Have you ever been made fun of because of your weight?



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My stepdaughter called me an obese *sshole.
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    Ha Yeah. When I was younger I would watch wrestling. You know Stone Cold Steve Austin? Well I was called "Stone Fat" lol
  • dancer4275
    dancer4275 Posts: 149
    YES! That is one of the many things that triggered my eating disorders...
    I'm a dancer, pursuing a professional career. In dance, specifically ballet, the body is extremely important. There's always been a standard for what it has to look like. I am 5'7/8" around 130 lbs. I have more of a musculary body type because I was heavily involved in gymnastics and swimming when I was younger. I'm contantly made fun of and ridiculed because I'm the heaviest one in my class.
    She tells me I look fat, I look like a cow, my legs weigh 700lbs., my butt is huge, that I should try vomiting, and that the other students look so much better than me...
    I deal with it every day and it's SO hard.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yes, it is the most soul destroying and confidence shattering thing in the world.

    But now I have clawed that self confidence back I take solace in the fact that I can lose weight, but they will always be shallow and ugly on the inside. Your figure and looks may not last forever and if they are so insecure they need to make fun of someone's appearance, they will end up having a harder time than me when that day comes.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I was always picked on at school because of it, even in the street a few months back someone walked up to me and right in my face when I was on the phone said very loudly to her friend 'ewwwwww are my thighs as fat as hers'

    That is so rude!!!! I'm not a violent person, but I'd have to hurt somebody. I don't understand while people have to be so. I'm so sorry you experienced that.

    I think if I wasn't on my phone I would have beat the crap out of her, issue is I was on my own and she had friends with her so if I had started I would have probally come off worse.

    Funny thing is I saw the same girl selling big issues a few days later so you know Karma and all that. At least I am a nice person on the inside and I can get slimmer, she will always be ugly on the inside.
  • Ayvane1
    Ayvane1 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, A lot!! it bothers me but i laugh to shake it off, the worst part is when they tap my tummy.. :( makes it even worse..
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    Yup, when I was a kid. Growing up my house wasn't all about the fried food or anything like that...but it seems like I didn't learn about eating healthy until 4ish years ago. When I was younger I had A LOT of body issues. Also, I hated to exercise and be in gym class because I used to get made fun hardcore because of how red my face would become. I'm Irish and I blush & flush easily so I subconciously avoided physical activity because I was afraid of people staring. All of this contributed to where I am today lol.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I gained about 30 lbs these past couple years due to my anxiety medication. I switched meds but the weight stayed on.
    I have lost 5 of it and am staying in track.
    But my family and parents still make me feel bad about it. They constantly criticize my body and weight. They say things like "Well if you keep eating like you do and never get off the couch what do you think is going to happen?"
    I don't eat poorly at all and I work out 6 days a week. They always just make me feel like crap about myself.

    Have you ever been put down because of your extra pounds?

    Yeah I get the whole family thing.. I was never made fun of in school for being fat well because I wasn't lol but when I got home I was the biggest one in the house so I got funny nicknames as a child like "Roly poly" and when my brothers & sisters grabbed for junk food and soda they'd always be like "umm do you really need that?" and make me feel bad. I didn't understand why we ate the same generally and I just kept gaining. My mother and I have the same body frame where we look chunky so she was scared I would turn out overweight like her so she'd criticize me all the time. My sister is tall and a little skinnier than I was. She didn't have to care much about diet and fitness to keep her figure and would say things all the time to make me feel like complete *kitten*, and everyone would compare me to her. Serves her right.. I can start to see my six pack and she's still trying to figure out how to lose her last 10 lbs. lol.

    I'd say ignore it.. you can't beat it. They're insecure about something so they're trying to use you as their way to vent about themselves. Remember.. misery loves company. But if you look past it and aren't miserable, you've beat it.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    two stand out:
    I was riding my bike through my neighborhood and three teen aged boys yelled, "oink, oink, oink" at me.

