Hey guys :)

My names jade. I’m 20, new to all this fitness stuff! want to tone my belly and my bum. Weigh 10.10 stone and want to be about 8 1/2 or 9! Best diet plans? Need to know what food to eat and I love food to much!! Workouts? HELP!


  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    Hi Jade! I found I didn’t need a diet plan, just small changes I could live with permanently. Track all your food and don’t have any off limits foods. Portion control is the big key. I’d be glad to be your friend and help when I can! Good luck!
  • janelleginnetto
    janelleginnetto Posts: 91 Member
    Diets are one of the worst things you can do. If you want to be healthy in the long run just eat a calorie deficit until you reach your goal weight and than you eat at maintenance. Many people use MFP to track their calories well after they're at their goal weight.