The Diamond Challenge: Week 4 (Little Diamonds)

Good Morning Diamonds!

Since some of you are anxious to get started with the QOTD, I am starting this forum post before posting the results.

yacekl asks:
I have the QOTD for monday august 8 and I'm posting now so you all have it early tomorrow.

QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

I have a few my favorite type of movie is romance and comedy, so therfore I like the Wedding Planner, pride and prejudice the one with kerriah knightly and the modern version. How to lose a guy in 10 days. Just love those happy endings. to all you diamonds have a great Monday:)


  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I'm going to answer this while I have the opportunity...getting busy at work so need to reduce the amount of time I check MFP during the day:

    I love audiobooks (not a big fan of sappy romance novels...LOL)

    As far as movies...I like quite a few different types, but horror would be at the top of the list. Here are a few of my favorite movies:

    - The Notebook
    - All the Twilight movies (TEAM EDWARD ALL THE WAY!)
    - Ten Things I Hate About You
    - Pirates of the Caribbean
    - Harry Potter

    I can watch some movies over and over and over...LOL
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I'm also going to reply early since I'm not sure what my schedule's like tomorrow. I prefer a good book to a movie, and read a lot of science fiction and fantasy. My favourite books are The Kingkiller Chronicles, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and Ender's Game.

    It's tough to choose favourites, but the movies I can watch over and over are Shawshank Redemption, Almost Famous, and the Princess Bride. I also really like Star Wars (OT) and LOTR.
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Good Morning Diamonds!

    Since some of you are anxious to get started with the QOTD, I am starting this forum post before posting the results.

    yacekl asks:
    I have the QOTD for monday august 8 and I'm posting now so you all have it early tomorrow.

    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational

    I like books like the Stookie Stackhouse series and the House of Night Series. Also books by Gena Showalter. Anything of that nature. I have a few favorite movies. One movie is an old one called Tuff Turf.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    Happy Monday My Shining Diamonds!

    Although many of you struggled this week, some of you kicked some Diamond butt... and you should all be very proud of your losses! (Besides, coming off of two big weeks of losses it was to be anticipated that we would slow down a bit.)

    This week the Black Diamonds lost 9.2 pounds, the Red Diamonds lost 3 pounds, and the White Diamonds lost 12.4 pounds. That's right, the White Diamonds swept! Great job you hard working ladies! As a team we lost 24.6 pounds! Go LD's!

    ...and our Individual Biggest Losers ARE:

    Brandie did it again! Great job Brandie on your 2 pound loss for the Black Diamonds!
    Lora did it for the White Diamonds with a 5 pound loss! WOW!
    Kimberly and Jessica tied with a 1 pound loss each for the Red Diamonds! Great job ladies!

    Great job ladies!

    Of course, we celebrate EVERY loss here! So, a big applause to the following ladies:

    Amanda 2.2
    Angie 0.8
    barbara 1.4
    Brandie 2
    Christi 2.8
    Jessica 1
    Kelley 0.5
    Kelley 0.5
    Kimberly 1
    Krystal 0.8
    Laura 2
    Lora 5
    Mandy 0.6
    nikki 1
    Toya 1.6
    Valerie 1.4

    This week's QOTD assignments:

    Tuesday: Sarah
    Wednesday: Toya
    Thursday: Christi
    Friday: Michelle
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning Diamonds!

    Since some of you are anxious to get started with the QOTD, I am starting this forum post before posting the results.

    yacekl asks:
    I have the QOTD for monday august 8 and I'm posting now so you all have it early tomorrow.

    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I have a few my favorite type of movie is romance and comedy, so therfore I like the Wedding Planner, pride and prejudice the one with kerriah knightly and the modern version. How to lose a guy in 10 days. Just love those happy endings. to all you diamonds have a great Monday:)

    I prefer reading fiction over watching movies. Some of my favorite authors are Jodi Picoult, James Patterson, Lauren Weisberger, John Grisham, and Danielle Steel. Some of my favorite books are "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett and "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" trilogy by Stieg Larsson.

    Movies that I could watch over and over again - "Pretty Woman," "First Wives Club," "Sex and the City" (the first one), "Office Space," and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." As you can see, I usually prefer "chick flicks."
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?
    I like all kinds of movies lol my favorites are I am Sam, Letters to God, My Sister's Keeper. I also love horror movies and romance comedy and comedy.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    My favorite genre is science-fiction. It doesn't matter whether it's a book (I love to read) or a movie, I just love sci-fi. I guess I like that it just gives you something different to think about. My second favorite genre is romantic comedy. I don't read romance novels, but I love a good chick flick. My favorite all-time book is 1984 by George Orwell. All-time favorite movies are The Matrix and Walk the Line (which I would argue is a romance). Great QOTD today!
    I'm excited about tying for the biggest Red Diamond loss this week. I had a big dinner Thursday night (lots of sodium), so I weighed myself Saturday figuring I had actually lost a little more than what I reported. I was down another 1.2 :D. It seems I am over my little plateau.
    Great job ladies!!! Let's keep shining!!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type?

