Made To Crave book club (closed group)

Hi ladies! Our first assignment was to read Chapters 1-3 by this past weekend. Over today and tomorrow, let's discuss points that hit home and ways the book is changing out outlook!


  • Mimi and Carrie, click here to join.
  • katielizsmith
    katielizsmith Posts: 2 Member
    I just wanted to say that our Zumba group just completed this study and it is amazing! Praying for lots of breakthroughs for each of you!!

  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks! We are very excited! Appreciate the prayers!
  • Ahhhhh.....Thank you so much!!!
  • Chapter 1:
    I never really thought about the fact that God made us to crave something.....Of course I knew Bible Doctrine is what we need to fill our souls.....but I didn't ever think about the fact that I was using food to replace HIS word. That is the most powerful thing I got out of ch. 1. Now, when I think that I want to eat something that is bad for me the thought crosses my mind that it is surely a temptation from Satan. He knows where I am weak and I am not going to give into him because poor food choices effects my mood and then that effects my family.
  • Made To Crave book club
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Just into Chapter 2, I am already trying to see food more as a means to survive instead of a means to comfort me. I think that so far, the book has an interesting point of view and I am eager to learn more! I really do want to crave a life for God rather than FOOD!
  • Chapter 2:
    On page 29, the author says that she relied on food more than God. Food was her joy and what she turned to in times of stress, happiness, and sadness. That made me think of this. I need to feed my soul daily with the Word and start enjoying things that God has given us too.....nature, friendships without food, music, etc....I am going to make a list of things that I love and turn to those things along with Bible doctrine when I need a quick pick me up!
  • Meredith, see you prayed at Taco Bell just like Lisa T. suggested! Did it work???
  • kattkin
    kattkin Posts: 2
    I'm still trying to figure out where to post my comments on specific comments by others! But, I agree with what y'all have said about filling the vacuum with God instead of food. Using faith-rest to deal with problems and anxieties (I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.") is what believers are told to do. God made us and He knows what we need and what will make us truly happy.
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    Oh I wish my book would HURRY up and get here! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. So very encouraging.
  • It won't take you long to catch up....very easy to read!
  • I have been "eating right" for 22 days and I really don't crave all of the carbs that I used to crave. Not worth it!
  • thanks you so much!
  • Chapter 3:
    I totally believe that getting organized and having a plan is the key to our successses! I enjoyed chapter 3 because it really touched a nerve with me when the author said that food was her drug and it is a good drug for the Christian woman. That really made me think. Food certainly sabatoges my energy and my self esteem. My husband says that I am much nicer when I am eating right and exercising....LOL The sacrifices will be tough but well worth it, I am sure! I just have to get it into my mind that I CAN and WILL do this! Any thoughts about getting organized? This chapter made me start thinking about how much I love organizing school supplies, binders, etc.....So, I am going to make myself a binder full of recipes, before and after pix, articles that inspire me, clothes that inspire me and OF COURSE Bible verses! I can't wait to make my binder!!!
  • Chapter 4: Friends Don't Let Friends Eat Before Thinking!
    I had to laugh at this....Meredith caught me eating a handful of cereal just out of habit...a box of cereal was on the counter at the gym....I was talking to Meredith and just absent mindlessly poured a handful and ate it. She screamed at me....Now that was a friend! But, oh How often do I do that??? Just last night there was an extra slice of pizza on Noah's plate and I know in the past before MFP I would have eaten that and thought nothing more of it! Yes, friends are needed along our journey and that is why I am glad i have all of you! It is so fun to see everybody's numbers go down. I can't believe I actually weighed in front of Meredith but I do encourage you all to be honest with somebody about your weight and ask them to help you. I am praying for all of us....we are trying to be healthier for our families and so we can live long lives so we can carry out the plan that God has designed for us and I live to think of it in that way. Accountability is so important! Just know that I am here if anybody needs me but more importantly God is on your side because he wants you to treat His temple with respect. "Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert." 1 Peter5:7-8
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you, Thank you for recommending this book and making sure that I got it! just finished chapter 1, but WOW a lot to digest! This book is so spot on! The Lord has been dealing with me about the EXACT things mentioned in the book. It as confirmed the leading I have felt. I have been so concerned with the JUNK in our lives and the junk we consume.
    I feel that the good, healthy things for us seem to cost more initially..(probably by satan's plan).... but ... BUT eating cheap, fast, junk really cost us more in the long run.

    Thanks again! I'll be reading my lil heart out!:bigsmile:
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Ok readers! Take the questions at the end of CHapters 1-3 and answer them (only what you feel comfortable sharing) here on the message board. By Friday, try to have Chapters 4&5 read and answer those questions by Monday evening. You are encouraged to share points that are great for you and your weight loss journey!

    *and FYI - I "scolded" Sarah more than "screamed" about the cereal - and only because I am so guilty of the same thing! I was raised to eat everything on my plate - there are starving children in Africa... and since I am blessed to have food, i had better eat it all. I still carry that mentality that food should not be wasted. I am changing that though! I am no longer "wasting" this temple where my King dwells! Time for some "Spring Cleaning" to get all of the "bad" out and only bring in new "good"!
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    Had the book two days, and started on Chapter 5! My hubby & I (more me than him) have been discussing this book and how any one could put anything in the place of the word "food" and it would still be a great book. Anything that takes us away from the will of God, be it food or TV.
    Some folks use food as comfort, entertainment, etc. and other folks use other things.... TV, internet, telephone, books, movies.... We, Gods children, have been allowing Satan to turn the wonderful things that God has given to us, into cheap "fillers" and relationship killers.
  • True! I'm glad George likes it too!!!
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