Plant Based



  • KBfit_sexy18
    KBfit_sexy18 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! Anyone who is still active on here..feel free to add me...I'm vegetarian btw
  • casejacks
    casejacks Posts: 1 Member
    Vegan for 7 months and loving it! When I made the transition I noticed a small weight loss of about 3lbs and I have maintained that on dietary lifestyle alone. I do my long runs on the weekends and lift about 2-3x a week. Occasional yoga. The neatest part about going vegan has been the change to my energy and body. I'm approaching 40 and realized that measuring pounds doesn't cut it- I now have way more muscle and have reduced body fat. My body feels tighter and stronger than ever in my whole life. Even when I fall off the exercise wagon I don't really seem to gain weight. Vegan is the future for me and I hope others try it out for the sake of their health, the environment, and the animals! I am rarely on this app but if anyone has any questions or needs advice on the transition feel free to contact me or consult the website
    Cheers to a healthier, more ethical, and happier you!
  • kaylabean92
    kaylabean92 Posts: 55 Member
    I started following a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle as of two weeks ago. Anyone is free to add me. I keep my food diary open in case anyone needs ideas! :)
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    YAY!! I love this thread. I just went vegetarian and I swear people think I am a nut! I'd love some more like minded friends!