    As far as movies, I love fantasy. Anything along the lines of Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. My favorite actor is Alan Rickman so any movie with him is a favorite... :) Also, comedies. I love to laugh!

    As books go, I love to read. I just got a kindle to support my habit! I like what I call "beach reads", stuff like sex and the city or Chelsea Handler novels....the "woman on the loose" kind I guess... but I will read anything. My favorite book is The Bell Jar, about a woman's struggle with depression. I'm reading a book now about a girl who tastes emotions in food. I'm about to start reading some classics, which I'm excited about!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    My favourite movie is probably Silience of the Lambs... an oldie but a goodie. I love most films with Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in them.

    Book wise I like true stories so usually some autobiography or diaster story!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I love tear jerkers and side splitters. Romance comedies, inspirationals, and just plain comedies.
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    just tagging hello little diamonds liking alll your posts:)
  • thebutteredtoast
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    The LOTR series has to be my favorite series. I read anything and everything though.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I love dramas, romantic comedies, anything that has an interesting storyline except horror movies. I can't watch horrors at all. One of my favorite movies is Love and Basketball. As far as books, I like books with a lot of drama or books about relationships.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning Diamonds! We all did a great job last week! Congrats to each of you!
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I love to read! My favorite authors are Danielle Steel, John Grisham, Donna Leon and Sophie Kinsella. I also enjoyed reading the Twilight Saga and Harry Potter. Besides that I also like to read about true stories (biographies or autobiographies), for example the books from Choga Regina Egbeme or Waris Dirie. I'll have two weeks off work, starting the next weekend and I plan to read the Millenium Trilogy from Stieg Larsson.

    My favorite movies are romatic comedies, thrillers and animation movies (e.g. cars, the smurfs,...). I also like to watch Harry Potter, Twilight and action movies. I also like all the "chick flicks".
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I have the QOTD for monday august 8 and I'm posting now so you all have it early tomorrow.

    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I have a few my favorite type of movie is romance and comedy, so therfore I like the Wedding Planner, pride and prejudice the one with kerriah knightly and the modern version. How to lose a guy in 10 days. Just love those happy endings. to all you diamonds have a great Monday:)

    My favorite book is called A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid. It's a quick read and incredibly provocative. It tells a story of the people of Antigua. I highly recommend it for a short but dynamic read.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Good Morning Diamonds!

    Since some of you are anxious to get started with the QOTD, I am starting this forum post before posting the results.

    yacekl asks:
    I have the QOTD for monday august 8 and I'm posting now so you all have it early tomorrow.

    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?


    My favorite books are The House of Night series, The Alpha Academy Series, The Clique Series. I like a little romance, action, drama.. Depends on my mood. But, I seriously dislike urban drama books...
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD: What is your favorite movie or book if your the reading type? Do you prefer romance comedy , thriller, horror, insprirational ect...?

    I honestly don't know....Movies wise, I like musicals, action movies, romance.....anything except horror and just plain stupid movies. Book wise....hmmmm...I used to like true crime novels.

    I honestly haven't watched many movies or read many books lately - I really need to do so!

    BTW, sorry I haven't posted much - work has been extra busy since returning from holidays! Ugg! Stressed!!!!!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Okay, I'm not sure who is responsible for today's QOTD, but since we don't have one yet I will post one...hope no one minds :happy:

    Since you have started using MFP...what are some new exercises or group fitness classes you have tried? Did you like them? Would you recommend them to your friends and fellow Little Diamonds?

    For me...I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and would definitely recommend it :bigsmile: ! I hope to do it again in the near future.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Since you have started using MFP...what are some new exercises or group fitness classes you have tried? Did you like them? Would you recommend them to your friends and fellow Little Diamonds?

    Alright, I admit it... I loathe exercise. That's right, loathe. I workout every day, but I have yet to find anything I really truly enjoy. So far, I have done/am doing: c210k, JM's 30DS, Wii Zumba, Just Dance 2, 10min solutions Hip Hop Abs, a variety of Netflix videos, and (free online exercise videos!). My "favorites" (if you could really call them that, lol) are c210k, Just Dance 2, and 30DS is good too if you like to be punished, lol. When school starts back next week, I'm going to look into the workout program my district offers. If that doesn't work, I guess I'll just keep looking. :grumble:
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Okay, I'm not sure who is responsible for today's QOTD, but since we don't have one yet I will post one...hope no one minds :happy:

    Since you have started using MFP...what are some new exercises or group fitness classes you have tried? Did you like them? Would you recommend them to your friends and fellow Little Diamonds?

    Every DVD I have used is new. The most recent one is Zumba. I would recommend all the DVDs that I use.