    The other was at church, I was congratulated on being pregnant when I wasn't.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Yup! Nothing like being the fat kid in middle school to irreversibly damage ones self esteem >.>
  • michaelynj
    Yep, when i was 9, my grandmother made fun of me because I couldn't wear kids sizes and brought a 3x sweat suit just to harden the blow. I sat in a chair and broke it one time. 4 Years ago when I went to the state fair, I couldn't get on one of the rides b/c I exceeded the weight limit. Back then, I was depressed and don't even bother leaving the apartment except for school and work. When i dropped 38 pounds my self esteem went up a few points and since then I learn how love myself a bit more. It hurts when people make fun of you, but it hurts worse when your own family members make fun of you:mad:
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ive been the "chubby girl" WITH GLASSES since elementary school, needless to say kids are viciouse and I was terrorized. I still have residual self-esteem issues. My current asked to see a picture of my son's Sperm Donor and then while in my pictures he saw one of my other exes and asked "Why did you constantly date out of shape and not the greatest looking guys?" (Note: He is a gym addict, with OMG muscles) and I told him because guys like him weren't interested in me, so I dated the ones who were, guys like him were out of my league until now. Then he off-handedly commented that my sister was more of the type he dated in HS. Needless to say I was as confident that day. Ive always been compared to my nice petite perfect sister
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Most definitely, all during my school years. Tortured as a child! Ruined my self-esteem for life. I was called 'hamhock' by one of the boys in my homeroom. Yeah...first thing every morning... I don't still see myself as fat, though, but my self-esteem never recovered.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    It was daily when I was in school. Even my "friends" would throw food at me just to "make sure I had enough to eat."
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    Yes. I have been asked numerous times if I am pregnant over the past years. I have been called "wide load" before. I also get comments from people about what I'm eating. I made the mistake of telling a group of friends that I wanted to diet so every morsel they see me eat is questioned. I'm often asked now what I'm eating. That I blame myself for since I made it a deal that I was dieting. The other day while I was wearing pink a woman told me I looked like a fat bottle of pepto bismol. So, yes...I know exactly how you feel.

    Woah, now I've had my fair share of fat insults thrown at me but what kind of people are you surrounded by?!?
  • hnodine
    hnodine Posts: 28 Member
    Yes! While I wasn't made fun of a lot at school, I still was. A lot of me being made fun of happens now-a-days, surprisingly. It is mainly done by strangers.

    EXAMPLE 1: Guy in front of me when I was buying clothes asked me what size my shirt was (that was on top) and it was either a large or x-large. He looked at me and said, "You probably need a bigger size."

    EXAMPLE 2: Volunteered myself to get a soda for a customer of mine, which the machine was across our hospital. She, being 3 times my size, said to me "Thank you, you look like you need the exercise."

    EXAMPLE 3: I was in a buffet line at a company function that I was working at. A skinny was in front of me approached the roast beef area and the server asked him how many pieces he would like. He said one and walked on. I got to her and she said, "You look like you could eat two."

    Thank you strangers...way to boost my confidence.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    All these posts break my heart........I can't believe people can be SO CRUEL!

    I had people call me names when i was in school but now days they just make fun of all the other "fat people" in front of me. I get sick of hearing it so the other day I said "you DO realize that they are MY size right?".......seems the comments have decreased quite significantly since then! HA!
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    Yes! While I wasn't made fun of a lot at school, I still was. A lot of me being made fun of happens now-a-days, surprisingly. It is mainly done by strangers.

    EXAMPLE 1: Guy in front of me when I was buying clothes asked me what size my shirt was (that was on top) and it was either a large or x-large. He looked at me and said, "You probably need a bigger size."

    EXAMPLE 2: Volunteered myself to get a soda for a customer of mine, which the machine was across our hospital. She, being 3 times my size, said to me "Thank you, you look like you need the exercise."

    EXAMPLE 3: I was in a buffet line at a company function that I was working at. A skinny was in front of me approached the roast beef area and the server asked him how many pieces he would like. He said one and walked on. I got to her and she said, "You look like you could eat two."

    Thank you strangers...way to boost my confidence.

    These are terrible :(

    I guess the reason I got made fun of before and not now is because I think I give off a vibe that lets others know that if you can dish it out, better make sure you can take it haha. I am an extremely nice person to friends and strangers alike, but I also believe that rude people should be made an example of.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Reading all these stories really makes me sad. How can people be so disrespectful and just plain mean?!

    I was pretty average in school, so I didn't get made fun of for my weight. But I had extremely low self esteem and was self conscious about EVERYTHING. I've always felt uncomfortable in my own skin. And now that I actually am overweight, it's really hard thinking everyone is seeing every bit of flab on me. I can't imagine what it would have been like being overweight in school- kids are SO cruel. Some of them grow up, but other turn into mean adults. :( I remember always sticking up for the overweight kids in school- I just couldn't stand it- some were my friends and have MUCH better personalities than the 'popular', stuck-up kids.