The journey of weight loss is kind of a confusing one. I am starting over... again! And, I’m not really sure where to start. I know I need to become more active and eat better. Obviously. I’m a pretty picky eater so this is not going to be easy! I’m obsessed with Pepsi which may be the hardest part of this lol... aside from the fact that my husband in no way needs to lose weight which makes preparing meals for the two of us a little tricky!
Any meals and work outs for picky eaters and beginners?! Thanks! Add me if you need a friend... I certainly do lol


  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited February 2018
    In my opinion the best thing to do is to write down a list of all the things you do like to eat and figure out how you can work them into your goal.

    Try to choose foods that will satisfy you longer. Foods that are rich in protein, high in fiber, and have a decent amount of fat content will satisfy you longer and help cut out the Cravings. But be sure to allow yourself some treats as well.

    You don't have to cook different meals for you and your husband. I'll bet you if you make something you find on skinnytaste.com, he will like it too and never even know he's eating a skinny recipe LOL

    Try looking on Pinterest or skinnytaste.com for interesting recipes to try. I am extremely lazy and I don't really like cooking that much so I I have a stash of Lean Cuisines in the freezer and some frozen vegetables to supplement them with for those days when I just want to make spaghetti or macaroni and cheese or some other high calorie food for the family that's just too many calories for my pole LOL.
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    Portion control! Got it. Do you recommend a scale, eyeing your portions or another way of measuring? I wanna do this right this time! I do own a treadmill that I should really be putting to more use.
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Seska422 those are good tips also! I can’t expect miracles over night!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I most definitely recommend using a scale and weighing your food! And also verified database entries. My kitchen scale is one of my favorite Tools in my kitchen next to my instant pot in my crock pot. I could not do this without my scale. I even weigh candy. LOL

    I do not eyeball anything and it actually gives me anxiety when I go to eat out at a restaurant and I don't really know how much food is on the plate. LOL
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @wizzybeth so true! I doubt he would notice! However- in all honesty he needs and wants to GAIN! So this is why it’s such a difficult situation. He’s just a naturally thin man with a high metabolism... lucky! (Although, I suppose we all have our struggles) I may just have to moderate meals to accommodate us both. Thanks for the tips!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited February 2018
    Well let your husband gain then by adding snacks and other things like that. He can survive having lean meals LOL.

    I remember the first time I was trying to lose weight, my husband (who also really had very little extra weight on him) decided he needed to lose a few pounds. So all he did at that time was simply cut back on the amount of chips and dip he ate at night. Nope he did not cut them out completely ...all he did was cut back and in no time he dropped 10 lb. That was very difficult for me to accept LOL.
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @malibu927 and @wizzybeth - forgive me if this is a stupid question... how do you know which foods should weigh what?! Like for instance chicken... how do you know what said meal should weigh? Is there some sort of guide for things like this that I should spend time reading/printing out for myself! Also, do you have a scale you recommend? I’m sure I can find one on amazon or anywhere really but I figured I’d ask if one is better than another? Thanks!
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @anvilhead this sounds realistic and all too true. Thank you for the advice !
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    He was a typical serving size as a basic guideline. Usually meet servings are 3 to 4 oz per serving. But if your chicken breast weighs 4 and 1/2 ounces go ahead and log it just adjust for the serving size when you put it into mfp.

    I use the serving sizes on a package as a basic guideline but I don't necessarily stick to it. I just make sure I log it. For example of a serving size of whole grain Total cereal is 30 grams. I like to crumple it up and sprinkle it on top of my yogurt. But I don't do a whole serving I just do 15 grams and I log it as 1/2 of a serving.
  • StevefromMichigan
    StevefromMichigan Posts: 462 Member
    The Pepsi will be though. Have you tried the Pepsi zero? I don't drink Pepsi, but my wife does, and she likes the Pepsi zero.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    He was a typical serving size as a basic guideline. Usually meet servings are 3 to 4 oz per serving. But if your chicken breast weighs 4 and 1/2 ounces go ahead and log it just adjust for the serving size when you put it into mfp.

    I use the serving sizes on a package as a basic guideline but I don't necessarily stick to it. I just make sure I log it. For example of a serving size of whole grain Total cereal is 30 grams. I like to crumple it up and sprinkle it on top of my yogurt. But I don't do a whole serving I just do 15 grams and I log it as 1/2 of a serving.

    What she said. As for scales, any digital one is good as long as it can go between grams/ounces and includes a tare button. Mine came from Amazon for much cheaper than anywhere else.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited February 2018
    Yes cutting out soda is the most difficult part. I was really a fiend for dr. pepper. I sometimes drink 3 20 oz bottles a day. What I do now is I flavor my water with low-calorie flavor packet. I don't even miss soda anymore and if I find myself wanting a fizzy drink I actually enjoy club soda with a wedge of lemon. That took a while to get used to but now I really enjoy it and have it when I go out while the rest of the family has soda.

    You can have soda if you want though. You don't have to cut it out completely. I choose not to drink it because I choose not to drink my calories unless they are alcoholic LOL. My love for wine supersedes my love for Dr Pepper. So sorry the good doctor is out. LOL

    As to a kitchen scale, any digital scale will do. I recommend having one with a wide platform so you can put large mixing bowls on it when you're making complete recipes. Mine takes up to 15 pounds has a wide platform and a large display so that I can see it easily. Most scales will allow you to toggle between English and Metric weights. And also have a tare feature so that you can put your bowl or plate on the platform and zero it out.
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @kazgorat1 I have not tried Pepsi zero... I suppose it’s worth a shot ! I can usually cut it down to one a day and then eventually I can go a couple weeks without it and then BAM... relapse and I’m back to it. It’s a never ending cycle. Lol
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Sorry if some of my messages look weird voice to text doesn't always translate well LOL
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @wizzybeth and @malibu927 very helpful! Thanks so much!