
500g of frozen winter vegetables (inc onions, carrots, Swede, parsnip.)
500g of cooking bacon
500ml of water
20ml of olive oil or (or vegetable oil)

Put oil in a large sauce pan
On a medium heat fry cooking bacon for about 5 minuets or until cooked through
Once the bacon is cooked add peas, winter vegtables and water and bring to the boil.
Once it reaches the boil simmer for 12-15 minuets.
Then use a hand blender or any other blender and blend into a thick soup.

400 cal per 400g portion or 100 cal per 100g

Optional to serve it with a slice of bread for an extra 100 cal but doesn’t need it

And left over freeze it.
